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khorne cultilists help?

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I really want to go and make some khorne cultilists based on these bits of art, I thought mabye fire warriors bits for the giant pads and IG bits and greenstuff and chaos bits.


Thing is I have never done anything like this and I would love the help and advice on how about I should go and make these guys as they look awesome.

What should I use as base model?

What bitz should I use?

Where should I apply the green stuff?


I am a noob, but at the same time I have the patients and love modeling.













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Hmm, you're really jumping in at the deep end, aren't you? ;)


Seriously, though: It would be easier to answer your question if we had a bit more information about your modeling/converting preferences: Are you more of a sculptor, a kitbasher, or a scratchbuilder? Have you done any conversions at all so far (it sounds as if you don't)? Is money an issue? Is it a big issue? ;)


In the end, everything's possible, given the right amount of talent, money, perseverance, dedication or just plain madness (or, preferably, a combination of the above). That said, maybe these first ideas will get you started:


1.) Before you do anything else, you should take a look at Dave Taylor's posts detailing his own Blood Pact army. Yes, all of them. You'll thank me later ;) Dave's army is definitely one of the best Traitor Guard armies around, and it's reasonably close to what you want to achieve.


2.) Forgeworld's Vraksian Renegade militia stuff is amazing for that unkempt, slightly feral chaos look.


3.) Maxmini's Fallen Legionary heads. might be worth a look, although I personally find them to be a bit uneven from a design perspective: Some are excellent and some are looking a bit hokey.


4.) Depending on the look you're going for, either the cultists from Dark Vengeance and/or the Tempestus Scions could make for interesting base models.


5.) If you'll allow the sales pitch, maybe my own Traitor Guard can be helpful as an additional means of inspiration (although they may be slightly more barbaric than what you're after). Oh, and do check out this thread over at the Lost and the Damned part of the forum, that one should be really helpful as well!


Anyway, hope this helps! :)

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I kit bash like mad, never used green stuff, but im a fast learner. Id just rather do what I can with kit bashin. I thought fire warriors have a nice sort of armour and body size, replace there feet and everything and make them look all evil. I do think the tempest scions would make a nice base model tbh, but for 5 models at that price is a bit extortionate. But Money isnt a massive problem. Despite them being khorne I do want uniform feel going on, but with there own personal trophies scars, weapons and mabye different helmets and stuff. I think the biggests problem would be there heads tbh

I see Khornate Guard, not cultists.

Thanks for the name, but tbh I just want themed cultilists and for them to not look like mentally ill pirates haha

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Scions may not look that promising at first, but you really get quite a bit of conversion fodder out of that kit, plus they can be really nice chaos models if combined with a couple of external bitz:




The guy on the right is a scion, while the other guys use various scion bitz to some degree.


As for the other points, see my earlier post.



@ incinerator950: Huh. Don't you think that's a slightly fussy distinction, considering the fact that, from a rules perspective, Traitor Guard only exist in FW's Imperial Armour books at this point? If someone wants to use the CSM Codex, first and foremost, I think it would be totally fair to use Traitor Guard models to represent cultists -- just my two cents...

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Scions may not look that promising at first, but you really get quite a bit of conversion fodder out of that kit, plus they can be really nice chaos models if combined with a couple of external bitz:




The guy on the right is a scion, while the other guys use various scion bitz to some degree.


As for the other points, see my earlier post.



@ incinerator950: Huh. Don't you think that's a slightly fussy distinction, considering the fact that, from a rules perspective, Traitor Guard only exist in FW's Imperial Armour books at this point? If someone wants to use the CSM Codex, first and foremost, I think it would be totally fair to use Traitor Guard models to represent cultists -- just my two cents...

I really likenyour models, there painted really nice as well :)

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