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Power fists on sergeants?


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until he gets cut down at i10-2 by another character

A marine sergeant can't be expected to survive any challenge vs MEQ and up. Deny the challenge or have another character step in.

*sigh* As a chaos player, I sincerely wish I could...but we have to accept any challenge, no matter the odds. :(

As a Templar player I issue challenges no matter the odds, even when in my opponent's turn.


Using fists for anything other than fun comes down to keeping it away from better melee characters, like Templars with swords, and sticking his squad with a melta gun. Go hunt big game like mcs or tanks.

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I don't care for fists, but I've had no problem dropping 40 points for a Sword Brother with a pair of claws in my Crusader Squad. It may be a stupid waste of points to a competitive player, but it looks cool, and seriously that's all that matters. I also tend to look at it more as a squad upgrade then as an upgrade to the model itself. If I'm hurting for points then I'll go with a BP/PS, but I don't think I'd ever take him with just a CCW. With my embedded power weapon I will usually take an axe over the fist for the bonus attack or sometimes a sword because once again it looks cool. 

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Fists are still my favorite cc weapon. If I'm going to spend points on a weapon, I want it to kill things stone cold dead. STR 8 AP2. SQUISH. I usually avoid cc weapons on tactical sqauds, but I think they have a place in squads that will launch assaults, like bikes or jet packs. Fists are also viable on MEQ chapions/sergeants in units that have fnp T5 an invulnerable save or anything else that bumps their survivabilty.
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The problem with considering fists as a "squad upgrade" is that it really isn't, at the end of the day. Special and Heavy weapons can't be sucked into challenges.


Also, why waste 25 pts when a 5 pts meltabomb does essentialy the same thing?


Because I can't use a 5 pt meltabomb to kill a Space Marine.

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The problem with considering fists as a "squad upgrade" is that it really isn't, at the end of the day. Special and Heavy weapons can't be sucked into challenges.


Also, why waste 25 pts when a 5 pts meltabomb does essentialy the same thing?


Because I can't use a 5 pt meltabomb to kill a Space Marine.



25 pts is too expensive to kill a single Space Marine per combat phase.

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I take a few of them nowadays. Imho they are best to use against other Space Marine players. This is due to most SM players that i played equipped their all/most of their sarges with combi weapons, and most likely using Chapter Master on Bike with thunder hammer and shield eternal, while their libby is way in the back not coming at me. So i never fought a fight that i got gibbed before i hit them in challenge. Usually they worked out great :D.  Nobody takes champion too on their bike squad, so their Chapter Master had to take that challenge, or the apoth gonna takes it. Against Mega Nobz too (another unit that is taken quite alot here), they worked great.... or Tyranid Warriors.... since nobody equipped Warriors with melee weapons too over here.

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I take a few of them nowadays. Imho they are best to use against other Space Marine players. This is due to most SM players that i played equipped their all/most of their sarges with combi weapons, and most likely using Chapter Master on Bike with thunder hammer and shield eternal, while their libby is way in the back not coming at me. So i never fought a fight that i got gibbed before i hit them in challenge. Usually they worked out great biggrin.png. Nobody takes champion too on their bike squad, so their Chapter Master had to take that challenge, or the apoth gonna takes it. Against Mega Nobz too (another unit that is taken quite alot here), they worked great.... or Tyranid Warriors.... since nobody equipped Warriors with melee weapons too over here.

Just watch out for that crafty bastard who takes only power swords on his marine sergeants because "I'll beat other marines and people who try to take PFs".

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I believe what Andrew said a few posts above was spot on. It's the "rule of cool" sometimes that tips the scales. In this area, you can take a Power Fist and not have to worry about challenges. Not many people do it and, when they do, it's usually wrong.


Maybe just look at who you regularly play against and see if the Power Fist option is viable because, really, that weapon looks amazing.

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If you take a fist you could always spread out the unit in such a way as to keep the Sergeant out of a challenge on the first turn. Not guaranteed to work but with some clever placement you'll get out turn to use him, if the entire unit isn't butchered.

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I take a few of them nowadays. Imho they are best to use against other Space Marine players. This is due to most SM players that i played equipped their all/most of their sarges with combi weapons, and most likely using Chapter Master on Bike with thunder hammer and shield eternal, while their libby is way in the back not coming at me. So i never fought a fight that i got gibbed before i hit them in challenge. Usually they worked out great biggrin.png. Nobody takes champion too on their bike squad, so their Chapter Master had to take that challenge, or the apoth gonna takes it. Against Mega Nobz too (another unit that is taken quite alot here), they worked great.... or Tyranid Warriors.... since nobody equipped Warriors with melee weapons too over here.

Just watch out for that crafty bastard who takes only power swords on his marine sergeants because "I'll beat other marines and people who try to take PFs".

Is there any in your meta? I never saw one in my meta at least.

Edit: nvm.... i remembered it seeing all sarge with power swords just yesterday on Blood Angels.

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As a chaos player, I never take power fists because of challenges. Mind you,I modelled them with axes, so it's not much better. As long as my Plague Champions don't end up against HQ units they generally fair pretty well. FNP gives some comfort in that area to.
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I love to see powerfist sergeants across the table from me. I splattered one a week ago in a challenge with my dread (BA dead libby for the win). I only ever even think about a i1 weapon when its a squad that has a challenger ic made for it.
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