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Help me plan a Chaos Deamons/Space Marines Force.


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So, while deep down I'll always be an Imperial Fist and Slave / Resin-Crack-Addict to Forgeworld and the Horus Heresy Series, I still want to plan out other projects in the event that I get into a slump.


I've already got some Eldar (of both variety) on the side and while they could fulfill the role of a side project to give me a breath of Fresh Air, I'll always be a fan of Power Armor and Daemons are pretty awesome anyways. Also, having more than one back-up project will also serve as a way for me to have more creative outlets. Always a good thing, imo.


Alright, so, with all this said, I'm not looking to make a WAAC / 100% Efficient Uber-List. I'm going for theme first and foremost. So while I do have power gaming roots/potential (I've played WoW and Other Games in a hardcore capacity for way too damn long), its not a Priority for this. As I've already stated its to serve as a creative outlet more than anything.


Points limit is 2.5k / 3k.


Next, Chaos Gods. If I were to class them in terms of Preference, it would be Slaanesh/Khone > Nurgel > Tzeentch. However, if we were to talk about their god Specific Daemons, my Favorites are the OOP Daemonettes and the Forgeworld Greater Daemons. The rest I'm neutral on but I would prefer no non-greater Tzeentch Daemons.


Since we're on the topic of Models I don't want to include (mostly because I hate how they look), Soulgrinders/Defilers are a definite no, Obliterators/Mutilators, Possessed (Gal'Vorbak blow them out of the water), Noise Marines and Cultists / Renegades; I want power armor and daemons not filthy, weak and worthless mortals.


To help narrow down the Theme more, Emperors Children and Word Bearers are a No. I only - at best - appreciate their Unification Era and Great Crusade incarnations. More Specifically Pre-Lorgar Word Bearers. Legions that I prefer over others are Night Lords, World Eaters and Alpha Legion. The rest are neutral.


I'm mostly asking since I don't know ANYTHING about CSM and Daemons in 40k. The breadth of my knowledge is deepest in FW:HH 30k and 40k Vanilla Space Marines.


Don't be afraid to suggest Forgeworld units / Models if you have any knowledge of them. As you can tell, I'm not averse to giving them my money.

I have no real preference in play style either but summoning is a no-no, though, and me being a GC/HH Imperial Fist (more so than 40k) should also give you an idea about what I may prefer. I also LOVE Dreadnoughts, mainly Contemptors and Terminators.


Props to anyone who gets through this wall of text and thanks for any help/comments/whatever!

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How about combining the two?


Create a Crimson Slaughter warband made up entirely of anything with the Demon special rule, such as Possessed, Warp Talons, Obliterators, Multilators, and Demonically possessed vehicles. For modelling opportunities, mix up differently marked warriors and build them by combining parts from the demon kits in with standard Chaos Space Marines.

Leaves you a little short on shooting overall, but a low model count will help keep the costs of the project down.

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My advice would be to make a nice World Eaters army. With the new Imperial Armour you can make a nice and relatively competitive list with the following:


Khârn + 9 Berzerkers in a Dreaclaw (nice World Eaters FW kit and the Dreadclaw model)


JuggyLord with Axe of Blind Fury and some Spawn


Mayhem Pack: 3x Helbrutes/Dreadnoughts


And the rest you can fill with Hounds of Khorne (superb), Bloodletters for some fun, some Rhinos with more CSM or add even a great Sicaran for fire support. If you love the resin crack of FW the World Eaters are a great project I dare say. Not only the HH models are great but with so many WE kits form FW and a relatively easy game mechanic (drop in, enter melee, profit) it is indeed an easy army to build and play. 


My advice would be to combine the elements you like, add some FW models here and there and overall just use lots of PA Berzerkes, Havocs and the like combined with daemons like Flesh Hounds, Heralds of Khorne, Bloodletters and so on. It is easy to paint too since you simply basecoat everything with Mephiston Red and then build up with some Brass and the red wash color. Also if you pack HH models the army will be great looking and perfectly thematic. 


+ Blood for the Blood God!

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Thanks for the advice! Helps a lot however:


Going World Eaters was definitely an option I considered before making this post but the more I though about it, the more I felt like it was missing something. The list also feels kinda one dimensional to me. I may have to buy the Books and go through them but there are quite a few of them : C:CSM, C:CD, BL, CS and IA13:LatD.


I also have a Plan for HH era World Eaters force so that knocks the idea of a World Eaters army down a slight peg :p


That said, I kinda wanted to have Greater Daemons / Daemon Princes as leaders of the bunch with a Single Chaos Lord which could be a Sorcerer if I was sufficiently convinced.

I've been giving this some more thought and while I do love Land Raiders I already have my Imperial Fists army that makes use of 3 (Spartan, Achilles, Phobos) So they're not high on my priority list of things to include, sadly.


I am a fan of Dreadclaws / Kharybdis, if I were to include them, however, I wouldn't just have one of them (this is going to be a recurring theme :p). As for Dreadnoughts enticing as it is, I may not run the Mayhem Pack since Contemptors kick the stuffing out of Hellbrutes for me any day of the week. If I could use Contemptors as is (instead of counts-as) for Mayhem Pack, then yeah, I'd do it that way :p


I also should have mentioned that I wanted to absolutely include Warp Talons and Raptors since their new models (minus the jump packs) are stellar. If I could buy the Chaos Chosen from DV but not be limited by their armament, I'd do that too.


Also, for me, its vehicles like the Fire Raptor over units like Iron Havocs all the time. They just feel better than 5-10 marines with heavy weapons.


Guess I should have mentioned that I was also looking for a Core Idea (like you've done, Tenebris) and a decently detailed breakdown of units I should consider including into the final list and how/why they fit the theme. Like, the core you listed is VERY Khorne but what other kinds of Cores could you build that is also Khornate is feel but doesn't include the choices you've mentioned?

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I also should have mentioned that I wanted to absolutely include Warp Talons and Raptors since their new models (minus the jump packs) are stellar.


If nothing else you can use most of the bits to make intimidating looking Chosen yourself. But Raptors are cool as they come. Boo Bikes, Go Raptors!


If you like Daemons mixed with Chaos Marines full on Chaos Word Bearers are always a good option. I used to play them very Khorne-centric back in the days. Bloodthirster, Bloodletters, Berzerkers and all supported by Possessed, Chosen and a Daemon Prince.


Also since you like the Gal-Vorbak (duh) you can use them as Obliterators or Mutilators (eh). They are too big to stand in for Possessed imho.

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I also should have mentioned that I wanted to absolutely include Warp Talons and Raptors since their new models (minus the jump packs) are stellar.


If nothing else you can use most of the bits to make intimidating looking Chosen yourself. But Raptors are cool as they come. Boo Bikes, Go Raptors!


If you like Daemons mixed with Chaos Marines full on Chaos Word Bearers are always a good option. I used to play them very Khorne-centric back in the days. Bloodthirster, Bloodletters, Berzerkers and all supported by Possessed, Chosen and a Daemon Prince.


Also since you like the Gal-Vorbak (duh) you can use them as Obliterators or Mutilators (eh). They are too big to stand in for Possessed imho.


Sadly and quite Weirdly, Word Bearers hold zero interest for me. I do not like them at all except for their pre-Lorgar form as the Imperial Heralds. Anything after that and I'd rather play Tau than WB.


Nothing against anyone who does like them. They're just not my cup of tea :p

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The idea I posted earlier and a thread on the least popular Chaos God got me thinking about how I'd put it into play, as a Tzeentchian demon force. If everyone has a MoT you're looking at 4++ saves all round qnd with a lucky roll on demonology that goes to 3++.


HQ - Sorcerer with Prohpet of the Voices on a Disk of Tzeentch

Troops - Squads of Possessed in demonically possesed Rhinos,

Thousand Son squad for a little ranged support

Fast Attack - Warp Talon squad to bodyguard the sorcerer (since jump packs and jetbike has very similar movement rules), and another to help support in melee.

Heavy - Obliterators, demonically possessed Vindicators and Predators


Roll psychic powers on the Maelfic demonology list, since the sorcerer is now a demon less downsides and hope to get a squad or two of Flamers into play.


Larger forces can pick up a Demon Prince and Heldrakes for more options.

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Thanks, this is the type of thing I was kinda looking for!


And I like it a lot. Now to make my wallet weep as I only use Gal'Vorbak as Possessed (cuz everything else looks bad in comparison) and Centurions instead of Obliterators Proper :P


Still would like to have options for a Slaanesh and Nurgle Mono-God list as well as an Undivided or God Mixed one. Having more choices in Never bad!

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