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Hi guys !

Some news tonight, MORE paint :)

I've started to paint the "hull", still very wip but i've tried a marble effect on the arches.


And, a few progress on one of the ground team guards...

Mixing the stormcast kit with space marines parts is quite effective if you want to give your marines a 'knight' look :)


  • 2 weeks later...

If it has to be one of the three heads, I'd say #2. #1 is excellent, but looks to much like a Tech-Priest and not enough like an Astartes. And #3 is just terrible.


But frankly, I'd suggest an altogether different head: One of the bare Centurion heads would be cool, especially the one with the bionic eye. Or maybe the partially organic head from the AdMech-Datasmith?


In any case, fantastic work! Have you ever considered posting this on the Ammobunker's INQ28 forum as well? The guy's over there would go crazy about this project!

not a fan of 2 as looks to servitor like, head one seems a little off like it sites to high but a touch of trimming could fix that. Unlike Kraut I really quite like no.3 but it's very space wolfish so possible not right. 

Something like this ? still basic work, it needs to be cleaned up and resculpt a bit of the beard and some skin... but here is the global idea... med_gallery_69633_10147_284765.jpg

What do you think ? i'm still open to other propositions ...

Considering you made a servitor head out of the Space wolf, Im going out on a limb to say it was your initial thought to go with beard face. I feel beard face doesn't fit the aesthetic or mood of the model. It would be out of place.


I don't dislike beards, I have one.


Go with head 2.

Leaving the head on the side for a moment... i've been starting to paint the techmarine !

First some airbrush to get a smooth red base ( black base, then brow and finally blood red ) :


First leviathan purple wash :


Then, airbrushin a 50/50 mix of yriel yellow and blood red :


And the second leviathan purple wash :


The red base is done so ... details ! all in black then some contrasting colors ! :

( i like the idea of having some parts yellow, it looks a bit like working tools :p )


More very soon :)


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