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Here's to hope!


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I don't know about you guys, but now I feel like we have a chance at a good army.  The Tyranids (my other army) got a HUGE boost.  Those boxes have rules and all sorts of stuff.  The release was HUGE.

After using the black legion rules, I made a much more interesting Emperor's Children force that our codex ever could.  Now, GW has shown that they will release army altering kits in between codex releases.

Now, I have faith that they can release some legion books with proper wargear.  They can put Chaos Armor in the armory, they can add legion specific demon weapons again (I hate having that dumb axe and that weak sword as my only Slaanesh options), Chain Axes can come back, plague knives, combat drugs, lots of fun stuff.

Keep your fingers crossed, we may have fun again before 8th edition!

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Hope leads to disappointment. Believe in what you have currently and then any new additions will be welcomed rather than expected but never to the expectations of what you wanted. That way leads to Slaanesh. But I see you are already there. She has so much to show you :tu:
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Cultic terminators/Hq's, warmachines and units for gods other then Nurgle or Khorne (please, can we have at least two years with no nurgle releases please?) alternitve/better oxes of cultists (I want to not have to buy 2 boxes for a minimum squad), maybe SC for non cult or black legion, Say hero plus dataslate?

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Hoping that the Dark Vengence expansion boxes lead to a new Codex around Christmas time. Personally I'd like to see either a plastic cultist set, plastic Havocs or some better Chosen models (heck with the model options, maybe Havocs and Chosen could be in the same set?)

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Sincerely I think that at this moment, with IA 13, Chaos is well set, we have new toys and new options, this could last for another year I say. The new kits with the rules in box (free on BL site) are a good thing in my book, but before GW moves on the exotics of our faction I would love to see the standard kits updated, our vehicles, our heroes, our troops and so on. This is a must, for the CSM really need a new and fresh look more than new and fresh rules ATM. 


Done that my hope is for the cult kits with both terminator and regular marine parts, upgrade kits rather then full kits. Following that they are free to do whatever they like as long as they move onto the more mutated and wicked aesthetics then the dinobot one. I say there is a reason why the nude metal daemonettes cost so much nowadays on ebay, a more "mature" hence wicked Chaos should be the norm and I would love to see GW abstain from more cartoonish models aka ... ho ho ho merry Wolftime type models. 

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Hope is the first set down the road to disappointment. 


Now, While nids got an ok boost(pod and doom back is nice), but the monster will never hit the table.  For chaos we are OK.  We have gotten FW support with IA 13 which has some awesome and useful gems.  We have Daemons which even with nerf to flying in 7th, are still good.  Finally CSM is one of the better assault army. 


We may get new models, but that's unlikely. 

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I know I am not playing this army ever again, unless some books come out to plug holes LOL!!  Got to have hope, as if not, I have 30 years worth of models crossing 7 editions, worth 25K points on the table, that will collect dust.

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I haven't played my CSM in 7th yet, but since the release of IA 13 I feel more inclined to make plans for scratch builds and conversions (my favorite part of the hobby and the main reason I play CSM.)


I do like that they have moved from their previous release model and are trying something different. I like to think that CSM will get something new and cool in a campaign set or a mini-release.


The flexibility of what they are doing right now and the possibilities it opens up are exciting, I agree.

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She has so much to show you thumbsup.gif

No thanks, I've already seen that film.

If you want change, you need to start collecting a Tzeentchian force.

Thats what I tried, sadly my codex has not mutated to give me even half the options the loyalists get...

Well, the CSM codex has infinitely more units than can be marked by Tzeentch than the loyalist codex.

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Well, the CSM codex has infinitely more units than can be marked by Tzeentch than the loyalist codex.


MoTz is defined as +1 to invul saves. Compared to Rubrics, loyalist Legion of the Damned have +1 invul save. Compared to CSM characters, loyalist generally have access to better invul saves (and psychic powers, if you come from a fluff perspective).


Ergo Codex: CSM has less units marked by Tzeentch than the loyalist codex. 

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Yeah, but GK make a very nice and fluffy 1ksons army. Divination, check, Buffind dudes, check. Super magic. here is ye D template sir,check. Dakka for the dakka god. SB on evey dude.


But on the other hand today it is closer to were good 1ksons look a likes. While NDKS can be modeled as cool looking war engins[stealing the necron sphinx from the khemir list or modeling them as librarian super spirts], it is hard to explain why the list runs only terminators , tigurius[the estrange ahriman ??] scouts[spyre guard??] and centurions[spyre guard sentinals].

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Well, the CSM codex has infinitely more units than can be marked by Tzeentch than the loyalist codex.


MoTz is defined as +1 to invul saves. Compared to Rubrics, loyalist Legion of the Damned have +1 invul save. Compared to CSM characters, loyalist generally have access to better invul saves (and psychic powers, if you come from a fluff perspective).


Ergo Codex: CSM has less units marked by Tzeentch than the loyalist codex.


No. A MoTz is defined by having the option to select the MoTz in your unit entry, of which many can in the chaos codex, and none can in the marine codex.


Your argument that everything with a better invun, or better psychic powers is marked by Tzeentch is redcutio ad absurdum.

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Chaos is that hot chick I always wanted to get with in High School. All fancy pants on the outside, and full of promise with the sublte, but ALWAYS present hint at scoring a homerun.


At first I was all over IA13, but then I thought if we're talking purely competitive here, basically we're looking at cherry picking IA13 and then adding knights, orks, necrons and something else completely ridiculous. Perhaps a Nurgle DP so it's a "Chaos army".


I was really looking forward to IA13 as said, however, I'm not going to shell out all that money for the book, then find 2 of those new drop pods just so I can feel relevant in my gaming group. 


Thankfully unless we plan for it ahead of time, 90% of our games are Battle Forged, and Maelstrom. But if GW really wanted to address the issues at hand... ANY issues for that matter, they could have included improved rulecards in the Dark Vengeance box sets (for both DA and Chaos). 


IMO Forgeworld should supplement our codex, not make it compete. The fixing should be in these box units every couple of months, not years between codexes.


Nids needed a lot. They got a lot. Formation wise, and codex wise they actually got a lot... with these expansions it's a big deal for them. I have 3 buddies who play them who are salivating at this stuff. Guys, we are already 2 Supplements in and an an expansion box released this week... the total changes for us as a result is zero.


Sorry to be Debbie Downer as I'm always trying hard to find angles for Chaos, but in this case I have to say that until a pile of new boxes have to be sold, Chaos isn't getting much. 


In my opinion the perfect example of this is the fairweather Helbrute. They kept the madness rolls, and the unit is lackluster. You see one in every tournament and often they were at what we call 'The kids table'. Sorry... but that's what we call it.


Then what happened? GW did a full on (and  quite beautiful I might add) kit and needed to sell it. What happened to sell that kit? 3 new formations to make it function... I'm not talking about "Sky Blight" function, I'm talking about 'Yea I might buy this because it looks cool and doesn't totally suck anymore' function.


^This is makes me think this way. I don't like it... I don't like posting it, but if you tell me there is 'A light at the end of the tunnel', I'm going to tell you it's another train.

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In my opinion the perfect example of this is the fairweather Helbrute. They kept the madness rolls, and the unit is lackluster. You see one in every tournament and often they were at what we call 'The kids table'. Sorry... but that's what we call it.



Odd we called it the same.



And MoT is +1inv, it does nothing else . Which means every marine army that has access to Storm shields has the mark too.


Prot wait till you see the BA codex, you will be suprised how guted an army can get[and lets not forget we are post the GK codex which had 3 most takes, 2 maybe and nothing else in it. Which if it wasn't for ally would border on the gav dex with its 3 units usable per codex rule].



You know what I got lols from, back in  2013  friend asked why they was the cost of 1ksons so high[+gave the theory that GW doesn't want people to play with units that have old/no models=which was debunked] and got the supe rules, deadly , specialy their overwatch , you have no idea how suprised their wear to hear that 1ksons can't overwatch. In fact what followed was a for cinematic/narrative bla bla should let your opponent rapid fire bla bla spirit of the game bla bla next question.

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Prot wait till you see the BA codex, you will be suprised how guted an army can get[and lets not forget we are post the GK codex which had 3 most takes, 2 maybe and nothing else in it. Which if it wasn't for ally would border on the gav dex with its 3 units usable per codex rule].



They're getting turned down a notch? I find that tough to believe as I suspect it's their Christmas army??? I do suspect Flesh Tearers might be the cat's meow because it will be new and shiny, but that's just pure speculation on my part.


Just right now I'm seeing a pattern of writing some fairly mediocre "mainstream" codexes and then just telling everyone, "Well you can just run allies with Knights" or whatever.  Some of us actually want to play "an" army, not all of them, or half of them, or cherry pick the next hot model kit. 


I only say this for the good of the  game, because I think it kind of kills us all a little as the diehards we are I think it's pretty hard to see myself playing... Cultists and Necron Croissant Wing for example. 

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I don't know about you guys, but now I feel like we have a chance at a good army.  The Tyranids (my other army) got a HUGE boost.  Those boxes have rules and all sorts of stuff.  The release was HUGE.


After using the black legion rules, I made a much more interesting Emperor's Children force that our codex ever could.  Now, GW has shown that they will release army altering kits in between codex releases.


Now, I have faith that they can release some legion books with proper wargear.  They can put Chaos Armor in the armory, they can add legion specific demon weapons again (I hate having that dumb axe and that weak sword as my only Slaanesh options), Chain Axes can come back, plague knives, combat drugs, lots of fun stuff.


Keep your fingers crossed, we may have fun again before 8th edition!

I've felt the same way since 7th dropped - the whole army construction rules lend themselves well to this kind of "expandable" ruleset. Even the dataslates we've received so far for Be'lakor and Cypher have been neat additions.


I look forward to the possibilities!


Hope leads to disappointment.

Pessimism is boring and depressing. I'd rather be a dreamer.
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I don't know about you guys, but now I feel like we have a chance at a good army.  The Tyranids (my other army) got a HUGE boost.  Those boxes have rules and all sorts of stuff.  The release was HUGE.


After using the black legion rules, I made a much more interesting Emperor's Children force that our codex ever could.  Now, GW has shown that they will release army altering kits in between codex releases.


Now, I have faith that they can release some legion books with proper wargear.  They can put Chaos Armor in the armory, they can add legion specific demon weapons again (I hate having that dumb axe and that weak sword as my only Slaanesh options), Chain Axes can come back, plague knives, combat drugs, lots of fun stuff.


Keep your fingers crossed, we may have fun again before 8th edition!

I've felt the same way since 7th dropped - the whole army construction rules lend themselves well to this kind of "expandable" ruleset. Even the dataslates we've received so far for Be'lakor and Cypher have been neat additions.


I look forward to the possibilities!


Hope leads to disappointment.

Pessimism is boring and depressing. I'd rather be a dreamer.



Yeah I play this game to get away from being a pessimist, escape for a few hours at a time. 

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No. A MoTz is defined by having the option to select the MoTz in your unit entry, of which many can in the chaos codex, and none can in the marine codex.


Your argument that everything with a better invun, or better psychic powers is marked by Tzeentch is redcutio ad absurdum.


Nothing can be defined by itself alone. This is the definition of "definition". As long as it does something, it is what it does and if something does the same better, it is better in being it.


A "reductio ad absurdum" is a rhetorical trope that aims to refute an argument by means of proving its consequences to be absurd/impossible. There is nothing absurd about the loyalist codex providing the better rules, merely a consequence of lacklustre design.


new C:BA? yay for khorne!

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They're getting turned down a notch? I find that tough to believe as I suspect it's their Christmas army??? I do suspect Flesh Tearers might be the cat's meow because it will be new and shiny, but that's just pure speculation on my part.


Just right now I'm seeing a pattern of writing some fairly mediocre "mainstream" codexes and then just telling everyone, "Well you can just run allies with Knights" or whatever.  Some of us actually want to play "an" army, not all of them, or half of them, or cherry pick the next hot model kit. 


I only say this for the good of the  game, because I think it kind of kills us all a little as the diehards we are I think it's pretty hard to see myself playing... Cultists and Necron Croissant Wing for example. 


Turned down would mean their power lvl goes down. It doesn't[probably even goes up, but BA were always too much of a finess army for me. am no expert playing them]. Think about them as GK 2.0. With the AND  you will use unit X and Y and your all will be Z[as GW kindly decided that your long range support sucks] and woe be to the one who wants to run other units, for his army will be like a pure 1ksons army.



I do agree with you that 8th or end of 7th may look the way you spin the tale about knights. Armies will be different not by what their run[core will be always the same], but by the ally force they have. And good armies will be able to multi CAD better and have more BB ally to play with, while others will have to pray for good formations.

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