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Here's to hope!


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I think, at least from my observation of the last codex books, that GW aims to release streamlined and generic army books and expect the allies/formations/dataslates/campaign books to fill the gap with thematic or competitive choices (Adamantine Lance for example). Such was the pattern with Orks, GK, SW and Dark Eldar. On their own they require formations to perform, that or allies. The new books are devised so.


I see the next Chaos codex to be a really bland and boring publication which will require from us to buy supplements, campaign books and WD in order to field thematic and competitive armies. Now I expect this trend will follow the Blood Angels and Necron books too, with perhaps the only difference with us a major release (or a segmented release) of new models, core models (CSM, Lords...). 


Truth be told I would be surprised if they keep the Marks in the next book as well as Cult Troops. Yp, here it is, I have said it. Most probably similar mechanics will be included via another set of dataslates and a campaign book. Now unless they do a remake of the cult units there is little need but fluff to include them in the Chaos book, and we all know how GW treats fluff nowadays.


It is not doom and gloom though, the result will be an updated book and a veritable (though expensive) ton of formations and dataslates. I might add that "rules in the box" models seem to be a returning concept for GW and we can expect more of those, we in particular since our model range is second only in age compared to the Sisters of Battle (at least the core of our model range). 

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Rules come and go, I'm fairly indifferent to what happens with the dex, some books are bad, some are great.. It's the models that matter to me. Personally I hope and dream about a new updated blog standard chaos marines box, like they did with the loyalist tactical marines would be lovely for me, especially if they kept it in line with the DV chosen
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I would say that Legion-specific rules are pretty unlikely, given GW's past track record with Codex design and it's current design philosophy for Chaos for the past two editions. We might see some sort of additional dataslates, but I doubt much beyond that. Essentially this book and the previous Codex is Codex: Black Legion/Renegades, with the four cult armies being able to be represented to some extent.


I think that's the issue with this Codex. The loyalists get all the cool toys and ATSNKF while Chaos get's the marks and Cult troops. In my experience at least, it's that stuff that really gives the Chaos Codex it's ''bite'' so to speak. Being able to give Chaos Marines +1 Toughness or Attack helps close the gap between them and the loyalists. Units like Plague Marines or Noise Marines are just phenomenal.


That works fine for something like the Black Legion or some of the cult armies, but for some of the other Legion armies, they tend to suffer in that regard, namely the Legions that don't worship a specific Chaos God or just pay lip service to the Dark Gods (Iron Warriors, or Night Lords). In many cases it just feels like playing an inferior version of the loyalist book.

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GW won't do legion rules, they're in HH already...which also is the go-to-choice for non-cult CSM army rules.

aaand HH4 has dark mechanicum, so...devil.gif

What about people who are unwilling or unable to purchase Forge World books or products?

I mean, I live in the US, Forge World products and shipping are simply far too much for my resources. So no Forge World for me. Never mind my local tournaments, which might not allow Forge World rules.

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google + counts-as. what about the people who can't afford GW?


That's still not answering my issue. I shouldn't have to count-as my regular army and getting the Horus Heresy rules off the internet is illegal. Players in general shouldn't have to shill out for an expensive overseas supplement only sold in certain places.

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Because legality is a successful deterent.


I've been running off fumes of hope for many things, (survival by dumb luck included) and quite honestly I can't see the next edition fulfilling anyone's wishes or demands for Chaos Space Marines.


About the only thing I can see is every army being dumbed down, but then that's not good either.

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Because legality is a successful deterent.


For me it is, which what I was essentially addressing. But most Chaos players probably won't be getting their hands on illegal downloads anyway, if only for lack of knowledge or the lack of widespread information. Not to mention many of those Forge World lists might not be allowed in tournaments or suchlike, especially in places outside England.


So basically saying ''Go to Horus Heresy for Legion rules'' isn't a good answer for all those players who can't or are unwilling to get Forge World rules or products for various reasons.

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For once, I have to agree with Gree. It's like the world is coming to an end.


On principle, what people think when they say "Legion rules for Chaos Space Marines armies" should not be solely sold from Forgeworld. For multiple reasons. Primary is availability. Forgeworld isn't accessible to everyone. It ships from the UK. So not only are you paying international fees for converting currency, but all the fees it takes to get from there to you. Strictly speaking as an US citizen, GW has warehouses in the US. Not to mention a lower And when you get down to it, if you can't afford to buy the rules from Games Workshop, then perhaps you should look at a cheaper hobby. That price difference goes a long way to making one widely available an the other exclusive only to those who can foot the bill.


And from a fluff perspective, those aren't the Legion rules for Chaos Space Marines. Those are the Legion rules for the Heresy Legions. But whatever floats your boat.


One more thing to add, not only is copyright infringement illegal, it is also against forum policy and rules to discuss it. Just a word of advice.

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FW is GW. get over it.

Yes and no.
Yes its rules are legitimate and it is a branch of GW. That's tournaments excluding FW rules and units is house ruling.


No because Forgeworld still operates as its own entity, uses its own material to create miniatures and has an abominidal price scale. That is sadly worth every penny when compared to GW's in terms of quality.


EDIT: Incinerator, this is in support of your comment.

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To your shelters, me and kol are agreeing with each other.

We've actually agreed quite a bit. It's just that we normally have different perspectives on the background on pretty much everything. Except maybe Night Lords. I don't think we disagree too much on that corner.
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To be honest all I would like is for the lord of traitors rule to be given to every HQ option in our codex so we can take whatever cult units as troops even if we only had a sorcerer or Warpsmith.


Something else I would prefer would be to put daemons back into the book ( maybe only the troops to still provide a distinction from a true daemons army) as being able to field plague bearers alongside plague marines would be pretty cool. Yes I know you can use allies or unbound but I would prefer to not having to take allies in addition to what I am already which forces to take since I am pure Nurgle especially since I like sorcerers and FW models


To be honest I like how CSM currently is especially when FW is added as it makes it more interesting but then again I only play casually since I live in a small town with a club that promotes that damn Warmachine more so 40k games are a lot harder to organise

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I've grown to accept my Chaos army, and have started to like it as much as I do my Tau army.  I pretty much paint most of the time now anyway-most of my friends who play 40k have been hitting Destiny pretty hard (myself included).  It's about like a second job, though one that's more fun.

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