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Non-dedicated transports


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Someone mentioned that it's possible (maybe just for marines) to buy units listed as dedicated transports as fast attack choices. Is this a real rule, and if it is where is it?

In the codices where it is possible, which are Orks, Space Wolves, Grey Knights, and Dark Eldar, so far.


Please note that this only applies to any unit that previously was under the Dedicated Transport Role such as Drop Pods, Trukks, and Raiders. Any Dedicated Transports which already had a more standard Role do not seem affected.


Expect to see Land Raiders back under Heavy Support for Blood Angels when released, for example.

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Some clarification.... It's not at all a rule.


Rhinos/razorback are dedicated transports for practically all Marine armies.

And they still are in the new 7 edition codices.




The new 7th edition codices also have the rhinos/razorbacks (and other transports in other races) in the fast attack section also.


So they can be bought as a dedicated transport and/or a fast attack.



So I could play as grey knights, have two 10 man squads with a rhino each, then combat squad both squads, and buy a further 2 rhinos as a fast attack for my combat squaded guys, thus giving me 4 rhinos. Only 2 of those rhinos have objective secured though.

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