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Glottkin in 40K


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so yes he could be a great unclean one or the giant spawn but i'm trying to think of a way to use the glottkin all together, i.e. with the two guys riding on the giant daemony thing. 

i thought about maybe doing a twist on the chariot rules but with a monstrous creature profile rather than a vehicle profile but i'm not sure that really represents it properly. 

just to be clear this is all for friendly games. 

Sadly i own forge world's giant spawn and scabiethrax (the big great unclean one) so using glottkin as something like that kinda doesn't work. 

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Nurgle Knight.


Sorcerer summons a cloud of flies to shield the glotkin from one direction each enemy shooting phase, providing a 4+ invulnerable to one facing.

Other dude guides the beast, and throws three s3 AP6 rocks each turn.


There is your answer, though id say Plague Magic rather than rocks but hey each to their own.

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Nurgle Knight.


Sorcerer summons a cloud of flies to shield the glotkin from one direction each enemy shooting phase, providing a 4+ invulnerable to one facing.

Other dude guides the beast, and throws three s3 AP6 rocks each turn.


There is your answer, though id say Plague Magic rather than rocks but hey each to their own.


Yea, although plague stuff usually wounds tough stuff on a 2+ or 4+ at a low AP, not represented by the heavy stubber. Maybe he chucks Nurglings at them?

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