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Advice needed against Tyranids


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Hi Guys,


Played my first game against tyranids with my Salamanders 30k army and, although I won the game, absolutely got stomped. The sole reason I didn't get tabled was Cassian Dracos as my HQ - he single handedly held up half the tyranid army for a number of turns. In any event, I need the experts here to send their advice my way for optimizing a 30k list against Tyranids (read: mega arachnids of Murder). I was running a 1500 list of the following:

- HQ:

Cassian Dracos


- Troops:

10 man squad with extra cc weapons, artificer armor, power fist. Rhino w/ Havoc launcher

10 man squad with extra cc weapons, artificer armor, power weapon. Rhino w/ Havoc launcher


- Fast Attack:

10x seekers with 4 combi-meltas, Rhino w/ havoc launcher


- Elite

2x mortis dreads with auto cannons


Thanks guys!

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Just to help us get a better idea, what was the list you were playing against?


Also, general consensus is that, 1500 points for 30k (outside of say, ZM) hampers you more than any other army out there right now. Our stuff is made for 2k+ sadly.


Doesn't mean we can't help you make a better list!

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Salamanders and I'm not seeing flamers galore against hordes?!!


1500pts isn't much.but at that he will be using gribblies maybe a big one or 2.


Flamers galore..especially with your bonuses


Hvy flamer hvy support


Tac support flamers


Seekers is it? In a rhino with combi flamers and poisoned rounds to kill mc's


Mortis dreads are good..but switch to kheres..much better rate of fire..


Don't forget they have crap saves and mc's are t6. Can't insta kill, but 12 rending s6 shots will go a long way to grounding a flying hive tyrant.


And you don't want to be getting into combat with them..it's a losing prospect with nids..plus flamers give you d3 hits when your charged.. Maybe even take a bastion..


Stand and shoot!!

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Hi Guys,


Played my first game against tyranids with my Salamanders 30k army and, although I won the game, absolutely got stomped. The sole reason I didn't get tabled was Cassian Dracos as my HQ - he single handedly held up half the tyranid army for a number of turns. In any event, I need the experts here to send their advice my way for optimizing a 30k list against Tyranids (read: mega arachnids of Murder). I was running a 1500 list of the following:

- HQ:

Cassian Dracos


- Troops:

10 man squad with extra cc weapons, artificer armor, power fist. Rhino w/ Havoc launcher

10 man squad with extra cc weapons, artificer armor, power weapon. Rhino w/ Havoc launcher


- Fast Attack:

10x seekers with 4 combi-meltas, Rhino w/ havoc launcher


- Elite

2x mortis dreads with auto cannons


Thanks guys!



Drop the havoc launchers on the rhinos. Your army is small and that seeker squad is about 1/3rd of your army at a low point level game, which means low flexibility and high liability. Consider cutting their number down to 5. Use the saved points to get yourself some additional troops or heavy support. Against Tyranids Thudd Guns, Volkite Culvrins, Medusas, and flamers will do well.


Try to play up to the strengths of your legion. If you're going mechanized Salamanders you might want to consider dropping the seekers entirely in favor of two tactical support squads with flamers. Cheap high strength long range shooting like conversion beamer predators is also an option.




Just to help us get a better idea, what was the list you were playing against?


Also, general consensus is that, 1500 points for 30k (outside of say, ZM) hampers you more than any other army out there right now. Our stuff is made for 2k+ sadly.


Doesn't mean we can't help you make a better list!


I disagree. You can make a fine list at 1500 points. That said, you have to accept that you will not likely have a TAC list and you will need to make hard choices about your unit selection. I play mostly 1500-2000 point games and its fine. 2000+ just lets you bring toys or less optimal choices.

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Hey everyone,


The list I was going against had the following (to the best of my memory)

- Winged Hive Tyrant

- Carnifex

- Swarmlord

- 10x termagants

- 10x genestealers w/brood lord

- 3x raveners

- 3x ripper swarms

- 2x venomthropes

- 3x hiveguard


I had real issues with the cover saves of the bugs. The board was a heavy city terrain board and with the shrouded mass of nasties, it was difficult getting kills at range. Eventually I was able to auto cannon the venomthropes, but the bugs had closed by that time. The Guard just stayed in a building launching shots that didn't need LoS, ignored cover, and hit the side armor of the vehicles.

There's plenty (and I mean plenty) I should have done, but when push came to shove, I couldn't get out enough firepower to mow them down before engaging them.


Things that worked:

- Cassian Dracos

- Tac squads with extra cc weapons


Things that really didn't

- Seekers

- Predator Infernus


I am open to all suggestions. I think the seekers have got to go. Way too many points for a squad that doesn't seem to be able to do much. Also they don't have poisoned rounds which would have been awesome. The Infernus also was terri-bad. Too easy to get killed by the hiveguard things that hit his side armor.


Do you guys think that 20 man squads would have been better? What about regular auto-cannon preds? Some other thoughts I had: rapiers w/hvy bolters, land raider Achilles, ccw contemptors?

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10 Man Heavy Support Squad, all Heavy Flamers in a Rhino. Watch those bugs burn. Give the Sarge an Augury Scanner too. Pyroclasts aren't worth it at this points level.




An Achilles is 300 points. It would take up a fifth of your list. Sure its nigh unkillable but you can do better for cheaper.


Since he has a lot of Gribblies, take a Volkite Squad. either Calivers or Culverins.


Max the Tac Squads out. 80 Shot fury of the Legion is nothing to scoff at.


Take the Predator Executioner. Its the only non-titan plasma weapon without Gets Hot!

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I would totally bring a Contemptor with 2 Kheres Assault Cannons against nids. They put a dent in anything they can bring and have superior fire power compared to autocannons. Did I mention rending?


In the same line of thought, sicarans are great. Against this particular composition, sponson heavy bolters will give you massive amounts of anti infantry fire at long range.

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