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Help on starting CD + CSM mono-Slaanesh


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I have been away from 40k for a while. I used to play Blood Angles, mostly in 5th and a bit in 6th. I did, however get tired of being beaten up. I think it was a combination of Blood Angels not really being able to cut it, and a good part of me being a crappy player. So I shelved the little red guys, and moved on to other games. But lately I have been hearing whispers in the dark and gaining an interest again. Recently, I have finally succumbed to the whispers of Slaanesh. 

I would like to play a combination of Daemons and Chaos Space Marines. I am not totally up to speed on the 7th version. So I don't really know if I should run a Daemons army with marines as allies or vice versa?
Nevertheless, from a Daemon perspective I have quite a few Daemonettes, some seekers and something that could do as Fiends. From the CSM perspective I have the Dark Vengeance Chaos Space Marines, which I am trying to paint in a kind of Emperor's Children colours. I also happen to have a sonic dreadnought, which I am not sure is actually useable now?
So, in sum this gives me:
20 (at least) Daemonettes (and some heralds)
5 (at least) seekers
5 Fiends
5-10 Furies
1 Chaos lord
1 Helbrute
1 Aspiring champion
6 Chosen
20 Cultists
1 Sonic dreadnought
My aim is for a 1850 points list, which seems to be the default size in my local area. I am not going to play any hard core competitions, but I would like to have a competitive army, so I might win a few games. Also, when Slaanesh whispers I respond, so mono-Slaanesh for me.
Of course, I know I would probably have to invest in more plastic. I would obviously prefer to do it as cheaply as possible, but I am open for suggestions - it is Christmas soon. I have been looking at the Crimson Slaughter expansion set, but am not sure if it is helpful.
All help will be highly appreciated! 
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