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Advice for tournament


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Friend will borrow me army for tournament, and last time I played chaos was 3.5 codex :p. He sugested me to go with something like 12 obliterators,typhus and around 50 zombies, 10 cultist and 2 lv3 sorcerers,helldrake. 1 Can have divination. What do you think about that? Toughest opponents will be 2 imperial knights with around 30 sm bikes, dark angels - dakka banner in LR crusader, bikes, white scar smash :cusser joined with samael - that 10 bike squad then has 2+ jink save and eldar/tau serpents,wraithknights,riptides etc.

Mission are :

Maelstrom of war – Clense and Control
Maelstrom of war – Contact Lost
Maelstrom of war – Tactical Escalation


What do you think, does chaos stand any chance against those opponents? Do you maybe have better recomendations for army list?



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What do you think, does chaos stand any chance against those opponents?



Depends on a tournament level, but if its anything bigger then very small group, then not realy.


Do you maybe have better recomendations for army list?


Well that kind of depends if FW is in or not for the tournament. Chaos is rather limited by its lack of BB ally.

The most offten seen builds are spawn/biker stars with MSU csm in rhinos ,The star is bikers and multiple sorc/lord under multiple detachments[think playing 2 armies at the same time]. Another version is all types of rushes, which run the same MSU[although probably fewer] and either maulers or multiple spawn/biker units [and they don't run sorc as they don't have enough power dice to cast stuff]. But in general it doesn't matter much.

In theory the best thing would be msu csm with cheap HQs and FW renegade ally to get wyverns. Sadly we lack some of the rules that make identical loyalist builds work.

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Friend will borrow me army for tournament, and last time I played chaos was 3.5 codex tongue.png. He sugested me to go with something like 12 obliterators,typhus and around 50 zombies, 10 cultist and 2 lv3 sorcerers,helldrake. 1 Can have divination. What do you think about that? Toughest opponents will be 2 imperial knights with around 30 sm bikes, dark angels - dakka banner in LR crusader, bikes, white scar smash :cusser joined with samael - that 10 bike squad then has 2+ jink save and eldar/tau serpents,wraithknights,riptides etc.

Mission are :

Maelstrom of war – Clense and Control

Maelstrom of war – Contact Lost

Maelstrom of war – Tactical Escalation

What do you think, does chaos stand any chance against those opponents? Do you maybe have better recomendations for army list?


Chaos stands a chance for sure. Maelstrom is different and rewards tactical play and proper use of super scoring units. The problem is often in the details. Straight up codex fights don't exist anymore in the tournament scene. (tournaments have dried up here since 7th as a result)

Chaos vs another traditional codex? Sure (for the most part). VS Necrons with Orks? No chance. I know you haven't played Chaos since 3.5 but I'm assuming you're still playing the game in 7th right? Then you know this stuff already and the advice is the same....

I'd consider the Helbrute 3 model formation. (It's the cheapest way to get cheap firepower and saturate AV12 while deep striking.) Play test it first though.

Everything else you mention is totally relevant. Zombies and Typhus are always relevant. If you're playing unbound (no force org) then really the skies the limit.

Knights, Tau, Eldar, and cross breeding nasty lists are a problem for all the codexes to handle but this is the birthchild of 7th edition in a non-Battle Forged environment.

When you're ready I'd suggest you just post a list in the list section, you'll probably get some really good advice there.

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As a general non list advice. Look at what gives you win conditions in 7th. It is doing missions. This means you want as many units as fast as possible on as many objectives as possible.[most extra points]. The look at the mission cards. Objectives are not the only thing you want, there are VP  for melee/shoting destruction, killing flyers/MC casting powers etc. Chaos is not a list that can make a list that is able to all those in a single list at the same time[other lists can]. 


Then there is the stupid left over mechanics from 6th ed. Sly the Warlord, first blood[the stupidest of them all] and line breaker. While you can try to protect your HQ [which isn't as easy as it is for loyalist marines] and try to do line breaker, you won't be able to build[a working] chaos list that gives up first blood hard [unlike nids, eldar ,necron, some marine builds]. Just like with some other stuff you have [now comes the bad part and the "why" chaos doesnt win tournaments] to ignore the things you can do and get lucky. Hope that your smoked up rhinos will survive, hope that you won't draw any Kill HQ/flyer/MC in your starting hand etc.



Also as Prot mentioned the number of multi CAD[think multi FoC armies] ally using ones is huge. offten the best combinantions are played with 2-3 codex or 1-2 codex and formations. This may get a bit confusing [and time consuming, I found that turns take even longer now, then they did in 6th with people juggling books to cross reference how stuff works].


All in all, for a restart tournament pick anything you want to play with. the chance you will do good are minimal, unless you have times to train and check all the different match ups and rules hick ups caused by tournament rules packs/FAQs[or lack of them]/homebrew missions etc.

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Well, it is a small tournament,8 people. Those lists that I mentioned, will be from friends, and I think that can make most problems. I don't have illusions that I can win with chaos, but I hope I won't be cannon fooder either. I am actually going so that they have 8 people, because then prizes will be better for them in that case. But heck, I might get lucky and get 3rd place if dice goods favor me :p

imperial knight+bikes guy will probably be first. He is a good player that knows what he is doing.


Hellbrutes might be cheap, but I don't know any good that they would do. Imperial knights have big meltas, eldar has 2 wraith lord and tau support, vs dark angel they might do something, but melta bombs on bikes and smash:cusser would probably take them down fast.

Dataslates are not allowed, nor is FW.

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Lord/Sorc on a bike


unit of spawn probably nurgle unless you go for the khorn lord[then bikers would probably be better].

3x5csm in rhinos with flamers

1x10 cultists

Rest is what you want . Oblits , mauler fineds, extra HQs. Just pick the same things. Dont try to run a single mauler or a single sorc or 2 oblits and a mauler etc.


Should be easy enough to play with.

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