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Helbrutes: Making them work


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Care to share with the rest of the community? Or is it just a case of converting plastic/eBay?


Blood Angels have the best drop pod dread options and they're not much good tbh. I don't see how more expensive options would be massively more effective but I've said my piece, enjoy your very unique army!

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Care to share with the rest of the community? Or is it just a case of converting plastic/eBay?


Blood Angels have the best drop pod dread options and they're not much good tbh. I don't see how more expensive options would be massively more effective but I've said my piece, enjoy your very unique army!

I could be wrong, but I feel that SW have the best options - their vanilla dread is 10 points less than the vanilla BA, and Murderfanghornclaw, while 10 more than a furioso, will also probably handle a furiouso (although maybe their melta shot makes the difference or something, and they take him?).


Unless you feel that Red Thirst is worth the 10 extra points on the vanilla.

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Care to share with the rest of the community? Or is it just a case of converting plastic/eBay?


Blood Angels have the best drop pod dread options and they're not much good tbh. I don't see how more expensive options would be massively more effective but I've said my piece, enjoy your very unique army!

Sorry, I replied but it was eaten. Seems most of my more intelligent replies have been deleted too.


Its basically just converting drop pods until I can source some older FW dreadclaws, that model is kickass.

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Care to share with the rest of the community? Or is it just a case of converting plastic/eBay?


Blood Angels have the best drop pod dread options and they're not much good tbh. I don't see how more expensive options would be massively more effective but I've said my piece, enjoy your very unique army!

I could be wrong, but I feel that SW have the best options - their vanilla dread is 10 points less than the vanilla BA, and Murderfanghornclaw, while 10 more than a furioso, will also probably handle a furiouso (although maybe their melta shot makes the difference or something, and they take him?).


Unless you feel that Red Thirst is worth the 10 extra points on the vanilla.



BA pods are 35 points, surely SW don't get them for less than that? Also, Death Company Dreads are troops choices. So, they can run 3 Furiosos with melta, frag cannon and fist; then 3 DCDs with metla, blood talons/fists and a Hflamer.


Not competitive but that's 5 Dreads on turn 1 for less than 1000 points.

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I have fielded the Helbrute formations several times and I liked them all. I can attest to the Helcult as a nice option when you need a lot of Fearless infantry for cheap and I was pleasantly surprised by the Mayhem Pack since it helped me a lot in two tournaments, perfect distraction for an assault army with Maulerfiends and other AV 12 on the board. It was performing. 


My advice is that no unit exists in the vacuum and I have seen the Helbrutes perform great when supported or in support of a Chaos Space Marines army. They are relatively cheap pointswise, they are killy and stompy when they need to and one does not shed tears if they are blown to pieces. I like them even as a counterattack element or a distraction in my Blastmaster list, they are a nasty surprise if someone is bold enough to cross the half and go after my Noise Marines.


In practical terms the Mayhem Pack has become an autoinclude for me since it helps a lot of my army lists and despite of the mettle of my adversary, three Helbrutes in Deep Strike put pressure on anyone, especially if they are supported by even more AV 12 elements in my army. It is an aggressive formation and it always takes a lot of flak away from my cardinal units.


In short the Helbrutes in my lists provide my to my adversary a predicament: "Ignore them at your peril..."


Individually they are not a strong unit but the threat factor is there, it is always present and one almost wishes them to be overlooked by an all to confident adversary. Because... you know... they are just a dreaddy...

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Since I play BA a hell of a lot, ill say that DC dreads (talons still are good, but fists never fail) are not quite as good as Fragioso (youll know that name if youve ever fought against one) but like Dallas said - they are troops choices.


We are I think the only faction that can DS a unit of 3-  5 AV12 walkers including one champ for one allied choice. Thats pretty damn impressive.


Ive been wondering about a list that uses a Hellfist murderpack (3 hellbrutes with fists, flamers and DS in the backfield) to pressure one flank and consolidate gains with bikers, hellblades and spawn. Should do pretty well considering I usually face Tau and Wolves and that while I want to run a tank heavy list, I perform much better with a fast list.

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Thanks to this topic.  I'm going to get a Helbrute Mayhem pack converted up & painted to use in a few games.  Right now my plan gaming wise, is to use them to help support my Terminators when they deep strike.  Allow me to deal with things like Battle Wagon & Land Raider, while Terminators with Lord Narch deal with those Elite unit like Terminators & Mega armour from those transport.

Also use my Sorcerer to cast from power, like re-roll to hits (we all know how Melta guns can be) & ignore cover save.  I'm still getting use to the Psychic power & still unsure of there names/class.  But use both units to support each other.

While image & theme.  I think it pretty cool, that strike force show up on those important part of a trench or seige warfare.


So possible thinking two Multi Melta's arm Helbrutes.  Heavy Flamer.  Not sure what else I'd go for, right now aim get two Multi Melta Helbrute converted up & use the Helbrutes I've current got in my IW's army.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually play my Mayhem Pack with 3 Plasma Cannons or 2 Multi Meltas and 1 Plasma Cannon. They can work wonders with the double tap!


Plasma Cannons eh? I'm tempted to go 2 x multi-melts & heavy flamer and 1 dual DCCWs with heavy flamers. Just for when I need to put templates on something, it's only a 1/3 but imagine 4 heavy flamer templates, I play gaunt heavy Nids quite often and that sounds good for cleaning objectives.

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A helcult has not once let me down. Drop a plasma cannon on the dread, or keep it stock and watch your opponent cringe when his Lascannon or Blaster, or Meltagun kills a 4 point fearless model, or shoots into cover against that scoring unit that is also fearless, and costs 4 points a model.


They have never been a negative for me, and have to be removed at greater cost than they take up.

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I finally got the models... 3 in total. 2 new ones, and the DV boxset model (actually have a few of those). But the motivation... willing to buy the motivation to assemble, magnetize, and paint these buggers. Anyone selling motivation? :)

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I will be testing out the other Helbrute formations at some point, if anyones had experience with them, post about it smile.png

Well I've played two of the formations but again just using multiple DV Helbrutes so I can 'proxy' weapon options to figure out what's best.

So far I think the "Helcult" is best. I think that's what it's called. I've used it the most by far. It is an incredible pain in the warp hole that the Cultists don't count as troops for your force org. I think GW should have made them count because you're needing a minimum sized squad x 2 to get it working, and if you include another squad in your regular force org, you have to keep track that those ones are not fearless/zealots. Ugh.

I put a very shooty dread with a close combat arm (usually twin las lately) behind a mob of cultists, and he acts as the 'protector' between the two squads, taking his cover save as needed, but as a protector it makes people really think about going after them differently. You mess with the horns, you get the bull!!!

Finally, a negative is of course no objective secured. It's come up more times than I care to remember when a lowly opponent troop ties them up and is stealing my objective (Maelstrom).


The Helpack or whatever 3 deep strike formation is called is also fun but I find to keep them safe from misshap you need to find a way to pump up your reserve rolls, and with them coming in on the same turn, spacing is crucial so arm them appropriately: IE. Close combat version with MM, medium range with plasma cannon or MM, and a long range with pure shooty even, or a cheap Autocannon arm.

Expensive, and somewhat mediocre......but it can do wonders for my AV12 spam list which includes Maulerfiends.

That being said this goes back to my Forgeworld post: Once you open the door to formations, you have to be prepared to face something that is actually potent.... like Sky Blight.

I found the one I built (new one) quite fun to put together. Bit of a chore to paint the skin though!

I find no joy in assembly, however I appreciate you did one. (I have two in boxes) What's stalling me is the magnetizing. I just don't have the patience for it anymore and it looks like the shoulder joints might be specific to some arms?

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Proxied a Plasma Cannon Mayhem Pack in my last 1000pts game against my friend's Imperial Fists. 


Made a perfect deep strike next to his Devastators and Razorbacks. Ohhh boy! They ended up killing around 500 pts and sowing Chaos everywhere. IWND is great. Lost two of them by the end of the game but damn that was fun. I'm getting 3 for Christmas that's for sure :)

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I magnetized the left arm on mine, just dont glue both ends of the pipes/cables. It does force some positions on your guns and I dont think every combination can be done.

I've magnetized two Helbrutes and can get every weapon combination. The magnets I bought though ended up being smaller than I thought they were going to be, so I had to double up on them. The only parts I couldn't figure out how to magnetize (probably because I didn't have the foresight to glue the magnets before gluing the other pieces together >_< ) were the Thunder Hammer and Power Scourge arms. I tend to use the Power Scourge more often, so I just glued them to the arm.

It is pretty confusing on which parts go where on the plastic Helbrute model. It took me forever to figure that out, but I'm satisfied with the results! smile.png I can post pics here if you think that might help you.

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