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thinking of starting a word bearers force

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Hey guys im thinking of starting a word bearers force and i just have a few questions

1)is Khorne Red fine for the armour colour

2) what units scream word bearers to you right now i have

A lord with power fist bolt pistol converted from krannon

A sorceror converted from the dark vengance libby

A dark apostle

A warp smith

A daemon prince


Roughly 25 chaos space marines

6 or 7 terminators

2 hellbrutes

2 squads of havocs (1 with autocannons the other with heavy bolters)

About 6 posseased

A squad of plague marines

3 obliterators


Chaos land raider

2 heralds if tzeench (one of whom is the changeling(

4 flamers

Around 22 pink horrors

7 or 8 warhounds which i can use as flesh hounds


3) would you say i have a mostly good fluffy start to a word bearers force?

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Welcome to the Word Bearers Mazarin!


And to answer your questions:


1. Yes! Khorne Red is in fact perfect. At the very least, basecoat with that and wash with Agrax Earthshade, perfect Word Bearers dark red.

If you want something a bit more advanced than that, a second coat of Khorne Red once the wash is dry (but leave it in the recesses) will give great shade.

Further highlights may then be added at your preference but if you want something easy with the single colour I would stop at the above two.


2. Pretty much everything in your list would be acceptable in a Word Bearers army. I personally would not use Ahriman or Plague marines however, but otherwise you have a lot of typical Word Bearers squads (explained below).


3. Yes! Assuming like myself, you prefer your armies to be fluffy, even if they are not as powerful, then your army is perfect!

Generally speaking, every Word Bearers Host is led by a Dark Apostle, I try to always include one in my army.

Other than that, the fluff states that the Apostle's Host is made up of whatever he fancies after that, meaning that you can have any unit you like however there are some that scream Word Bearers more than others:


Standard, Unmarked Chaos Space Marines/Havocs,


Any Daemon Engines or units with the Daemon Special Rule.


In fluff terms, Word Bearers do not have Plague Marines, Thousand Sons, Bezerkers or Noise Marines, however there is no reason why your Host does not have an alliance with a small band of them, or have even incorporated them into the Host permanently, painting their armour accordingly. That will give your army a back story and if it is what your Dark Apostle wills, however unorthodox, it is accepted and there are examples of this in cannon fluff, e.g. Khalaxis and his Bezerkers in the Word Bearers novels are more devoted to Khorne but tolerated as they are so effective.

Same with marks, some players would say no marks, however I personally see no reason not to take them if you wish, although I only do so on certain unit.

For example. All my units are kept unmarked/undivided except:

HQ's - I see these more as gifts from the gods for their faith then dedications (Mark of Tzeentch of Dark Apostle gives him 3+ Inv). I still consider him undivided, he is just such a holy figure it warrants extra protection.

Any unit with the Daemon Special Rule (Obliterators/Possessed): The Daemons possessing these must be of one of the 4 gods, and so would gain certain powers as a result. Thus, these units get marks to represent which Daemon possesses them. So my Possessed are inhabited by Khorne Daemons, so get Mark of Khorne to show the powers of these Daemons.


Hope that gave you something to think about at least,


Good Luck!

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