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a unit of 10 chaos terminators

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Hey guys so ive got a unit of 10 chaos terminators

They are equipped with

A few combi meltas

A heavy flamer

A reaper auto cannon

roughly 4-5 power fists

A lightening claw

A chain fist

The rest have power weapons

Now while i accept this unit wont be optimal im wondering if i can make a deathstar out if them im thinking

A level 3 sorceror on santic


All 10 terminators with MoT

Ahriman tajes telepathy powers

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Our Terminators big drawback is delivery. They can be configured to work several ways, you just have to figure out how they're going to get to their targets. As footsloggers my experience is that they are eaten alive by shooting. Deep striking in small units is OK. Larger groups of 5+ should have an assault transport. Larger groups work better as escorts for named characters like Abby or Khârn.


In large assault groups I prefer Chosen, but sometimes use TDA anyway just because I like them.

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As mentioned above the big problem with 10 Terminators is delivery. The only real option is the Land Raider Spartan, and you need to take Armoured Ceramite otherwise it will die. This unit will be horrendously expensive, its over 700 points before anything else. However the Spartan almost unkillable in current meta IMO (as most weapons are geared to glance AV 12-13 to death with better weapons relying upon Armourbane and Lance, which the Spartan ignores, meaning they only glance on 6's).


If you wanted to go in for a penny in for a pound, include Bel'akor in your army, Invis the Spartan then when the Terminators jump out Invis them. Essentially this is deathstar territory with all the drawbacks it comes with. With such a unit the aim would be to tarpit them, or in the case of the Spartan charge with something like a Wraithknight which is S:10. 

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I've found that a Bunker with escape hatch is actually a pretty nice delivery system in a pinch. Place the bunker 12" up in deployment, start the terminators inside. First turn, place the escape hatch another 12" up, and then you can disembark another 6" out. Essentially giving you an 18" 'scout' move, which puts them squarely midfield on the first turn. Not bad for 70 points.

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