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Need help, going against Space Wolves w/ Nugle CSM.


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So as title states I'm going up against Space Wolves with Nurgle CSM. Need help as the last time I played was 5th edition, and am clueless to 7th.


Here's the rules we set down:


Single FOC

No allies

No flyers


Here's what I have availible for a list.


Daemon Prince

Lord on Palliquen


Sorceror on bike



2x 7 man PM squads with 2 plasma, champ has plasma pistol and power weapon.

74 cultists



4 Terninators


Dedicated Transports.

4x Rhino's w/ Dirge Caster, Combi-meltas, Dozer Blades, Havoc Launchers


Fast Attack.

5x Spawn

6x Bikes


Heavy Support.

2x Havoc squads w/ 3 meltaguns, 1 plasmagun. Champ has plasma pistol, power weapon


3x Oblits


Additional models availible.

20 x khorne beserkers


Spartan assault tank

Daemon prince w wings


Possible damonfarm add on's

Lord of change

Keeper of secrets

Herald of Khorne

2x Herald of Nurgle

30 Plaguebearers

20 Bloodletters


Opponet usually plays wirh 3-4 drop pods, terminators, 2 long fang squads and a couple large blood claw squads, and bikes.

Want to have a fun game where I don't get my face kicked in by turn 2 or 3, which had hppened in the past against this player.


Any help is much apprieciated.

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The obvious starting point is Typhus and those 74 Cultists in two big blob units as Plague Zombies, that gives you large chunks of models to soak up incoming firepower as he's unlikely to be fielding much in the way of template weaponry outside of flamers.

Second HQ would be a good choice for the Sorcerer, with Typhus's level 2 mastery taking Nurgle powers, an unmarked Maelfic demonology caster to bring in some additional models from the demon selection, sitting inside the 6 man biker squad to act as a mobile reserve and tie up the Blood Claws.

Gives a list something like this


Typhus - 230

Sorcerer with Bike, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Burning Brand and 2 additional mastery levels - 160

4 Chaos Terminators, Reaper Autocannon, Combi-Plasma - 168pts

7 Plague Marines, VotlW, Rhino, 2 x Plasma Gun - 287pts

70 Plague Zombies, split into two squads, 300 pts

6 Bikers, 2 x Meltagun - 165pts

3 x Spawn, MoN - 108

3 x Obliterator, MoN, VotLW - 237pts

3 x Helbrute with Multi-Melta, Power Fist and Heavy Flamer in a Mayhem Pack (if taking a formation doesn't break your rules).

You could drop the Spawn and 2 Obliterators for another squad of PM in a Rhino.

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The Prophet of the Voices from the Crimson Slaughter supplement is an option, but would mean you couldn't put the sorcerer in the biker unit. If Possessed were an option on the list, it'd be fun to take a Land Raider, use the Palaquin model to represent the Sorcerer and have a small unit of Possessed with the Palaquin mounted Sorcerer for another close combat unit.

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Thank you all for your imput.

Stupid of me to ask if Hellbrute pack is viable in single FOC, obviously it is, or you wouldn't have put it in there Lucio, thanks.

Will diffenately give that list a go. Although I don't know how to squeeze in a Spell Familiar yet, but I'll figure it out.

Can't wait to see the look on his face as 3 Hellbrutes crash into his backfield.

Are the Hellbrutes deployed seperately or as a unit?

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Burning brand was the "would like to have" choice, so swap that for a Spell Familiar and Aura of Dark Glory and afaik, Mayhem Pack is a single vehicle squadron so deploys on the same Deep Strike roll. It'll give him a taste of his own medicine for sure!

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Seems kind of a unfair to plan a "no flyer" game and then start spawning Flying MCs.

Do you play the new missions, because if you do, then you need more then 2 fast moving objective taking unit. Drop the termis and trim the pms to 5 dudes without Votlk and take 2 units of 5 csm in rhinos[one unit made out of pms and the other out of havocks].

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So to keep in the flavor of the rules I guess I'll be taking the Keeper of secrets.

As far as missions go, I've played 7th twice. Once without the missions, once with. It was random both times.

I think Lucio's list was designed not much with objective taking in mind, but with giving the wolves a taste of their own smash and grab tactics which this paticular player does.

I don't think he will be able to deal with similar tactics used against him. But I will keep your advice under consideration, thank you. At this point I'll take any help I can get.


Have always loved Chaos, and been a Chaos player since 3rd edition. Played fifth alot till I got really sick and had to give up gaming altogether, which really sucked.

Now that I'm betterish, I want to start again. Just don't know where to begin.

Love the new models, and the codex is a sight better than the last one, although the 4th edition codex was favorite.

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Seems kind of a unfair to plan a "no flyer" game and then start spawning Flying MCs.

Do you play the new missions, because if you do, then you need more then 2 fast moving objective taking unit. Drop the termis and trim the pms to 5 dudes without Votlk and take 2 units of 5 csm in rhinos[one unit made out of pms and the other out of havocks].

About as fair as a wolf player not wanting you to have anything that could possibly outrun his Thunderwolves. ;)

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Well, the list worked great. Game ended in a draw, but it was alot of fun.

My opponent never saw it coming.

He used 4 pods, 2 of which were empty to try and block terrain, the other 2 were loaded with termi's, one being Grimnar himself, the other jad a wolf lord in frost armor.

He used a bike squad, 2 bloodfang squads, 1 longfang squads (combat squaded), 1 grey hunter squad, and a vindi.

My plague zombies with Typhus tied up the termi squads when they showed up and eventually wore them down. Typhus and Grimnar did their thing with Typhus turning Grimnar into nurgling chow )loved the look on his face.

The Hellbrutes came in turn 2 and destroyed the vindi right away, ended up losing only one to the combined long fangs fire.

Oblits didnt see much action, but did sit in backfield and took out all the pods.

Sorc passed all tests with no double rolls and was daemon farming Plaguebearers which secured objectives for me.

Plague marines didnt last long, vindi destroyed rhino killing 2, then lobgfangs finished off the rest. Spawn had alot of fun eating bloodclaws wiped them out.

Game ended turn 5 as I had to leave early, we called game and added up victory pts. Came out 4 to 4, if we'd gone one more round would have beat him.

Want to say thanks to Lucio for an outstanding list. Thanks to all that helped.

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Seems kind of a unfair to plan a "no flyer" game and then start spawning Flying MCs.

Do you play the new missions, because if you do, then you need more then 2 fast moving objective taking unit. Drop the termis and trim the pms to 5 dudes without Votlk and take 2 units of 5 csm in rhinos[one unit made out of pms and the other out of havocks].

About as fair as a wolf player not wanting you to have anything that could possibly outrun his Thunderwolves. msn-wink.gif

I don't think so FMC have fly in their name. And chaos doesn't have units other then turboboosting bikers that can out run TWC +OP doesn't even have the models for either a deathstar with them or spawn.

How did you roll on the crazy table for dreads, its seems hard to pull of a tank destroy on the turn they land, even against a bad one like vindicator.

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The turn they arrived via deepstrike they landed on target next to the vindi. All were within 12 inches wirh MM, all hit, and rolled 2 vehicle explodes. Byebye vindi.

As far as crazed rolls, the turn they arrived I rolled a 1 so they all fire frenzied, so vindi was in deep poop from the get go.

2nd turn was Rising Fury, and 3rd and 4th turns were Blood rage and they ran on the 3rd, 4th he had tried moving units back so I was out of any kind of charge range so they fired normally killing a couple termi's in Grimnar's squad.

Turn 5 was Fire Frenzy and they killed a biker only.

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You're right. I didn't catch that, I just wrote out the list and copied pts cost.

I'll have to let my opponent know I was using an illegal list.

If I know him he'll want a rematch. I will have to specify that we use the same rules and lists ( with mine being corrected), that way he can't add stuff such as a wolf priest or iron priest (which ever his psykers are), since he didn't have any to begin with. He only takes them if he knows he's playing against psykers, then he takes the max he can have in an army.

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The turn they arrived via deepstrike they landed on target next to the vindi. All were within 12 inches wirh MM, all hit, and rolled 2 vehicle explodes. Byebye vindi.



odd I don't understand why he is taking BC then, if he is not using them to screen the vindicators. But then again I see little sense in using vindicators, so I may just not understand his list.

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The turn they arrived via deepstrike they landed on target next to the vindi. All were within 12 inches wirh MM, all hit, and rolled 2 vehicle explodes. Byebye vindi.



odd I don't understand why he is taking BC then, if he is not using them to screen the vindicators. But then again I see little sense in using vindicators, so I may just not understand his list.

Vindicators are quite good but any who knows what they will do will try to kill them turn 1

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