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Two Combined Arms detachments with the same Chapter Tactics?


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So, for a Codex Space Marines army we must pick a different Chapter Tactic when we add an Allied Detachment of Codex : Space Marines.


Does the same restriction apply to taking another Combined Arms detachment ? As in taking the other Combined Arms detachment would oblige to choose another Chapter Tactic.


My understanding would be that taking another Combined Arms detachment can allow us to take the same Chapter Tactic because it's not an allied detachment, but I wanted to check with you guys...

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So if I understand it correctly you want to take two of the same force org charts of the same army and call them allies?


I would say you can't unless you're playing them as two seperate armies I don't think it would be possible. The main force org chart as I know it is your main and you can't use it for an ally to partner with it. If you're using it as two seperate armies it would have to be big enough to make use of two armies (2500+ points) or else you're just hurting yourself by having two 1000 point armies or less. The only reason why I could imagine you wanting to do this is to get an extra heavy support, elite or fast attack slot. Doing it just to get one extra slot though would be a waste though because you can find something in the other slots to do what you need.

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Actually, the rulebook says that in an army you can take as many Combined Arms detachments and as many Allied Detachments as you want, my question was trying to figure out whether the extra combined arms detachment counts is considered an ally or not.

But you're absolutely right, the idea is to get an extra fast attack slot to have another Stormtalon in the army smile.png It wouldn't be a waste in my specific scenario because I already had 2 HQs and 4 Troops ;)

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As far as I'm aware, each CAD is from your primary faction, and each Allied Detachment is from the same faction that is not your primary. In the case of Space Marine, you could take two CADs of Ultramarines and two Allies of White Scars, for example.



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As far as I'm aware, each CAD is from your primary faction, and each Allied Detachment is from the same faction that is not your primary. In the case of Space Marine, you could take two CADs of Ultramarines and two Allies of White Scars, for example.



That's 6th Edition. In 7th, you can have a Combined Arms Detachment (CAD) from every codex (with a few exceptions like Inquisition) if you want, so long as your points hold out.


With C:SM you can have a CAD from every Chapter, or 9 CAD of one, or a mix of them (again, so long as points hold out).


The same thing applies to Allied Detachments, with the only condition being that none can match the Tactics of the Primary.


As a thought, OP, you could also go with a Stormwing Formation allowing for 3 Flyers to enter from Reserves at the same time. You can even assign them the Iron Hands Tactics if you want/need to be mean.

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Thanks for the comments guys ! :) I believed it to apply only to Allied Detachments, but I wanted to check the Internet wisdom to make sure ;) Unfortunately, I don't have enough points available nor the models for a Stormwing, but I'll keep that in mind once I've done my current projects, it does sound nice !


The idea is that I run a Stormtalon as anti air for 1000 and 1250 points battles, then switch to a Stormraven for 1500 points battles, both because I get an extra unit in the last FA slot, and also because I want more staying power. For 1850 points games, I will have 2 HQs and 2 Troops choices with roughly 150 points to play with and I originally planned to add a Dreadnought. However, I'm not sure at 1850 points a Stormraven is sufficient, so both the Raven and the Talon would have been interesting to have, at least more than a Dreadnought, hehe. Hence the question, I don't want to have half my army with different Chapter Tactics just so I could add another flier at 1850 points ;)

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As a thought, OP, you could also go with a Stormwing Formation allowing for 3 Flyers to enter from Reserves at the same time. You can even assign them the Iron Hands Tactics if you want/need to be mean.

Pretty sure the Stormwing Formation cannot benefit from Chapter Tactics, although I do see my error with how CADa and ADs changed with 7th. Its NSF for me



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As a thought, OP, you could also go with a Stormwing Formation allowing for 3 Flyers to enter from Reserves at the same time. You can even assign them the Iron Hands Tactics if you want/need to be mean.

Pretty sure the Stormwing Formation cannot benefit from Chapter Tactics, although I do see my error with how CADa and ADs changed with 7th. Its NSF for me



Most Tactics are useless, but Tactics are assigned when a Space Marines Detachment is created, see the FAQ. And Formations are Detachments.

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As a thought, OP, you could also go with a Stormwing Formation allowing for 3 Flyers to enter from Reserves at the same time. You can even assign them the Iron Hands Tactics if you want/need to be mean.

Pretty sure the Stormwing Formation cannot benefit from Chapter Tactics, although I do see my error with how CADa and ADs changed with 7th. Its NSF for me



Most Tactics are useless, but Tactics are assigned when a Space Marines Detachment is created, see the FAQ. And Formations are Detachments.
See the Stormwing Formation special rules, which states the units in the Formation do not benefit from Chapter Tactics.



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