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Homegrown Glottkin Rules for 40K


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I've written some home grown rules which i'm hoping to use for the Glottkin Model, I haven't play tested them yet, i'm just looking for any opinions at the outset. 


My annoyance with scabiethrax and the other big nurgly beasties is that they often are excellent at killing squishy infantry but almost defenceless against vehicles. I've had scabiethrax die in combat to an imperial knight 3 times without ever doing any damage back. 

Because of that i've aimed to make this guy fairly equivalent to an imperial knight at around the same sort of points value. 


I've tried to be inspired by the model and not gratuitously give him rules that don't make sense. 


Oh and this is just rules for the big monstery one, i'll deal with the other two later. 


Green = Rules  Red = fluff/explanation


Ghurk                   - Points 400


Gargantuan Creature

Counts as open topped vehicle with transport capacity 2 (same as Gargantuan Ork Squiggoth)


Ws   Bs   S   T   W   I   A   Ld  Sv

 4      2     7   8   6    3   4    8   -


Special Rules:


Mark of Nurgle, Feel no Pain, It Will Not Die, Fear, Fearless. 


Swarm of Flies - thick clouds of flies swarm around Ghurk, making friends harder to hit and flying in the faces of enemies. 

Any model within 2" of Ghurk with the mark of Nurgle gets shrouded. 

Any model within 2" of Ghurk without the mark of Nurgle suffers blind. 


Acerbic Spew - Ghurk's vomit corrupts and dissolves all it touches and he sprays it across the battlefield, melting armour and flesh

Range       S   AP    Type

Helstorm   5    3      Poison 2+, Acid*


Lashing Tentacle - 

Range   S   AP    Type

-            6    -       Melee, Sweep,** Poison 2+


Grinding Maw - 

Range   S   AP    Type

-            D    1      Melee, Halve attacks (i.e. 2 attacks) 


*Acid - Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule have Armourbane. Additionally, successful armour saves made against these wounds must be rerolled 


**Sweep - when using this weapon ignore Ghurk's attack characteristic. He instead attacks every model in base contact once (friendly or enemy)



And here is a random bit of fluff that popped into my head, might give the flavour of the sort of unit i want to portray

The Corpse Emperor’s knight had wounded Ghurk. He delighted in the foul oozings running from the fresh wound, already being lapped up by eager nurglings. He would thank the knight for the wound, he would show him the sweet release of Nurgle’s gifts. 

A second battle cannon shell shattered one of Ghurk's horns before he closed with the knight. The knight’s Vox unit grated with a battlecry as it swung its huge chainsword at Ghurk’s neck. It was pulled from its mark as Ghurk’s thick, tentacled arm wound around the blade of the weapon. The spinning teeth bit deeply but were quickly dulled by the malevolent acids coursing through his body. 

Smiling at this fresh wound Ghurk raised his right arm toward the knight, giggling as the human inside desperately tried to yank his machine free from the vice like grip. The maw that comprised Ghurk’s right arm slowly closed about the knights face plate, blackened teeth scraping over metal. The din of the surrounding battle was drowned out by a sickening, crunching sound as the knight convulsed and then sagged backwards. 

Ghurk let it fall, the tattered remains of the faceplate coming away to reveal an unidentifiable mess of corroded metal and flesh within. A great groan rose from the lips of the Corpse Emperor’s soldiers seeing their champion fall. Ghurk smiled, he cared not for them, soon they too would fall to the plague and all of this world would know nurgle’s loving embrace. 

Giggling again Ghurk set off after a tiny commissar, he hoped it would run, he loved it when they tried to run. 

















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I like it! Great little story too.


Couple of points though.

The vomit seems overly harsh. Poison 2+ at ap3 means only TDA and equiv get saves anyway and then you make them reroll? I would make it AP6 or something to show that it's not instantly corrosive from the acid but sticks and eats away at them.

Also maybe instead of armourbane an ability similar to the new nid poison beast where it get bonuses against open topped or vehicles alreadyd damaged instead?


Grinding maw attack also seems harsh. Remember that as a gargantuan greater it can already stomp for potential str D nastiness. Maybe just make it the one Attack only?


And have you considered maybe making the swarm of flies rule something more like "any unit (friend or foe) with at least one model within 4 inches gets Shrouded" it gives more of an uncaring swarm kinda feel to it I think.


Feel free to completely ignore all suggestion too!

Hope he caught that annoying commissar they have a satisfying crunch!

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