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Shooting between legs of a dreadnought?


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Guess this might has been asked Before, but didnt find.


Can you shoot between the legs of a dreadnought? If i have a techmarine or MotF behind a dreadnought, can it be targeted, if it can be seen between the legs? What if you have two dreadnoughts base to base, can you shoot through the gap between the dreadnoughts?


Edit: Spelling.

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If the model is sufficiently obscured (25%) then it will gain a cover save applicable to a model obscured by another intervening model.


Which is detailed in the rules.  The standard cover save for an intervening model is actually a 5+, not a 4+, regardless of what model is obscuring the target.

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General rule of thumb is true line of sight holds.   If you can draw a line from ANY part of a model (it used to be the eyes, but that has actually changed now) to any part of the target (both instances not including wings, banners, etc) you can shoot it.   That includes terrain pieces, models, everything.

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