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You know, usually when I write posts they tend to be rather wax poetic, but i'v been in something of a creative slump lately...haven't even participated in inspirational friday for awhile because of it. I thought to myself, perhaps i'm craving something simpler for once. I was wondering, does your Warband or Warband leader have a Creed? or an Oath that it abides by? Something even in the roiling tides of Chaos be it a phrase or ideology that unites them? You can choose to explain it, or simply just leave it here, i'd be interested in seeing them all the same.


For me, i'll do the latter, because I don't think Sigvalds ideology as a Slaaneshi needs terribly elaborate explanation.




"My brothers and I see the weakness in the world, and choose to be strong."

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I've largely adopted my "Headfirst into Hell" creed into most games and fixes in life. Not a fan of using it outside of English though. I am particularly bored of Latin, especially with the absurd pseudo latin saturation 40K has. Although occasionally I used Japanese names and callsigns to throw gamers off.
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Wow, at first I thought you were referring to the IG character who's known for being a "Tactical Genius."


Sure, easy question to answer - as it says in my signature, my Warband's motto is in High Gothic and reads "Cede nullis, nulli secundus!"  Translated, this comes out as "Yield to none, second to none!"  Quite appropriate for when the Warband's leaders were still Black Consuls (Second Founding Ultramarine successors, who were known for being about as rigid as the Black Templars) and equally so now that they're Disciples of Fulgrim.

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Wow, at first I thought you were referring to the IG character who's known for being a "Tactical Genius."


Sure, easy question to answer - as it says in my signature, my Warband's motto is in High Gothic and reads "Cede nullis, nulli secundus!"  Translated, this comes out as "Yield to none, second to none!"  Quite appropriate for when the Warband's leaders were still Black Consuls (Second Founding Ultramarine successors, who were known for being about as rigid as the Black Templars) and equally so now that they're Disciples of Fulgrim.




But seriously, that is pretty cool. I'v always been fond of phrases written in other languages.

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"Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Wolf King!". BattleOath of the SableClaws. I'll be filling in there articles soon.


I made a lot of things over the years, but this past 18 months have seen me paring back the superfluous to find the raw heart of my love for 40k. I'm working on my BL mob now, who I think will be called " Bastards of the Throne", a work in progress revolving around brotherhood for the lost, strength for the broken and faith for the deserted.


Of course "you mad bro?" still gets a rise from opponents. True story.

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"Me and my brothers see the weakness in the world, and choose to be strong."

"My brothers and I"
Or, its supposed to be "Me and my brothers", grammar nazis notwithstanding. Just saying.


In my case "Let the galaxy burn." seems to sum it up.

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In theme with my Arrogant Sons, a cabal of Thousand Sons who has joined the Black Legion, this is the creed they live by. They name themselves Arrogant Sons because they need to be reminded of the ruin caused to their legion by the arrogance of Magnus and the hubris of Ahriman. They call themselves Arrogant Sons to never again fall into the clutches of arrogance, of self aggrandizement and I see the proverb above fitting for my warband.




Another core concept in my warband. Always, always play inferiority, present a false facade and fan hot the flames of arrogance in an adversary. The Arrogant Sons survived so long because they never reveal themselves more then they have to, they never expose themselves, they play the long game, the safe game. The quote above is etched in many a banner across the warband and the Arrogant Sons live and die by that words.  


In short I took the concept of arrogance in its many interpretations and I have molded it to fit the theme of my warband. It is also a counter punch to the Prodigal Sons of Ahriman as well as an indicator of the bloodline which commands the warband. Arrogance, as all emotions has a wide specter, a lot of interpretations to say, so I shape it according to the needs of my narrative, but it is always there, the undercurrent of it all.

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"Me see the weakness"? Sure, if he intends his character to sound like a cartoon caveman.

1.)"We see the weakness in others". You know that, I know that, everyone who reads that is going to know that irregardless of how some people may flinch at it due to OCD.


2.)It worked for Mark Twain, it can work for Loesh. Unless you're telling me you rewrote Huckleberry Finn just so it would sound more "civilized"?


EDIT: Actually it ain't that big a deal. Just don't see the need to fix every little thing when the meanin is clear and seein it happen just drives me up a wall. Ain't like we gonna do it to every single little post in the entire BnC now is it?

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EDIT: Actually it ain't that big a deal. Just don't see the need to fix every little thing when the meanin is clear and seein it happen just drives me up a wall. Ain't like we gonna do it to every single little post in the entire BnC now is it?


I've made no attempt to fix "every little thing". It's the defining statement of his Emperor's Children warband, not from the mouth of an uneducated vagrant in 19th century Missouri. I thought his vision of a scion of perfection-obsessed arch-aesthetes might be one who speaks in grammatical sentences, so he'd want to get it right.

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I like 'My brothers and I' more actually now that Lucien brings it up, that said, i'd prefer if we weren't strangling each other over grammatical sentences. tongue.png More so in a setting where low and high gothic are merely imperfect combinations of old Terran languages and no one can effectively communicate anywhere because humanity has been spreading in a thousand different directions and the resultant languages are so diverse and complicated that it takes hundreds of thousands of man hours to understand what the hell is going on.

I was also rather sleepy when I wrote that, sometimes my brain needs a few jumpstarts to get working right.

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As recently, I've been into Word Bearers, despite all the flak I've given them,  I can give you this-


I am the Word. I breathe the Word, and it gives me life. I  am commanded by the Word, and it shall be obeyed. I am lead by the Word, and it shall be followed, unto my death, or the End of All Days. I am its servant, as it is my master. I am the will of Lorgar Aurelian. I am the voice of His Word. I shall speak it, until made silent. For I am the Speaker. I am the Servant of dark and terrible gods. I am the Bearer of the Word. I am Truth.


As for my 'secret' warband (see my W.I.P. thread, in my sig), their creed is-


Absolution through deletion! Vengence upon <REDACTED>!


For my Night Lords and World Eaters, well, it's right there in the sig.

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My Warband Leader Zaqar feels that the Warp Taints the Long War and is just as an enemy to the VIII Legion as the Imperium. He's a bit Templar like in that aspect as shown by his exorcised Daemon weapon, but it has started to gain him notice of NL warriors like an Atramentor that recently due to his attitude reminding him of Sevatar that and a conversation with a certain prophet.

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Here do I swear, with final breath of life escaping my lips, fealty and service to the Dead Word and King of the Abyss.

For the sovereignty of the Four Winds, and their thirsting Neverborn, I do cast my soul into their whims as homage to my Lord.

Just as crimson blood drains from my wrists, so too does my will. The Neverborn may tear at my spirit and and forever feast on my grave,

Unless my King see fit to drag me from the sea of souls, and bring me into this world anew by His hand as His vassal.

My voice I silence, so that His may be heard. My ambition I tarnish, so that His is seen true.

My blade I grasp, so that His foes be slain. My lords I follow, so that that His will be done.


My life I sacrifice, so that His reign may continue. My soul I ruin, so that He may live eternal.

I call upon the Pantheon as my witness in these final moments, for with my final breath, I do make this covenant whole.

I plunge myself body and soul into the Abyss, so I may be judged worthy of service.

- The Covenant of the Abyss, Oath of Fealty to the Chapter of the Ruined King

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"It is better to be an object of fear than of respect, for one is a truth of the soul and the other an illusion of the mind."

It's a classic, but I love it.

Otherwise, I am really fond of one that I use in real life, which would be something like "Because life sucks, and sometimes you die."

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