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How difficult to convert is the obliterater kit?


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It would probably involve a lot of sawing and greenstuff sculpting, as they're pretty solid blocks of metal/finecast. Swapping the heads out would involve a lot of drilling and sculpting.

Personally, I'd look at some third party obliterators like the hitech terrorizers: http://hitechminiatures.com/null/product/info/126



Or convert your own from terminators and other kits, which is what most people do. I don't particularly like the 'melted cheese with guns" aesthetic of classic oblits, so I made mine out of the new Ogryn kit as sort of big brutes toting daemon-weapons.


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Wow, those Ogryn Oblits looks really cool. Nice thinking outside the box.


I made mine by simply bulking up plastic Chaos Termies using greenstuff and other bits. Some WIP pics can be found here.



A pic for scale with a Termie (both these models were being painted at the time of the picture being taken, so excuse the crappyness of the paintjob).



I don't own any official Oblits, but the models are notoriously 'thin' when seen from the side. It's like they have been kinda flattened. It's probably easier to use something else as the base rather than using the official models if you want something bigger and more imposing. I personally don't like the 'big-termie-with-cheese' look they have, so I guess I'm biased.

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Actually I think I did what you're suggesting with a box of Obliterators I got - I used this tutorial here to make them stand taller: http://warpedreality.wordpress.com/2010/02/03/must-obliterate/

It's a bit out of date, referring to the metal version of the models, but it did the job for me! It did involve a LOT of shaving, pinning, and a fair bit of green stuff work though. I used it for 3 Obliterators, one of which I converted into a count-as Typhus.

Regarding head swaps, the "hollow" where something like a Terminator head would go isn't actually hollow - it's a flat surface with a hole for receiving a pin that's on the back of the default Obliterator heads, so you may need to carve that out a bit if you're aiming for a head swap.

Hope this helps some smile.png

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I did that sort of headswap for last year's CoC. What you have to do is to cut away a part of the back of the heads.


  • The neck at the bottom of the sm heads has to go completely, except if you want to have them looking up a little bit. Then you have to cut a bit diagonally and to leave a very small rest of the neck.
  • Find the point at the top of the head were you want the head to fit into the socket. Then cut in vertically about 1 mm deep. Next, cut back to that point horizontally from the back of the head.
  • Finally, cut away anything that's too long at the back of the head. Start with heads you have plenty of, because they can be destroyed very easily in the process.


Sorry, I can't provide you with pics of the heads being worked at, but maybe my final pics help you a little bit:






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I bought Mutilator kits, then converted weapons onto one arm (assault cannon, heavy flamer, plasma cannon etc) and put long horned terminator heads on them. Easy to do with a sharp knife and some green stuff, they look a lot better too IMO without being totally different models.
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Sorry I haven't been able to reply Sigil, just been doing a bit of travelling today. Dallas Drake is right - the heads are separate but as has been mentioned, you'll likely need to either shave down the back of the head you're planning on using, or carve out the neck cavity a wee bit.


There are loads of conversions out there using completely different models though, like the ones in this thread. Another option I've seen done is using SM Centurions as a base - they can look brilliant if done right!

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I surprisingly like those Obliterators, as well as the old ones, but then - appreciate that you may want to look at either those superb third party ones, or look to convert as others have done. I tend to think that the current ones often look worse because of the paint jobs - so perhaps yours can bring them to life!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have 6 Nurgle Obliterator conversions that you can see in the Hexfleet Virules thread in my sig. 3 are made using the line of models shown in the first post, and the other 3 are made using a combination of CSM, Forge World, and my own sculpting. Hope that helps.

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I love their fluff and rules, but the models blow chunks imo. I want to hack em up so they stand a little taller and do some head swaps with non derp marines. Possible? I've never seen the kit before.

On this forum I had seen someone do that with a metal kit. They hacked up the limbs and with some plastic and green stuff changed them to an upright posture and added some length to the arms. I tried the same thing with the resin kits and it was easy to cut and repose. Just cut at the joints, pin (I use paper clips), and glue it together. 


I unfortunately do not have a picture of the guy anymore. Also, I did end up using a "weapons team" for my obliterators any way. And for a near-similar cost I'd rather use these guys


EDIT: I found that metal hacked-up obliterator tutorial on post #5. Sweet!

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