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Who to pair with my DC?


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I have 10 Death Company. Nine are armed with bolters and the last one carries an infernus pistol and power fist.


Should I just run them as is, or go with 9 and move a Blood Angels leader or special unit in with them? If so then who is good to have with the death company? For transport they will probably Drop Pod in.





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For a drop pod I would just keep the 10 man as they are. They make for a very good distraction unit. Drop them in a good place to wreak havoc, preferably close to something that isn't good at killing them.


Probably wouldn't have put the infernus pistol and power fist on the same model. If possible break off that arm and put on another model with a chainsword. Give the powerfist a bolt gun. If you like to keep it as it is remember to protect him by not having him as the closest model to the enemy. You don't wan't to lose both melta and fist early on. 

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Reclusiarch/chaplain for rerolls on to-hit and to-wound rolls. A librarian with invisibity would make them very survivable, but you cannot count on getting that power.


In my experience chaplains are a waste on DC not in an assault vehicle. You'll rarely get the charge and the points you pay for a chaplain will give you so much more in another unit. 


When we get a new codex though we'll probably get 'hatred' just as vanilla chaplains. Ours are a special case now as we only get buffs on the charge instead of the first round of any combat.

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