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Why are chaos space marines thought of as a bad codex?


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"Because if you want to play Horus Heresy legions...you can't just use your Chaos Space Marine minis...you got to buy that high dollar resin stuff"

umm no i don't and yes, I can. watch me ;P


Why would you get all the new marine toys? They're new to vanilla, and chaos rely on stealing or turning enemies to the dark side to upgrade their stuff, so if you did get the new options, it should technically be in super short supply and cost double the points...

that's not how technology works in the 41st millennium. After the razing of mars during the Heresy, almost nothing is invented any more. there is no technological progression in the Imperium. When new units are introduced, the background story is "they found ancient relics from the great crusade" (see centurions). So why doesn't chaos get it, too? They were around at the time, you know...personally, unlike those new chapters. And moreso, unlike the degenerated pseudo-religious Admech, the Dark Mechanicus never stopped experimenting.


you dont get the super-powers and have a fluff army at the same time.

yes you do if you play armies of the imperium or eldar.


Thing is, the villains must always lose.

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That is such a fallacy. Chaos was good in 4th as  vs noob killer army. Yes when someone came from playing DoW and played against a syren build or a 9oblits+2xdefilers+1vindi+basilisk[3with indirect fire], he lost. But if the same dude played against marines[24+rending shots per turn. and rending happened on to hit rolls], eldar circus or nidzilla he lost too.


Sry, things you mention didnt fear me in that time, to easy to beat up, when i still played on tournaments, and you could do worse with the CSM Dex.

Things like Demonbomb or getting free Champions with blessed units and such stuff.




yes you do if you play armies of the imperium or eldar.


Not really, havent seen a real fluff army since the introduction of allies in last edition, but on the other side you can justify anything by bending the fluff into brezels.


And Eldar have been the anti- SM-Codex since third Edition when i started, so nothing new there :P

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Things like Demonbomb or getting free Champions with blessed units and such stuff.



Demon bombs , even of the syren kind had an auto lose against circus, I don't see how free champions in 6 man "NM" squads were OP. In fact there was a good balance between free champions on marked units of proper size[didn't help tzeench or nurgle ones at all] and double vet skill non marked squads that had to buy champions at full cost.




Not really, havent seen a real fluff army since the introduction of allies in last edition, but on the other side you can justify anything by bending the fluff into brezels.


everything that is legal is automaticly fluffy. If it wasn't the rules wouldn't allow it. SM and CSM in same unit is unfluffy or Mr lion Sword in DA lists unfluffy? not possible.




My Black Legion work phenomenally well at 2000points



Could you post the list and say how it worked.

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Very well, what needed to be said it was said, what needed to be discussed was discussed. As a future notice I will say that future topics on the same theme will be discouraged unless we get a new codex, thus we would need a new discussion. This topic has thus run its course and it will be locked before it spirals into the dreaded doom and gloom. We, the daemon princes of the chaos forums, appreciate that our frater behaved in this one and we hope that you will keep the good conduct even in the future. 


So without further ado by the authority of the Warmaster and the Dark Gods this topic is closed. 

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