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Knights of Blood, are they one and the same?

Kol Saresk

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So essentially at this current moment, there are two factions calling themselves the Knights of Blood. The first is from the 4th Ed C:CSM and features black armor with a red blood dripping paint scheme an has a Juggernaut symbol. The second is the Renegade Chapter from the C:BA and has a completely different color scheme and symbol.


Which brings me to my question: Are these two factions related or are they separate entities that happen to have the same name?


My personal theory is that when the Chapter was declared Renegade, it continued to battle with the Flaw and some of its members actually went Renegade, and simply kept the name.


But what do you, the actual Blood Angels players, think?

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There is not enough evidence either way... Its entirely possible that a small traitorous warband who had never even heard of the existence of a chapter of marines call the the Knights of Blood exist and chose that name randomly. Its also possibly that they did know, and chose that name deliberately as a taunt to the loyalist KoB. Its also possible that they are, as you speculate, a true traitorous offshoot of the rest of the (renegade) KoB.


Personally, i suspect that they are not the same entity (as in the whole chapter is not the warband seen on C:CSM), though there may well be some relationship somewhere in the past. Maybe the chaos warband is responsible for the actions that finally caused the rest of the chapter to be excomunicated......

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