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Damocles Command Rhino

Praefectus Invictus

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If you're interested, there's some information on the Damocles and Blood Angel synergies here.


I've used on in the past and I made it following the suggestion on the link above. They are worth it in a reserve heavy army or any army with 1-2 key units that are being held back. Regarding the Orbital Bombardment, they are certainly of use but should be considered a bonus should they do anything. There are ways of mitigating this but then it depends how much you want to spend on a one trick pony. Also, remember that they don't fill up a HQ slot (easy mistake to make).


Personally, I like it and I'll be using it again.

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I use mine to guide in my raptor and the caestus with its cargo of a terminator assault squad with reclusiarch and corbulo. Only two units in reserve, not counting passengers, but it's 995 points of my 1850 army and a huge amount of firepower so getting them in on turn two - or delaying them if needed - is just mega.


The orbital is just a bonus but yes it can be a game changer. Keep dropping it on the enemy's warlord in turn one and there's only so many games when it will miss. I'm due a hit sometime soon :D

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I'm just going through the same process now.... spent last night converting one up! Will post pictures in my thread this evening once got last bit of filling green-stuff on :).


Decision was made for me by last game that I had against nids at the weekend.... Raptor didn't arrive until turn 4. Whereupon it promtly killed a flying hive tyrant and put two wounds on another... Up until that point I was loosing badly. In the end I pulled out a narrow win, but would have dearly loved that Raptor in a turn or two earlier!!

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"Late to the Party" fire support costs lives.

Preach brother!


For that reason I also have recently bought a Skyshield landing pad... used it once. Also a good way of getting air support on the table sooner. But less overall utility (only thing else it really does is provide an excellent firing point for devastators), since the Damocles has both an orbital bombardment and the abilty to sit on a backfield objective/make a dash to grab an objective. ~edit~ WiP of my Damocles now up on the thread in my signature :)

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"Late to the Party" fire support costs lives.

Preach brother!

For that reason I also have recently bought a Skyshield landing pad... used it once. Also a good way of getting air support on the table sooner. But less overall utility (only thing else it really does is provide an excellent firing point for devastators), since the Damocles has both an orbital bombardment and the abilty to sit on a backfield objective/make a dash to grab an objective. ~edit~ WiP of my Damocles now up on the thread in my signature smile.png

Can the Raptor or other flyers Deep Strike on to the landing pad? What's its cost point wise?

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The key thing is that the pad (with an upgrade) lets you start a hovering flyer on it, from turn 1.... which is pretty amazing to be fair. Can't remember the exact cost of the upgrade off the top of my head. But its around the 100 point mark all in I think... so not too bad. But also not insanely cheap. 

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So, I have to admit, as much as the tactical side of me would really be into an orbital bombardment firing objective manipulating rhino, the Blood Angels player in me rejects this unit. If I wanted that sort of playstyle, I'd play Codex marines! Blood Angels have plenty of tactical options - they aren't a rush-and-slaughter army, even though they are fast and don't mind getting stuck in melee - but this piece just... doesn't do anything else. It's not that it's bad, but would I rather have a tactically interesting rhino that doesn't even count as my compulsory HQ, or would I rather have... more death company, or a tougher main HQ, or more of our awesome support elites (chaplains and priests)? For me, the answer is pretty clear - I'd rather have something that gives me options and also beats face.

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Blood Angels have plenty of tactical options - they aren't a rush-and-slaughter army, even though they are fast and don't mind getting stuck in melee -

"They aren't a rush and slaughter army, even though they are very good as rushing. And slaughtering."


BA have more use for this than most, seeing as they have more options available for an all-reserve army. Outflanking baals, the 3rd drop pod, etc, all can use this.

Is the damocles limited to only one bombardment in the current rules? I remember it used to bring one down every turn!

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Blood Angels have plenty of tactical options - they aren't a rush-and-slaughter army, even though they are fast and don't mind getting stuck in melee -

"They aren't a rush and slaughter army, even though they are very good as rushing. And slaughtering."


Honestly, I feel like this pretty much sums up the Blood Angels, despite being silly.

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Little late just seen this!! but this is the best 75 points you can spend!


You need to also keep in mind the one time use orbital bombardment is not the same as the chapter master. It does not have the Orbital special rule in its weapon description only has large blast, barrage and ordnance which translates into you -bs if you have line of sight.  Have not really read all the posts and not sure if someone else has mentioned this :) if so my bad. Not only is it good for that but once it has done its booomting! u now have a model to capture objective around the table!! moves 18 inch's per turn + 3 inches for distance to objective 21 inch distance! or u can just park a objective under it!.


Will never stop using it! Viva La Damochles!

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@sohail187, I hadn't noticed that the orbital rule is missing from its description so thanks for that, but in my case that would be a situational advantage as I always deploy my damocles out of LOS so that it can do its main job on turn 2. Risking it for a chance of reduced scatter just aint worth it for me personally.
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The only time its worth deploying it with LOS is obviously if you got first turn or place it in a way so it is always 25% covered so if they do steal! u at least get a cover save. However if your enemy does poor tanking busting or high str shots into a 75 points model all good :D

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Love it!  Love it, love it!


Highly recommended.    

General tips:

1.  Have more than 1 unit coming in from turn 2. (or a strategy that requires it!)
2.  Consider Corbulo to help with very needed hits.

3.  Have a unit of terminators or Legion to make use of the teleport rule.  


For 75 points I think the S10, AP1 ordnance, barrage is worth it alone - but we get a scoring unit that also modifies reserves.   

Full of win! 

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I'm guessing the rules for the Damocles are in the "IA: war machines of the Astartes" update? That also has the sicarian, and vehicles of renown (war on murder etc) rules?


Very tempted by it, but the price tag is a little steep, especially with new BA stuff on the horizon.

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I'm guessing the rules for the Damocles are in the "IA: war machines of the Astartes" update? That also has the sicarian, and vehicles of renown (war on murder etc) rules?


Very tempted by it, but the price tag is a little steep, especially with new BA stuff on the horizon.


Consider buying the Hyperios Radar set - it looks almost identical to the Damocles.  (probs cheaper too!) 


Thats what I use.

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It is in that book, yes. As for the conversion, mine is the method I linked in my first post (which is the same as Morticon's version, etc). I think the actually Damocles model has a different inside which represents the marines working at a command node, but that may have been a conversion.

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