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Chaos bikers in 7th

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So whilst everyone says how great bikes are in 7th, and I was wondering if anyone had any specific suggestions on how to use them to counter terminators/tanks ect to support thousand sons? The idea is based on Scars (I can't find the spoilers option on here so can't say too much)

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Two plasma guns and a champion with a combi plasma is going to be your best bet against terminators. Take no more than 5 just with extra bodies to protect the plasma guns or keep it to 3 if you're short on points. 


To support thousand sons though, I'd probably go melta guns, since your thousand sons squads lack any form of anti armor you need it from somewhere and bikers can do that fairly well. 

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Mark of Slaanesh is useful when you want to run a Biker Deathstar. Icon of Excess gets better/cheaper the more models you use and I5 is more useful than most people give credit to. Especially if you are fighting Loyalists and seriously who isn't?

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Mark of Slaanesh is useful when you want to run a Biker Deathstar. Icon of Excess gets better/cheaper the more models you use and I5 is more useful than most people give credit to. Especially if you are fighting Loyalists and seriously who isn't?



and your HQ is t5 and everything str 10 suddenly ID it. Smash may have been nerfed, but there are still WK and imperial knights runing around in enough lists for it to be a problem.


And if FnP is being used, this means that either invisibility got stoped or the player didn't get it and the whole biker DS is already in a bad position vs other armies.

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I've run the math on a basic model, and unless the number of opponents is very low (e.g.7 or less for MEQ tac marines, 3 or less for Assault marines), or the Strengh of the opponent exceeds 7 or more, then Initiative is worse than Toughness. Which is a little surprising, as I'd have assumed that reducing the number of enemies you're facing would be more beneficial in reducing incoming wounds to the squad.

There are some other edge cases, when you have the attackers with a high number of attacks, but unless you can guarentee killing enough of the enemy, then the Toughness wins out, and that's not even including the fact that Toughness helps resist incoming shooting attacks to boot.

Which annoys me now, as I've just finished painting my bikers as Slaaneshii cultists furious.gif

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There is a reason the mark pricing is one of the biggest bug bears for me with our codex, in that Nurgle's mark has an effect which outclasses the others in terms of all roundedness, and is often the same cost or only on or two point cheaper, making any kind of asking for advice auto "take mark of Nurgle".
I won't, my legion is Thousand sons, and so won't use nurgle, if I was looking for a power army I would be using my eldar, the chaos codex may be a pig's ear, but I will do my best to use the models and faction I have painted.
Besides, I don't see S10 causing instant death being too big of an issue, especially as in smaller games they won't have a HQ joined.
Perhaps I should rephrase my original question, in that how do people find the best ways to use bikers outside of the auto nurgle spam? 

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Khornate 8 strong with 1 flamer, 1 melta and a p' axe

Think of them as expendable and enjoy their hopefully useful humorous demisemsn-wink.gif

On the other hand stick to your legion and have some relentless twin linked soul blaze bolters with a pair of meltas scuttling around the tableph34r.png

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Mark of Slaanesh is useful when you want to run a Biker Deathstar. Icon of Excess gets better/cheaper the more models you use and I5 is more useful than most people give credit to. Especially if you are fighting Loyalists and seriously who isn't?



and your HQ is t5 and everything str 10 suddenly ID it. Smash may have been nerfed, but there are still WK and imperial knights runing around in enough lists for it to be a problem.


And if FnP is being used, this means that either invisibility got stoped or the player didn't get it and the whole biker DS is already in a bad position vs other armies.

How much Strength 10 - D is actually being used that you can't LoSir? Vindicares? Can't account for everything in the game unfortunately and if you're that worried, both supplements offer some defensive bonuses (EW) let alone certain powers from Telepathy and Biomancy. My point being I think it's irrelevant and short sighted to say 'it can be insta killed by Strength 10, so don't take it.'


Slanneshi bikers and Steed Lord with the option to outflank and 2 specials and 2 combis are the goods in my opinion

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If we could upgrade them to ruberic bikers I would, but as my Thousand son's colour scheme is almost in flux (one day I will have a squad all painted in the same scheme/shade of blue, and at the same stage of painting :P) I'm thinking it could be cool to include some elements form one of the other legions, or maybe some traitor white scars.
I'm not leaning towards Tzeentch as whilst fluffy, it is expensive for only a 6++ (Why kelly thought a 5++ was too much I will never know) so am thinking another mark or unmarked, and with either Alpha legion, traitor scars or word bearers would be distinctive from the rest of the army (though would have a shoulder pad or symbol in the Thousand son colours to show their ellegiance to my Sorcerer).
What is it that makes the melta gun such a better choice other then the plasma gun being more expensive? It has better range and more shots so could potentially do more damage, though the melta is more assured to do damage if you hit.
What's the best power weapon people have found on bikes? I'd be using thr white scars upgrade pack if I go for that idea so would likely be goin with a sword which I'm thinking could go well with either Khorne, Slaanesh or unmarked.

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There is a reason the mark pricing is one of the biggest bug bears for me with our codex, in that Nurgle's mark has an effect which outclasses the others in terms of all roundedness, and is often the same cost or only on or two point cheaper, making any kind of asking for advice auto "take mark of Nurgle".

I am somewhat biased - having a Death Guard army as my bread and butter. That said, I would probably still field them the same in an Undivided list - and appropriately marked for other respective Legions.

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