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Stormraven doors: Are they similar to Rhino and Land Raider?


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The title says it all ! I've recently bought a used Stormraven that has the Hurricane Bolters side sponsoons which I don't plan to use and I'd like to remove them for wysiwyg purposes. So far, the door mounts on the side look a lot like those on the sides of either the Rhinos or the Land Raiders and I was wondering if either model was compatible ? I'd be very tempted to get Chapter doors from Forgeworld and stick them instead of the Hurricane Bolters...


Thanks for the help !

bear in mind that the Hurricane bolters are awesome.


Are they? They always seemed a little silly to me. I'm not trying to be facetious. You're getting 2-3 bolter shots per door, and you're only going to hit with both doors if you're 100% head on, right? So once in a while you'll get 5-6 shots? That seems kind of average. I mean, that'll do some damage against hordes, but is it really that cool? I've always wondered why people seem to dig them so much. 

Thanks for the quick reply, I guess it's settled then, I'll order Rhino bits from Forgeworld smile.png

Be careful, sometimes forgeworld doors can be a few millimeters off in terms of size compared to a stock plastic rhino door. Worst case scenraio, you'll need to do some gap filling.

bear in mind that the Hurricane bolters are awesome.

I've never gotten a chance to use a stormraven in a game-- but I'm in the same line of thought as JeffTibbets on this one; is the appeal a few more anti-infantry shots, or is it the draw of 12 twin-linked shots if you're within 12'' of the target? I suppose combat dropping a unit into a contested building with the hurricane bolters would help clear it out, or hovering direcrly over an opponent-- but coming up for a loss as to how effective they can really be. That said, I built my hurricane bolters to be magnetizable over the doors so I could essentially have my cake and eat it too.

For the record, I'm not a fan of hurricane bolters on crusaders either-- I think the Prometheus has the right idea: 2 twin linked heavy bolters per sponson. Yes please!

Be careful, sometimes forgeworld doors can be a few millimeters off in terms of size compared to a stock plastic rhino door.  Worst case scenraio, you'll need to do some gap filling.

This times one hundred.

I use mine as a gunship. When the missiles are fired, it's useful to still have 4 guns to shoot, other than the two you are left with.


The general mm/AC set up...that leaves you with 5 shots when the missiles are gone. Which is pretty pathetic for a 200pt mode.


Adding another 6 or 12 shots from the hurricanes makes it that much more fearsome, it should down a marine per turn, or wipe out an imperial platoon command etc.



bear in mind that the Hurricane bolters are awesome.


Are they? They always seemed a little silly to me. I'm not trying to be facetious. You're getting 2-3 bolter shots per door, and you're only going to hit with both doors if you're 100% head on, right? So once in a while you'll get 5-6 shots? That seems kind of average. I mean, that'll do some damage against hordes, but is it really that cool? I've always wondered why people seem to dig them so much.


3 shots per door. Always. An I tend to point the raven at what I want it to kill, so against infantry, 6 shots (the equivalent to more than 96pts of blood angels tactical marine shooting) all the time, or 12 when I'm closer.


If both main guns are shooting at tanks, then I machine spirit a hurricane off to the side at infantry, as more shots are always better.


the 30pts adds a lot of flexibility to the unit, and doesnt waste its potential.


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