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Your most entertaining narrative in 7th

Angelus Mortifer

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Recent talk on the new Nid formations in the "What 2014 Will Bring" thread brought back some memories of a cool game I played back in 5th against a mate who played Nids at the time. We're all going through the uncertainty and stresses of "new Codex expectation" and what it will mean to be a Blood Angel come the start of next year; will things get nerfed, will units disappear, will we get a boost to certain things, and ultimately will we be a competitive force still when stacked up against the recent new books and 7th Edition as a whole?


I like to play competitively and try to go to a few tournaments every year (less so now with family and work life), but I also really enjoy games with a good mate without the pressures of time or tournament position, and often these games for me bring up some fun and entertaining situations that have to be recorded in the annals of my 2nd Company. Whilst we all undoubtedly want the best for our new book, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that we all play Blood Angels and their Successors because we love the back story, we love the characters and units, and we think they are a cool and fun army to play.


So, if anyone is interested, and to maybe calm the inner feeling of the Thirst coming to the fore as we wait to see what is to become of the IX Legion, I thought it would be good to hear about instances that we've experienced that encapsulate the fun of playing the Sons of Sanguinius, but illustrated on the tabletop. Feel free to wade in if you have a good story to tell, and remember that whatever will be, will be with the new book. For me personally, I will still play Blood Angels whatever the new book has in store for us.


Some stories from me.


 - "Drink deep and remember the fallen lost" (5th Ed vs Nids)


Lemartes and some DC managed to grab an objective in the Nid deployment zone bottom of 3, and then spent the next 3 Turns fighting recurring Gants (Endless Swarm rule I think it was), winning combat, breaking them, running them down, only for another unit to arrive the next turn, and to eventually win the game. My mate had to capture the objective to earn a draw (as by that stage most of the rest of our forces were fairly beaten up), and I needed to hold it to earn a win. The DC were finally killed but Lemartes stood firm throughout the assault to be left as last man standing at the end. Now that's how the DC should go out... finally dying on a mound of dead enemy bodies; and Lemartes did his job as befits his rank.


- "Fighter Ace FTW" (7th Ed vs Chaos Marines)


Faced a pretty nasty army with double Oblits, Havocs, Nurgle Spawn, tooled up Lord with Cultist chaff screen, Flying Prince with 2+ Cover (hate that combo!) and the now infamous Heldrake. Hammer & Anvil deployment with objectives fairly spread out and I was on the back foot very early on. My Libby Asst Sq was getting mauled, particularly from the Heldrake and his Flying Prince landed to assault my back line next turn. Fortunately, my DC Raven had arrived the previous turn and the pilot delivered his cargo like a pro, whilst also supporting the counter attack with his own contribution.


Stormraven hovers to drop off my DC squad with Chaplain and a very angry DC Dread with Talons. As he hovers the pilot attempts to take out the Heldrake with a lucky shot and manages to hit with both Multi-Melta and Lascannons firing Snap Shots. The Heldrake fails his Jink and blows up in a blaze of death. In the ensuing combat, the DC and Chaplain wade into the Prince and cut him down for the loss of the Chaplain, and the DC Dread blends the entire unit of Spawn in one session. The Chaos assault is broken and I hold on for a narrow victory by 1 VP. Apparently that was the first time in 8 games my mate had lost his Heldrake.


- "Ultimate Sacrifice - a battle of Psychic wills" (7th Ed vs Nids)


Faced a double Flyrant list both with T/L Devourers and didn't have an Icarus/Quad or Flyer in my list. How was I going to kill those bu66ers?! Step forward Librarian Koris of the Librarium. Turn 1, one of the Flyrants swoops onto the top of a 3 storey building in the middle of the board, seemingly facing down the entire Blood Angels arrayed against it (very cinematic!). In my following Psi phase, Koris is fortunate to ground it with a lucky hit from Smite. It takes a wound from the hit, a further wound from the fall, and then my Baal Pred finishes it off in a hail of fast moving gunfire - one down, but one still to go.


The following 3 Turns the other Flyrant exacts a heavy toll on the Blood Angels, destroying a Las/Plas Razorback, mauling my second Asst Sq and hitting my Devs pretty hard. Some lucky return fire over those rounds drops it down to 2 wounds and a grounding in the fourth Turn. It saves against the fall and I fail my assault charges to try and engage it in combat (having unloaded most of my remaining army to try and bring it down). The following Turn it escapes and swoops to cause some more devastation among my ranks. Sensing the battle was slipping from our grasp, and already drained from the psychic and physical demands of war, Koris realised there was only one chance left to try and turn the tide... for want of a better pun. Opening his mind fully to the warp he Smites the Flyrant for an additional wound; the beast fails its grounding test and it dies from the impact as it hits the ground.


A resounding cheer erupts from the red ranks as the 2nd Company advance to mop up the remaining xenos, but for all his efforts, Librarian Koris suffered a Perils of the Warp and died as he killed the flying monster. His name is forever remembered in the Halls of Remembrance on Baal.


Thought this would be a fun little thread to contribute to - the more the merrier.

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When Escalation / Stronghold Assault first hit we threw together all of our terrain (lots still unpainted at the time) for a big game. The underlying theme was that Dante and his Blood Angels were protecting certain assets. But before any communication, regarding these assets, could be sent to the greater Imperial Fleet, the Dark Angels swept in with dark motives. They were also able to convince the Grey Knights that the Blood Angels "flaw" had turned them to Chaos and thus join the fight.


Here the Death Company and Death Company Dreadnought wait, salivating with blood lust, to kill anything that breaches the wall and threatens the asset:



The entire bat-rep is on my blog as well as others if you are interested: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/

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It was quiet for two hours and you thought it was dead? Well I'm glad to have helped. If we're going with your analogy, I'd like to take it a step further. I like to think that he threw his bolter, instead of a grenade. I don't recall him firing again, so it's entirely possible. ;)


I look forward to hearing more tales of the Scions of Sanguinius taking part in glorious combat, taking names for the Emperor and generally getting up to entertaining shenanagins.



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Here's something to entertain you brother.


Night of Storms


Necron force led by the high lord Immohotek move out onto the battlefield. Word has reached them of a Necron lord trapped in an inquisition stasis field. The strike force meant to take it off planet has been dispatched and the primitive technology used to contain him can be easily overcome with a few hours of attention.

Upon reaching the field they encounter a detachment of genetically enhanced warriors of the upstart imperium. Specifically the sons of the angel they have fought against before. The golden commander who fought with such strategic skill does not appear to be present. Instead a hated psyker leads them. Even from across the field Immohotek can sense the baleful energies contained within the psykers gaze.

Hordes of Necron warrior and immortals deploy across the plain. Immohoteks time shaping technology allowing them to get into position well before the red armoured marines for all of their speed. Immohoteks gaze sweeps across his forces. He knows his Air Force will be instrumental in beating this BA force and he must hold them at bay until they arrive.

Wordlessly he gestures to the sky and summons a storm of lightning strikes down amongst the warriors killing one and singeing the warlord. His warriors advance soundlessly, no war cries from their soulless eyes.

Looking up a red comet falls in fire from the sky, piercing for a moment the veil of darkness upon the battlefield. It lands with the fury of a hurricane and before the dust has a moment to clear 5 beams of white hot energy lance out and strike down the skimmer chariot accompanying his warriors. As boiling blasts of plasma, missiles and heavy bolts throw warriors into the air. He looks on undaunted, watching even as they are broken apart, reassembled some phase back into existence and continue their implacable advance. The skirmishers sent against an eldar transport are cut down under a hail of advanced laser and shruiken shots. Idly he wonders why the ancient enemy of the Necrons is in this place. The warriors that destroyed the skimmer are rent apart at the atomic level by numerous guass weapons.

For the first engagement the red marines do not advance, he notes in amazement. Reports indicated these prefer to close with the enemy yet they hang back for some reason. Regardless the Necron flyers scream overhead as the death marks teleport behind enemy lines the warlord firmly in their deadly sights. The warriors continue their advance the first exchange of flayer and tesla weaponry strobing across the dark landscape. The doomscythe's molten beam draws a line that imprints itself onto immohoteks photoreceptors as he watches it immolate a few red armoured warriors. He feels a twinge of rage as he sees the mobile barriers erected save a number from sharing such a fate. The bomber finds itself just out of effective range. The death marks pinpoint sniper weaponry is foiled by the intricately worked armour adorning the warlord even then blood is drawn but he appears largely unscathed.

In response he sees an armoured fighter plane appear, the comms relay protected by the barrier giving it precise locational information. It banks swiftly and two missiles and heavy energy weapons strike the bomber blasting it from the sky. The psykers swings his burning gaze upon the death marks wings of red energy unfurling from his back, almost two fast for the eye to follow he cuts them down to a man. Then returns to the line. Still the majority of the marines hold back.

Growing impatient as the lightening rages around him Immohotek waves the warriors forward. Necron overlords, cloaks flapping in unnatural winds, motion the warriors forward. A nightscythe's invasion beams materialise a whole squad of warriors right in front of the marines lines. Both nightscythe and the entire host of silvered warriors fire upwards at the red fighter. A blinding green flash as over thirty guass rifles and tesla weapons outline the fighter. Frantically the pilot evades the majority of the shots but is wrecked beyond repair and falls to earth the mighty metal walker held underneath perishes in the resulting explosion.

Finally fires burst behind the BA lines and the assault units leap heavenward alongside the warlord to descend upon the newly arrived Necron squad. As his red angels carve through the slow to react warriors the warlord challenges one of immohoteks minion warlords, a resulting flurry of blows sees him cut down before he can even swing his scythe. Even the cold warriors hearts feel dread in the face of such fury and they turn to flee but are ruthlessly put down. The blood angel line moves forward now a force of red fury. Beams of heavy lascannon weaponry disable the nightscythes weapon systems leaving it virtually useless. Surprisingly the elusive eldars transport glides forward stabbing beams of light flickering from its weapon systems.

Sensing the battle rests on a void blades edge, Immohotek leads his entire host towards the relic, sending out commands of cold hate and setting the lightning stabbing frantically around the battlefield. Every element of his force moves forward. The two large squads of warriors, the implacable immortals, the deadly wraiths even what's left of the scarab swarms are propelled forward by an ancient will. As they advance the thirty plus warriors level their weaponry at the assault squad advancing swiftly towards them. A blistering hail of fire pummels the blood angels ranks as wave after wave of rapid fire rifles using long lost technology lights up the darkened vista. Shot after shot is deflected by the heavy warplate, the warriors limned in green energy, the smell of charged ozone hot on the air, yet only one man falls and the advance is not slowed at all. Momentary disbelief wars with arrogant certainty in his mind as his favoured immortals only kill two of the 'tactical' marines. Hoping to have slain the enemy warlords warriors around him, Immohotek sees the psyker arrowing towards him on red wings.

The red warriors race forward their jump packs lending momentum to their furious charge into the silver ranks. The fire from the eldar scythes into the second group of warriors razor sharpe disks shredding them. The farseer twists strands of fate and Immohotek feels the hated eldars witchery doom him. In a rush of psychic energy the enemy warlord lands in front of him. Deathly energy playing around his form, for a moment Immohotek is reminded of the c'tan, the energy this one emits eclipses even their might. The warlord raises his blade in challenge red power bathing it. Knowing none other can stand against him Immohotek accepts. Lightning flashes around the combatants as they square off, a space opening in the combat for them. None wanting to get between two such fighters. The psykers eyes burn into him but he manages to avoid their deadly embrace. Before he can react the psyker blurs forward, his sword flickering out and finding a chink in Immohoteks armour. On his back he sees the rest of his squad cut down by the marines. He phases out and when he returns renewed by the power of his phylactery and looks upon the battlefield it is to see the relic still un captured but blood angels on all sides.

Now seeing them unengaged the warriors fire shot after shot into the assault squad, the immortals too, use tesla weaponry. More fall this time. The situation is dire. Both sides troops are severely depleted. It comes down to the final gambits and both sides fight in a maelstrom around the relic. The psyker is a whirlwind and cuts down the immortal squad singlehandedly after the overlord refused the challenge. Then consolidates onto the relic. The eldar fighters and the transports weaponry phase out many warriors, the farseer guiding the shots to the mark. Immohotek falls in combat again cursing the blood angels with all the hate a being millennia old can muster. As he phases out the rest of his army follows suit. His hold on the battlefield slipping away the sun finally rises.


The part where a ten man assault squad lost one marine to at least 30-40 shots... Priceless

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I have a pretty heroic moment from a tournament some weeks ago, where I played GK+White Scars :)


It was the last turn against an eldar player, and I was very screwed. I was down by 20+ points and had left a single unit consisting of: 

- Draigo

- Coteaz

- 2 Centurions with grav guns


I had two maelstrom objectives that would give me 2 points each (tourney had houseruled it a bit): Destroy 3 units this turn and Destroy 2 units in the assault phase. Also, there were 2 objectives that would give 3 points at the end of the game. One was contested by 4 dire avengers and a wraith knight on one HP, the other by TWO wave serpents (my opponent wanted to play it safe.. little did he know!).


Last turn go! Coteaz moves towards the dire avengers, the centurions home in on one of the serpents, draigo goes towards the second one. Psychic Phase starts and Draigo uses Purge Soul on the wraithknight - BAMM, one down, three to go! The centurions unleash on their serpents, causing 5 immobilized results, 2 of which get through the 3+ cover save :D

Assault phase, Draigo manages his 8" charge on the other serpent, coteaz smashes into the dire avengers and they make quick work of the vile xeno scum!


So to sum it up: 4 models of mine take out a wraithknight, 2 serpents and a squad of dire avengers, netting me TEN points and bringing the game back from a certain 20-0 to a 16-4 which got me to fourth place and a single point behind third. Awesome heroism, whenever I think about that turn I imagine the epic movie scene, with the few surviving space marines making a last valiant effort to swing the battle back in their favor, and succeeding in awesome fashion :D

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@Rafen - Love it! That's what you expect from a BA Librarian in a Black Library book... but who needs books when your plastic soldiers can do it for real!! thumbsup.gif

@Ush - Ooooh, Grey Knights... tut tut. Couldn't you have started your story by at least saying you painted them red first msn-wink.gif That's quite the finishing move though, well played.

@Gunz - Cool batrep mate and really like the little graphical touches on your battle pics.

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Great moment from a game I played last weekend- Nids vs Blood Angels.

5 man Sternguard with three combi plasma and two combi melta... plus a Epistolary in terminator armour with force axe, pod drop on the left flank. The rest of my army is on the other flank. The Librarian is using biomancy and manages to get Endurance off on the unit for all but on turn, even more importantly he falls to the red-thirst (but not the Sternguard). In the ensuing shooting and melee, the unit accounts for:

- 15 gaunts

- two dakka carnifexes

- 8 genestealers

- three warriors

The Epistolary is the absolute man of the match as he personally dealt the killing blow to the two carnifex and two of the three warriors. What a beast! The Red Thirst really helping to deal with the first carnifex which I managed to charge. The unit was still alive at the end of game with two veterans and the Epistolary (on one wound) remaining! In general the luck was only slightly in my favour. Although hitting the second charging carnifex twice with overwatch was in fairness pretty lucky msn-wink.gif.

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@Ush - Ooooh, Grey Knights... tut tut. Couldn't you have started your story by at least saying you painted them red first msn-wink.gif That's quite the finishing move though, well played.

Hah, actually Draigo was represented by Sergeant Gideon of the Space Hulk box, the centurions are painted in Blood Angels colors and Coteaz is wearing red armor!! tongue.png

Those Centurion shoulderpads make awesome space for freehands of wings and gems, I should post some pictures sometime msn-wink.gif

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My favourite story from my last few games.


"None can stay my wrath!" (7th ed vs 'Nids)


At the bottom of turn two, the Blood Angel left flank had crumbled with two Assault Squads being completely annihilated, along with a carnifex brood destroying the reinforcing Land Raider. It would take two turns for the Death Company to be able to land from their Stormraven and deliver a crushing counter blow, and the only unit that stood before the advancing monstrous horde was a Librarian Furioso Dreadnought. Two Carnifex's, thirty Termagaunts and a Tervigon bellowed out their challenge and advanced towards him.


Ignoring the odds that were stacked against him, the ancient warrior summoned his psychic might to activate his Force weapon, boost himself with an Iron Arm, and give himself Warp Speed. Never hesitating, he charged into the approaching Carnifex's and landed a mighty blow on the first, cleaving its head from its body. Swinging again, he smote the second through its eye, bringing it crashing down.


The terrible Hive Mind, furious over the loss of two of its monstrous creatures spawned even more Termagaunts from the belly of the Tervigon, whilst its monstrous form lurched towards the lone Blood Angel. With Storm Bolter blazing, he met this new threat head on, receiving a glancing blow, but replying with a devasating strike of his own, spilling out the guts of his gigantic foe. With its death throes striking down many of the disoriented Termagaunts, he was found still hacking at them when the Death Company finally arrived and swept the enemy from the field.


(In memory of his glorious, victorious lone stand, my friend actually has painted a Carnifex head to be mounted as a trophy on his body.)

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My favourite story from my last few games.


"None can stay my wrath!" (7th ed vs 'Nids)


At the bottom of turn two, the Blood Angel left flank had crumbled with two Assault Squads being completely annihilated, along with a carnifex brood destroying the reinforcing Land Raider. It would take two turns for the Death Company to be able to land from their Stormraven and deliver a crushing counter blow, and the only unit that stood before the advancing monstrous horde was a Librarian Furioso Dreadnought. Two Carnifex's, thirty Termagaunts and a Tervigon bellowed out their challenge and advanced towards him.


Ignoring the odds that were stacked against him, the ancient warrior summoned his psychic might to activate his Force weapon, boost himself with an Iron Arm, and give himself Warp Speed. Never hesitating, he charged into the approaching Carnifex's and landed a mighty blow on the first, cleaving its head from its body. Swinging again, he smote the second through its eye, bringing it crashing down.


The terrible Hive Mind, furious over the loss of two of its monstrous creatures spawned even more Termagaunts from the belly of the Tervigon, whilst its monstrous form lurched towards the lone Blood Angel. With Storm Bolter blazing, he met this new threat head on, receiving a glancing blow, but replying with a devasating strike of his own, spilling out the guts of his gigantic foe. With its death throes striking down many of the disoriented Termagaunts, he was found still hacking at them when the Death Company finally arrived and swept the enemy from the field.


(In memory of his glorious, victorious lone stand, my friend actually has painted a Carnifex head to be mounted as a trophy on his body.)


That's... just... awesome!

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My favourite story from my last few games.


"None can stay my wrath!" (7th ed vs 'Nids)


At the bottom of turn two, the Blood Angel left flank had crumbled with two Assault Squads being completely annihilated, along with a carnifex brood destroying the reinforcing Land Raider. It would take two turns for the Death Company to be able to land from their Stormraven and deliver a crushing counter blow, and the only unit that stood before the advancing monstrous horde was a Librarian Furioso Dreadnought. Two Carnifex's, thirty Termagaunts and a Tervigon bellowed out their challenge and advanced towards him.


Ignoring the odds that were stacked against him, the ancient warrior summoned his psychic might to activate his Force weapon, boost himself with an Iron Arm, and give himself Warp Speed. Never hesitating, he charged into the approaching Carnifex's and landed a mighty blow on the first, cleaving its head from its body. Swinging again, he smote the second through its eye, bringing it crashing down.


The terrible Hive Mind, furious over the loss of two of its monstrous creatures spawned even more Termagaunts from the belly of the Tervigon, whilst its monstrous form lurched towards the lone Blood Angel. With Storm Bolter blazing, he met this new threat head on, receiving a glancing blow, but replying with a devasating strike of his own, spilling out the guts of his gigantic foe. With its death throes striking down many of the disoriented Termagaunts, he was found still hacking at them when the Death Company finally arrived and swept the enemy from the field.


(In memory of his glorious, victorious lone stand, my friend actually has painted a Carnifex head to be mounted as a trophy on his body.)



That's... just... awesome!

Have to agree with EP, that is pretty epic. Nothing quite like seeing a lone unknown hero stem the tide all on his own.


@Corvus - your story for some reason brings up memories of Starship Troopers, "Kill bugs in the name of Humanity and The Emperor... DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE?"

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Yeah, it was pretty great. I think my throat was hoarse after that game, though my buddy was less than impressed to have lost near 400 points against him. Got his revenge yesterday - his Trygon and my Libby Dread killed each other. I think destroying that one model was his primary concern in the whole game!
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