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How do people deploy Typhus

The Harrowmaster

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So I've been eyeing up typhus in the codex recently for his psyker lvl and he unlocks PM as troops, sort of a 2 birds one stone thing.


What I'm wondering is what way people have deployed him, does he always run with zombies? Has anyone used him with Chaos Terminators?


I really like the idea of using him, but not sure I want a horde of zombies, maybe leave it at 20 or so. Or in a small squads of termis. However does a unit like that require a land raider?



any help greatly appreciated. 


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Only Typhus problem is his T5 with no eternal warrior.


1) LR could be a way but you will put too many point in a single unit (Typhus + LR + other to fill transport).

2) Deep strike him with a termi squad. Problem here is that the turn he arrives it will be the target of any F10 enemy model (es. eldar wraithnight will kill him in a single shot or a single attack)

3) footslogging with zombies. That's the way I use it now. And I think it's the only viable way.

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Typhus is for bringing zombies to the table, sure he's also a great model, but nothing outweighs a pair of 150 pt, 35 model mobs who are Fearless. If you're lucky enough to get a decent charge, that's up to 70 attacks to unleash and FnP will help them resist some of the return attacks.

A possible bodyguard for Typhus is Possessed in a Land Raider, the extra models will  help soak up incoming damage for a little longer than Terminators (unless your opponent is short of AP2 weapons, then Terminators are the way forward), especially at Toughness 5 with a MoN. Another idea is to put Typhus in a Chaos Spawn squad, shielded either side by the Plague Zombie guys. Gives an overall solid line of

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't like running typhus with zombies because the majority toughness rule makes him easy to wound and bolters mow through those guys. Plaguemarines are a great escort but footslogging an expensive unit into turn 3 combat sucks.


What I do now is mix him with some termies or oblits of nurgle. I pick up my stronghold assault book and bastion and stick them in there with an escape hatch. Thats a turn 1 18 inch move at your opponent and then you cast a nurgle spell on them which hopefully doesn't whiff and then a whole lot of melta/plasma shots. Feel free to take a charge or make it on your next turn.


I have had some success with typhus + oblits because in the center board you can really use your assault cannons/multimeltas and people are pretty afraid to charge into that. Typhus adds ML2 for more warpcharges which is nice if you have a nurgle DP with SF malefic fly up turn 1 and summon a screen of nurgle homies that can tarpit. Then you still have the basion for AA just leave a unit of troops on the battlements and move then inside add typhus's unit disembarked.



PS I often ally in belakor to invis my Oblits + typhus just in case of scary str 10 ap 2 shooting

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I have run him with some termies, deep striking. It has worked soso, as long as the rest of the army is fast and poses a larger threat than him and his dudes at the back/side, then he tends to do fine. I once killed a whole squad of Striking Scorpions with his Hive. He and his squad were assaulted and the termies died. In the second assault round Typhus was surrounded by Scorps, but then used his destroyer hive and managed to kill all the Scorps! Hurray.


Walking with zombies is also a useful setup, since it forces your opponent to target the zombies instead of just ignoring them. Or, if they are fast, they can just ignore them and ignore Typhus at the same time.


But yeah, his big weakness is no EW. Lots of stuff is S10 nowdays, so he isn't as resilient as one might think.

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with that much deepstrike I'd take an ADL with comms or you could get tabled.


I have had some success deepstriking typhus with termies... but boy when that fails is it miserable. nothing like getting that squad placed in the back corner of a hammer and anvil mission.

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