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after reviewing the 32mm base rumours and the fact they're only displayed on jump infantry so far, my theory is thus;


the 32mm base will be GW's way of addressing 2 points; the first, being that jump infantry are bulky and should have a slightly larger base when equipped with their jump packs.  the second, the jump infantry models are prone to alot of toppling over because of their oversized bulkyness from the packs, and how far the chainswords tend to stick out past the base when given a dynamic pose; increasing the bases slightly will help in making the model more stable and prevent them from toppling over.  and being only 7mm wider instead of a full 12mm of the terminator bases, this lets them compromise on increasing base size for stability without just swapping to terminator bases.


ideally, the majority of the model is supposed to fit within the 3d 'cylinder' of volume the base represents, but right now, assault marines don't achieve this on 25mm bases.  a 32mm base is 1.25" in width approximately, and if you own, or have ordered, battlefoam trays with slots for assault marines, you'll know they make them 1.25" wide to allow the chainswords and jump packs to fit nicely without rubbing along the sides.

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after reviewing the 32mm base rumours and the fact they're only displayed on jump infantry so far, my theory is thus;


the 32mm base will be GW's way of addressing 2 points; the first, being that jump infantry are bulky and should have a slightly larger base when equipped with their jump packs.  the second, the jump infantry models are prone to alot of toppling over because of their oversized bulkyness from the packs, and how far the chainswords tend to stick out past the base when given a dynamic pose; increasing the bases slightly will help in making the model more stable and prevent them from toppling over.  and being only 7mm wider instead of a full 12mm of the terminator bases, this lets them compromise on increasing base size for stability without just swapping to terminator bases.


ideally, the majority of the model is supposed to fit within the 3d 'cylinder' of volume the base represents, but right now, assault marines don't achieve this on 25mm bases.  a 32mm base is 1.25" in width approximately, and if you own, or have ordered, battlefoam trays with slots for assault marines, you'll know they make them 1.25" wide to allow the chainswords and jump packs to fit nicely without rubbing along the sides.


Many models are struggling to fit on their bases currently, including pretty much all of the tyranid lineup. Anything not bipedal and human sized have trouble with a 25mm base, hormagaunts and gene stealers being the prime example. 


I think this is just GW rolling out some new options, as they've did in the past. Thinking through the consequences for gameplay and transport is not something they've done for a number of years. 

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Mmm, they may have to adjust the size of the gaps in their foam cases!


I do think the slightly bigger bases is good. Marines are generally left standing over the edge. With gribblies, you get model clashes when there is too much overhang etc.

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Can't speak to the rest of the points but I glue a penny in the bottom of my bases. Makes them very stable, adds a nice touch of weight for a more quality feel, and really helps them stay upright when on slanted terrain. 1 penny and some glue. 


I won't be transferring my troops to new bases, I have a pile of spares as is.

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An acquaintance who is working for GW on a temporary contract painting display boards for the revamped Warhammer world. One of the projects was blood angel based and the new base sizes are being used for that board and as far as i am aware, all marine armies from here on out (Hence them selling the bases separately.) 

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Sorry for dumb question:     when how and where do we go about ordering this?   New to WH40k, and watched several things go out of stock almost immediately.


I'm afraid my local games store won't even get a copy.

Online orders t about 7pm Friday evening, UK time.


I think the captain just needs to be holding the hammer at ease. Waving it in the air isn't the best pose.


I think the best part is that aside from the DC the models within the box don't have crazy armaments, like the SW ones did.


We have


5DC with powerfist, thunder hammer, power sword, infernus (2x unwieldy weapons isnt great, but they will pack a punch)

5 terms- heavy flamer - cheapest option.

DC dread - blood talons, melta, magna grapple, hopefully a heavy flamer (cant quite see...) - good all round unit.


I cant wait to see what special rule this formation gets. Hopefully not 'preferred enemy: tyranids'.



Did storm claw really have a formation with specified wargear?


Missed this before, but yea, the units were listed in the supplement with specified wargear and an additional special rule for each squad leader, and then they all got a bonus if you took them as a formation.


I hope the DC get super rage.

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An acquaintance who is working for GW on a temporary contract painting display boards for the revamped Warhammer world. One of the projects was blood angel based and the new base sizes are being used for that board and as far as i am aware, all marine armies from here on out (Hence them selling the bases separately.) 


No kidding ? Is this going to become the officiel rule-abiding Marines bases ?? I really can't be arsed to rebase my entire army for tournaments just because GW decided to change the base size of Marines.

I'll only accept that if they make Marines T5 all around :p

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One thing:

The Blood Angels are led by Captain Karlaen - a brand new Space Marine Terminator Captain, whilst the Tyranids are led by The Spawn of Cryptus - a brand new Tyranid Broodlord model. Both of these miniatures are currently only available in this set.

Emphasis mine. dry.png

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One thing:



The Blood Angels are led by Captain Karlaen - a brand new Space Marine Terminator Captain, whilst the Tyranids are led by The Spawn of Cryptus - a brand new Tyranid Broodlord model. Both of these miniatures are currently only available in this set.



Emphasis mine. <_<

Yeah, I noticed that too. Wouldn't put it past them but Krom and Grukk would be up first if released separately.

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An acquaintance who is working for GW on a temporary contract painting display boards for the revamped Warhammer world. One of the projects was blood angel based and the new base sizes are being used for that board and as far as i am aware, all marine armies from here on out (Hence them selling the bases separately.)

No kidding ? Is this going to become the officiel rule-abiding Marines bases ?? I really can't be arsed to rebase my entire army for tournaments just because GW decided to change the base size of Marines.

I'll only accept that if they make Marines T5 all around tongue.png

From what i can tell it is literally an aesthetic change. I can only imagine current stock of marines in stores will be phased out and the new base sizes will be introduced in repackaged sets. Certainly from a WHW perspective, i would be deeply surprised if the base size is enforced in any strict sense pertaining to the actual game. Like people have said, models like marines sometimes seem a bit cramped on the current base. I imagine this is all about the looks. They are providing the 32 mm bases so people can easily re base armies if needs be, but if you are happy with your current army, i seriously doubt anyone will care

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The Strikeforce special rule grants fearless to all models in it, and if they are already fearless, they get counter attack. Death co with counter attack. Nice.


Once per game, in the assault phase, Karlaen can call a "Bloody Toll" and all models reroll failed to wound rolls. Not so useful when most models in the army are S8 minimum, or S5 on the charge. 


The magna grpple now grants move through cover and reroll of charge distances when assaulting a vehicle. Odd choice for fighting the nids. They should have just used the furioso.


The nid formation, however, get preferred enemy: everything, which is very powerful.

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