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Rumor being reported:


1) Captain Karlean : just over 150pts

WS6, Terminator Armour with Iron Halo, storm bolter, and Relic of Baal: melee, concussive, master crafted, specialist weapon and unwieldy.  Strategic Genius: +1 seize the initiative, and can re-roll any reserve roll


2) New codex primaris power: Quickening. Its a blessing that effects either the psyker or another character within 12". The target gains fleet, d3 initiative and attacks. Roll once and apply both the result to both initiative and attacks.

Warp Charge 1
Love the primaris, although it's odd that it gives fleet since fleet won't transfer to the unit if the librarian is embedded. Makes me wonder if maybe Meph will lose fleet and then be able to use this power to get it back. Also useful for Furioso dreads. This is sort of like a mini-warp speed. Not bad for a free power that is warp charge 1. 
I also love the captain. I like the master crafted TH and I really like being able to re-roll reserve rolls. However, the price of ~155 points is a little high. You're basically paying ~20 points to have a MC weapon and the special abilities (vanilla terminator captain w/ TH is 135 points). Nice model, too.
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Hmm. I wonder what that means for descent of angels, which already let us reroll reserve rolls.


Maybe it's gone, due to everything coming in on a 3+ now.


The +1 to seize is nice, but not massively reliable. It's exactly the same as the strategic warlord trait, so he essentially gets two.

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Strategic genius might be his warlord trait in case he's your warlord. That's how they are handling some IC special abilities nowadays, specially when the character is supposed to be leading a force. Only get the ability when they are warlord, and it becomes their warlord trait.

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Makes me wonder how the death company dreadnought, the Furioso dreadnought , and the librarian dreadnought are all going to be distinguished. Looks like fleet is a possibility in 2 of 3 options. I hope it isn't a single clear cut option but all are versatile and worth consideration.
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For the base sizes, I am not worried about it.  Unless they have changed things, the rules (at one time written, now not so much) is you can always field minis with the bases they were sold with.  I get complaints quite often because while I have many CC terminators, the ones I always use are the old school metal ones on 25mm bases.  It can be unfair when dealing with tight spaces as I can get a lot more terminators into close combat, making it hard to outnumber me.  On the other hand they are more susceptible to blast weapons.  Not sure about this set though, those terminators look like they have absolutely nothing that is BA specific.  I think the space hulk ones were better.

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Makes me wonder how the death company dreadnought, the Furioso dreadnought , and the librarian dreadnought are all going to be distinguished. Looks like fleet is a possibility in 2 of 3 options. I hope it isn't a single clear cut option but all are versatile and worth consideration.


Maybe furioso will just be like a venerable dreadnought upgrade? With frag cannon and dual close combat weapons as a standard option for either type. 


DC dread and lib dread as separate units. 

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Makes me wonder how the death company dreadnought, the Furioso dreadnought , and the librarian dreadnought are all going to be distinguished. Looks like fleet is a possibility in 2 of 3 options. I hope it isn't a single clear cut option but all are versatile and worth consideration.


Maybe furioso will just be like a venerable dreadnought upgrade? With frag cannon and dual close combat weapons as a standard option for either type. 


DC dread and lib dread as separate units.


Oh boy, if frag cannons remain the same stat wise but become available to regular dreads...my goodness. It really overcomes the BS4 of the regular dread! 140pts for a dread in a pod with heavy flamer and frag cannon. Still AV12 though.

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Maybe the larger bases is to help stop them falling over all the time. Whenever I use my assault squads they always fall over. Just a thought.


This. Although I want to see how the bases fit in my Battlefoam case. As it stands, my sanguinary guard standard bearer could use a larger base seeing as how I have to use a metal washer to keep the thing upright now.

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Maybe the larger bases is to help stop them falling over all the time. Whenever I use my assault squads they always fall over. Just a thought.


This. Although I want to see how the bases fit in my Battlefoam case. As it stands, my sanguinary guard standard bearer could use a larger base seeing as how I have to use a metal washer to keep the thing upright now.


Well, in my Feldher cases the larger bases are a bit of a pain in the regular foam.  You can order ones that handle it better, but Its a long wait to get here from Germany and the shipping is brutal.  ON the other hand, great foam and even with the 60+ bucks shipping every time its still cheaper than GW.  Plus amazon carries some of their stuff now, go go prime.  And Scott80, I had trouble with that a bit, but all I do now is every time I work with green stuff I end up mixing too much.  Which is totally deliberate and not because I have zero ability to judge how much will be needed.  Yeah, people will buy that...  Anyways, I just take the extra and pop it under the bases of whatever mini happens to be closest to me.  Back when they had the metal minis I would toss some of the excess pewter in with it, but a little bit of green stuff on its own works. little bit of water on the cutting matt and a twist of the base and its nice and even.

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The bases fit perfectly fine in standard foam. I spent the day basing an alpha legion squad on them and honestly, i can't look at 25mm bases now, they look so much more imposing.

Odds that he is attempting to mislead us?  But that is good to hear, with so many talented sculptors and kit bashers on this forum I cannot wait to see what they can do with a bit more room to work with.

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