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Using Tycho as your HQ


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Greetings fellow Sons of Sanguinius.


I'm building my first WH40K army, new to the game, and was wondering what sort of army best goes with Tycho's abilities as a Captain? I was reading over him and he has access to the special sternguard ammunition, he has a combi melta, but his rules make him pretty fierce in melee too?


Right now I have a 10 man assault squad, 10 man tactical squad, 10 man death company squad, a drop pod, and a rhino .. and in a couple days Captain Tycho as my HQ.



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Tycho is a line captain. Well suited to a large infantry army. Dont forget he makes them all Ld10 as well.


He is like a tactical marine. Good shooting, but also capable in combat. He will fit well into most armies as either counter assault in a gunline, advancing up the field, or charging into assault via raider.

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Consider him a jack of all trades.. Biggest con he has atm, is the dead mans hand. People tend to forget it.

Err, what? Surely the Dead Man's Hand is a pro?


If your opponent forgets it, then fine. If you forget it, then: 1) Learn your army 2) You'd probably forget other special rules anyway, so you can apply the same con to all models.

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Maybe Im reading your reply wrong but Dead Man's Hands is a nice pro, not a con.


His close combat attacks ignore armor saves and roll an additional d6 for armor pen. He can also re-roll a single failed roll to wound in each assault phase.




Duh. nevermind. Yeah its a great but yeah I could see where its forgotten. 

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I think Tycho is the swiss knife BA HQ.  He does everything well, from shooting you in the face to ripping open tanks and beating down 2+ units with his bare hands.  He also gives you LD10, which can be AMAZING.  He works very well alongside Sternguard, Bolter DC, Meltagun ASM and several HG builds.  He's my defacto go-to HQ.

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Yeah i hear ya. It took me weeks to put together 10 DC because I felt I had to magnetize not only the backs but also the arms. Never know what the new codex will bring and I didn't want to have to break or cut arms off.


As far as Tycho, I hope the only thing that changes is they let him run with the DC like lemartes. That would be sweet. Lower his DC version by 25 poInts. Choose him or lemartes for 150 points.

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I really want to do a Tycho kitbash, but I'm leary of doing anything before the codex drops. Rules change and even a potential new model (probably not) leaves me cold. Hope I don't forget my brilliant ideas until then....

Why would the rules ever stop you from making an awesome model?

Dont forget you actually need 2 Tychos for the 2 paint schemes. Doesnt matter if they bring out a new one, you can always do with a second smile.png

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I would like to add a simple word of warning. The Dead Man's Hand is a very powerful and useful tool, but don't ever forget that if Tycho can't wound his opponent, it's useless.


Case in point, in my first battle with him, in the last days of 5th edition, I had him and his squad charge a Wraithlord.


...it didn't end well.

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I would like to add a simple word of warning. The Dead Man's Hand is a very powerful and useful tool, but don't ever forget that if Tycho can't wound his opponent, it's useless.


Case in point, in my first battle with him, in the last days of 5th edition, I had him and his squad charge a Wraithlord.


...it didn't end well.


He has a combi-melta with special ammunition as well as Krak grenades and you couldn't take down a flimsy Eldar walker?  Shame on you.

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I would like to add a simple word of warning. The Dead Man's Hand is a very powerful and useful tool, but don't ever forget that if Tycho can't wound his opponent, it's useless.

You can apply that to every single unit in the game though, so it isn't really a con against Tycho.

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I would like to add a simple word of warning. The Dead Man's Hand is a very powerful and useful tool, but don't ever forget that if Tycho can't wound his opponent, it's useless.


Case in point, in my first battle with him, in the last days of 5th edition, I had him and his squad charge a Wraithlord.


...it didn't end well.


He has a combi-melta with special ammunition as well as Krak grenades and you couldn't take down a flimsy Eldar walker?  Shame on you.




That was one of my earliest battles, and was focused on using assaults as a primary (and almost solely) tactic. I've earned a lot more experience since then.



And, what you say is true, Xenith. It's just a reminder to be aware of how your units worked, instead of charging them into the nearest enemy unit like a Death Company berserker.

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Hmm. I'd fully have expected a DC unit on the charge to have killed the wraithlord, if they had a chaplain. Especially if it was 7-10 men strong, with a powerfist per 5 guys. A single powerfist DC on his own on the charge stands a good chance of one shotting a 3W wraithlord, if he's protected.


Chalk it up to experience.

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I wonder if we should derail this thread and turn it into a post your Tycho kitbash thread now..



Nah, because BlindHamster would come in and poo all over us.

Lol jah Joshua made a dang fine one that I intend to copy/steal with impunity.


I always loved running him in lists, if not for use, then for sheer rule of cool. I always stuck him in an honor Gaurd or sterngaurd squad. I liked using the aggressive sterngaurd with combi meltas and heavy flamers with a power weapon of sorts on the Sergeant.


Tycho and his aggressive recon unit would drop pod in, and combi melta something big to death. They would then dig in for obvious counterattack from the enemy (sometimes a Sanguinary priest helps/novitiate from honor guard) and use the heavy flamers and such. Then they would assault the next turn and Tycho, the sergeant, and the two heavy flamers would shine.


It's not power gamey, but it's sure a hell of a lot of fun. I hope they don't change his rules much or get rid of him. I particularly like the dead mans hand and Blood Song, they're both powerful relics.

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