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Starting Chaos Space marines


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Hello, My Name is GuardsmanBob and I was a loyal guardsman to emperor but the blood lust was too much and think I am falling to chaos.


I want to buy 1500 points of chaos space marines mainly keeping Khorne theme but having some Tzeentch units psychic support.


I hoping to get some tips in what would be a good starting army


As always thanks from GuardsmanBob

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What units are you interested in specifically?  Have you looked at the Codex and the various supplements to decide which one suits your needs more?


What exactly do you like about the chaos army?  Does it inspire anything in you, or are you just hitting a checklist of "Evil/Power Armor army,"?  If you are interested primarily in a Power Armor army...there are better options.


If you are going more Khorne-ish, I'd suggest from getting too many units of Khorne beserkers.  Just get 1, and then a Unit of Chaos Space Marines, with a Juggerlord.  If you didn't want him having the Murder Sword (Power sword except against one guy, where it becomes a 2x strength, ap1 instant death at initiaitve-useful for slay the warlord), or Axe of Blind Fury (a daemon weapon), then you could go with the Powerfist/Lightning claw route, because that's still a lot of attacks and gives you options.


The way the rules are now, if you say, liked all Chaos Raptors (like I do) then you could have 1000 points of Chaos Raptors (like I do) and run it as an unbound army.  Now, it's not the greatest, but it's pretty fun.


Typical "trash" units are stuff like Mutilators.

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How much IG do you have, IA 13 may be good for a renegade force with chaos attachment.  Khorne has be nerf, but jugger lord is awesome, zerker overprice, Tzeentch for CSM bad.  It depends, are you competitive? Tournament list? Causal?  Fluff army?  Painting?  What your goal?  Chaos is an excellent conversion army, but not competitive especially khorne.  . 

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The reason I want to start chaos is because I like the fluff and the models


As for IG i have a little over 10000


I usually play with friends and have only been in a few tournaments


I really would like to play a more close combat oriented army with a few ranged units for support


I have the codex


some of my favorite models are the daemon engines


I have a friend who let me borrow his chaos space marines a few times and I liked the way they played


So after trying a few different army lists I figured it was time to start buying my own warband

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As you're starting out with Chaos I'd recommend trying to have a look at the Forge World IA:13 as it adds quite a few CC transport options like the Sicaran (though I've likely got the name wrong). I have heard that Jugger Lords are an absolute beast too.
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Absolutely get yourself a Khârn mini. Then figure out who you want him to go killing with and how you want them to get there, then what will provide support to that. You may find spawn or fiend or biker rush lists work better for you in the long run, but Khârn is a beast that brings joy like few other CSM units can when you get a charge off with him.

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Personally I've been pretty happy with the Dark Vengence set as a starting point, you've got a Helcult (Helbrute + 2 squads of Cultists), the Dark Angel squad can be converted to basic Chaos Marines with the addition of a Chaos backpack, and the same for the Raven Wing bikers, and the Close-Combat equiped Chosen are great for a Khorne army.

The only models I've not used are the Deathwing, but that's because I'd already converted the Space Hulk terminators over to a couple of squads.

From this starting point, the first port of call will be some Rhinos, another squad or two of Troops, and then moving onto the more fun models such as Obliterators, Warp Talons and a Heldrake.


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Getting a Daemon Prince model is highly recommended as you can buy options for it to run it several different ways.  You can go the Khorne route and give him the Black Mace and power armor, allowing him to dish out buckets of pain in close combat and smash most vehicles to pieces as well; or you can take him in a more Tzeentchy direction and buy mastery levels and wings to make him a supremely survivable psychic powerhouse.  Then, if you decide to branch out further, his versatility improves even more when you look at the Slaanesh and Nurgle build options.

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The first thing about starting Chaos Marines is to remember that they are almost nothing like loyalists. They are weaker in some respects and stronger in others. If you try to make CSM fight the way that loyalists do, you won't be using them to their fullest. I wrote a (now slightly out of date) article about looking for the strengths in the army: http://www.thediceabide.com/2013/09/chaos-marines-what-makes-us-special/


Also, you really should check out IA13, it does add a lot to the CSM arsenal.

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When you say that you want tzeench caster support you mean any tzeench[like demons who get access to good relics and gifts] or only sorc[where tzeench psy powers are kind of a bad] with 1ksons?


Like the list in your sig Jeske? I like that a lot...

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That list was ok for maybe 2 months of 7th.


But the question still stands. Tzeench support as tzeench csm or anything tzeench. Demons of tzeench have access to divination and realy resilient and fast units + good relics. And they can be combined with a CSM sorc with the CS relic.

Or you could take an undivided demon sorc and take a khorn herlad and khorn dogs And make a brutal demonic+sorc deathstar.


For tzeench it is much more harder to find any use. Maybe ahriman for infiltration of melee units, but he still requires power dice to feed him, and this is given cheapest by demons.

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