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The Unforgiven, Black Legion Warband of Lord Carrack


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I have decided to start a project log in the hopes that it will motivate me to paint better and more frequently. Currently my modeling skills could be compared to someone 30 years my junior who got into Mommy's liquor cabinet before starting. This is discouraging to me because I love the setting and playing the game, but feel I am short changing myself of a fun aspect of the game playing with someone else's army.


My introduction to model war gaming actually came from an unusual source, Blood Bowl, I played first edition when it came out and rather enjoyed it. I have also been an avid sci fi reader and particularly loved the shared universe idea ever since I read the original Thieves World anthologies in the eighties. The Black Library got me hooked when I picked up the Eisenhorn omnibus based solely on the cover. I loved it and voraciously consumed every title they had at my book store. Since then I have become a bit more discerning and usually stick to authors I like and try out new ones periodically.


My first army I attempted was the 4th / 5th edition IG, during the edition change. Not a good choice for a noob. I was quickly broken in morale having to assemble that many men just to fill a troop choice and wasn't in the financial position to spend the kind of money on all of the armor I wanted to put on the table. I gave up shortly after getting started. Then life got in the way and hobby time wasn't gonna happen until recently.


Chaos Marines always had some appeal to me especially seeing some of the best looking armies done by CSM players. I chose them because I liked the models and background. I decided to go with the Black Legion because they seemed to have the most options available going by the traditional fluff and I wanted 10,000 year old, grudge holding, maniacs most likely to take down the Throne of Terra. That and the color scheme seemed to look simple enough that with some practice I could pull it off.


I went down to my flgs and bought myself 2 squads of CSM, a Terminator lord, a chaos rhino, and paints brushes and assorted tools. I watched some tutorials and got started on my new army.


I'm not quite up to putting pictures of my first models up yet. Indeed they maybe destined to have a simple green hot tub party, but part of being a beginning painter is it takes longer than most veterans to finish a model. During this time I thought up some background bios for my Black Crusaders.


By the way If this isn't the right board for this let me know and I will try to move it.


Chaos Space Marine Squad Vinno


-Aspiring Champion Vinno - During the Siege of Terra 10,000 years ago, Vinno was stationed aboard the Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit. His squad was held in reserve till a certain objective was secured and then sent to earth via drop pod. Unfortunately a grazing shot from an AA battery sent his pod wildly off course and caused a crash landing in the numerological data sinks of Western Anatolia. Vinno, the pod’s only survivor, enraged by his misfortune slaughtered as many numerologists as he could. Such was the atrocity that to this day the workers of these data sinks are forbidden from counting, recording, or otherwise using Vinno’s designated squad number which was painted across his chest plate and pauldron. This taboo has, over the millennia, has lead to more deaths than Vinno’s initial mass killing. If Vinno was to find out about this he would at first be pleased, but then would be enraged at the reminder of his misfortune.


_CSM Harold - ​Part augmetic, part mutation, the third eye in Harold’s forehead is linked to custom build optics individually installed into the rounds of his auto cannon. This warp spawned technology allows Harold to see from the perspective of his rounds. He is unable to affect the trajectory in any way and gains no tactical advantage from this feature. He does however, find it immensely enjoyable.


_CSM Marbas - During Abbadon’s 2nd Black Crusade, Marbas found himself engaged with Eldar from Craftworld Ulthwé. The victorious Eldar completed banishment upon the dying Marbas and sent his soul to the warp. A century later a Black Legion sorcerer discovered a way to reverse the banishment for a short time and bring back Marbas from the warp in order to bolster the ranks for key battles. A few months later the sorcerer worked out a way to permanently bring Marbas back from the warp but his squad members murdered the sorcerer and destroyed this knowledge so they don’t have to spend any more time with Marbas then they have too.


_CSM Paimun - ​Paimun is secretly an agent of the God Emperor of Mankind. He has been tasked with covertly infiltrating the Black Legion and rising up its ranks until he can wrest control of the legion and lead it back to the light of righteousness and purity. Paimun knows he is a secret agent of the God Emperor because the free willed intelligent cyst mutating on his spleen told him so.


_-CSM Copil - Copil is the youngest member of Squad Vinno. He was a clone grown initiate produced by the infamous Fabious Bile. As the youngest member of the squad he is given the most menial tasks and frequently made the butt of cruel practical jokes. He is just shy of 8,000 years old sidereal.



I appreciate any feedback and hope to get some presentable pictures and or more bios out soon

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Insomnia let me get a few more CSM ready to fight the Long War. I experimented with some shading to some success, I think my black armor looks better for it. I had less successes adding in touches of other colors. I will need to redo my red eye pieces and have come to the conclusion that Averland Sunset will see a very limited use on my army.

I also started to assemble my Terminator Lord, I like the model, but my experience playing, his lack of mobility will hurt me. My goal is to get 500 points of MY OWN army up and running by Christmas, and at that level I think I can foot slog him on a small board. My next step is some basing tutorials and a trip to the FLGS for more supplies. Any way here is a little something on the two newest members of my warband.


_CSM Casper- Casper is a connoisseur of fine dining. In his case he prefers engaging his omophagea to sample the genetic experiences of the flesh he eats. He is no primitive, barbaric, cannibal. No, he indulges in his cuisine by candlelight and soft music at a finely set table. He prefers the flesh of poets, scholars, and artists. In that order. Accordingly, his thralls and serfs all pretend to be simpletons and slobs.


_CSM Avarg- When the Sons of Horus Legionnaires sought refuge in the Eye of Terror, they began to become physically distinguished from their loyalist cousins. One common way this manifested was with horns. Exposure to the warp wrought changes in the helmets of some. A few were gifted with horns growing straight from their skulls. Yet others mounted the horns of ferocious beast as trophies. Yet still others had no horns at all. Avarg sees hunting beast as beneath his dignity as an Astartes but still wanted an intimidating set of horns. So one night on sentry duty, he carved a set out of a grox's pelvic bone and mounted it to his helm. No one is the wiser.

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The Terminator Lord is a great model, but he does need a shield if he's going to foot slog. If you have any of those IG left, paint over their insignia's with a crude, black eye of Horus (oval with a line bisecting it) and use them as cultists.
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I have decided to start a project log in the hopes that it will motivate me to paint better and more frequently. Currently my modeling skills could be compared to someone 30 years my junior who got into Mommy's liquor cabinet before starting. This is discouraging to me because I love the setting and playing the game, but feel I am short changing myself of a fun aspect of the game playing with someone else's army.




Have you though about take part in Bolter & Chainsword: Call of Chaos VII?  A hobby challenge for Chaos Space Marines player to build & get a few unit painted between 15th Oct to 15th Jan, you can join the Call of Chaos any time.  Just make sure have the models finish for the 15th Jan.




There also a few Legion commuinty topic that are worth checking out for any future idea.  Check out the pinned resoure topic



I like the short bit of background you have on the units.  Looking forward to see how the Black Legion Warband of Lord Carrack looks :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the input.  I have decided to take answer the Call of Chaos VII.  I will include my before picts here as well.  These are the first models I have ever assembled and frankly it shows, but I like the game and love the setting and am enjoying the modeling.  Please feel free to offer constructive criticism.  I won't be able to get 500 points up before Christmas, but I am learning quite a bit by experimenting. 



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For your first models assembled, they're good, though I have concerns about the pose on the Heavy Bolter wielder as it looks like the head has drooped whilst the glue was setting, rather than a deliberate attempt at a pose.


One piece of advice I can offer is never be afraid to break up models and re-assemble them, though you should clean the glue off between attempts to ensure a clean bond again. The other piece of advice is buy a storage box for your bits early on, and keep everything, even some sprue fragments, as you never know when you might either drop a piece and lose it, or need a particular pose or weapon to complete a model.


Once you've gotten comfortable with basic assemble, the next step will be to take advantage of the many many Space Marine kits out there, start looking at mixing and matching different model kits together to achive a unique look.

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Thanks for the advice. I had a hard time with gluing some of them mostly because of my inexperience, but also having cheap glue. I bought some army painter glue and it seemed to get a lot easier.


I think I want to repose my heavy bolter marine's head and his left arm. I probably will end up ditching the hb anyway

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I had to put the paints away as we are having nieces and nephews over and Abaddon Black would not look good on most of my furniture. So instead I filled my hobby time with writing. I have decided to write about how Carrack became the lord of my warband. Here is part one.


Huma had ascended. Many in the warband had predicted this. Even more claimed to have predicted Lord Huma's shedding of his mortal coil and rising as an immortal Daemon Prince. But it happened sooner than any of the soothsayers and rumor mongers thought. Certainly preparations for a power ritual were 10 years in the making; the costly raid on Sortirias had frustrated many in the warband because it only yielded a few strips of papyrus. Whatever Lord Huma gave the Annaxi in return for the xenotech decryption lens was well guarded and kept secret, though some whispered it was geneseed. Likewise, the procurement of multitudes of virginal sacrifices was difficult enough from the worlds around the Occularos Terribus, worlds where population growth programs were integral to Imperial Guard recruitment. It was near impossible to do so within the Eye itself. Signs pointed to a grand and terrible ritual that would elevate Lord Huma into the "nobility" of the demon hosts. However, whispers from the lord's staff indicated that the power ritual was still years away.


Lord Huma was a powerful Black Legion Lord, but not powerful enough to ignore the summons and commands of the Despoiler. Abaddon ordered lord Huma to launch a diversionary raid into the Belis Corona system and threaten the shipyards there, while he snuck a small raiding fleet into the Scarus Sector. Lord Huma brought his flotilla, with the grand cruiser, "Bitter Revenge" flying his flag, into the outskirts of the Belis Corona system. There he entered orbit of the outer most planet, the ice rock Nega. His intention was to wait there doing nothing while Battlefleet Obscuras, based over the prime planet put together a response force. Once the Imperial fleet moved to dislodge Lord Huma he intended to lead them on a chase before translating back to the Warp and returning to the Eye of Terror.


In the beginning, lord Huma's plan was going splendidly. The Imperial Navy was vexed as to why the Black Legion would send such a small force that had no hope of even approaching the well defended shipyards and could hardly provide a hinderance to traffic much less blockade the system. Even more confusing was the Chaos fleet made no attempt at stealth or subterfuge, they just anchored above the worthless ball of ice and sat there. So after an overly long war council, Battlefleet Obscuras cautiously sent a fleet under the flag of Admiral Yvette Lucal to destroy lord Huma's forces and the expected chase began.


Naval pursuits such as these are a matter of geometry and mathematics, of cutting the angles of egress and forcing the prey into the guns of flanking vessels. Barring mistakes they are predictable in their outcome. Huma's chief Voidsmen informed his lord that he could run for 38 hours and 46 minutes before

they would have to leave the system, and reality behind. This was acceptable to the Chaos Lord. He was not willing to risk his ships in a diversion.


Meanwhile, the bridge crew of Admiral Lucal's "His Holy tShield" had come to a similar conclusion and informed her that they would engage or drive off the heretical invaders at a similar time. Both fleets settled into a tense chase. Gun crews standing ready in anticipation, engineriums dripping condensated sweat from the walls as thralls or work gangs strived to get optimal performance from the building size engines.


31 hours into this pursuit the plans became untenable. Belis Corona is a massive forge world ship yard. Her orbital docks are the premier naval station servicing the Cadian Gate. Some say that the only ship yards better than Belis Corona are found in the Sol System. 31 hours into the Imperial Navy's pursuit of lord Huma a vessel translated directly into the path of "Bitter Revenge's" escape. Doom Eagles Strike Cruiser "Lamentations of Gathis", intent upon refueling and rearming. Neither vessel had their void shields up when their prow batteries and lances opened fire.


Brother-Captain Brim of the Doom Eagles knew he had to play for the draw. It saddened him, but he was destined to die fighting the Emperor's enemies from the day he was born and was resolved to do so that day. The Black Legion Grand Cruiser out gunned him. It was winged by escorts too, pirate raiders and up gunned packet ships true, but escorted all the same and impossible to out flank. The only advantage Brother-Captain Brim had was the Navy fleet in pursuit. If he could damage an engine and slow the traitors enough the navy would be on them before they could jump to the Aether. But his proud strike cruiser would be broken apart before he could get aft of the heretic and fire on her engines. He opened a vox to all 73 members of his battle company, "Brothers, our end is nigh, but we will not die alone, to the Thunderhawks"


Of the 74 Adeptus Astartes of the Doom Eagles chapter aboard the "Lamentations of Gathis", 39 boarded "Bitter Revenge", the rest shot down by point defense guns, or annihilated by the grand cruiser's lances before they could board their thunderhawks. Brother-Captain Brim himself was shot down crossing the void between the ships but was able to grab the strap of a jump pack and use it to maneuver himself onto an exposed deck.


The Doom Eagles who had boarded the arch-enemy linked up into two strike teams as they penetrated deeper into the guts of the enemy vessel. One group lead by Brother-Captain Brim, and the other by tech marine Ludvig. Still in vox contact, Brim ordered tech marine Ludvig to make all haste towards enginerum, avoiding contact whenever possible. Brim knew that his tech marine had a much better chance of crippling the enemy than he did but was concerned about his ability to reach the target. It was one thing to board a renegade pirate vessel or a degenerate xeno vessel crewed by frail cowards who prefer their fights at maximum range, but this was a Black Legion warship. Only fools or suicides boarded larger vessels crewed by Chaos Marines. Brother-Captain Brim had served almost 200 years of near constant war, if he was a fool he would have died long ago. Brim knew the only chance Ludvig would have would be if he could draw as many of the traitor scum way from him as possible so he ordered his strike force to head for the "Bitter Revenge's" bridge.


Lord Huma's 1st Sword, the champion of his personal retinue, Imat, appraised his master of the situation, "We have two groups of loyalist aboard, a score each. The first group is headed here and will be destroyed in route by Squads Villus, Pado, Carrack and the Helbrute Kharfus. The second group is headed for the enginerum and is being picked apart by the demon hounds Nebon has summoned. If any survive these attacks Lavam has armed a mutant rabble to mop up what's left of the corpse worshipers."


Over the next dozen minutes the champion's assessment came true with all but three Doom Eagles cut down by demon hounds and those three swarmed by a mob of mutants hundreds strong and torn apart. Brother-Captain Brim strike force faired little better, being picked apart by three squads and a chaos dreadnought. The only survivor was the Brother-Captain, who was trapped in an armored interlock and forced to watch the last of his men cut down through the porthole. The heretics even made sure he saw them extracting the Doom Eagle gene seed. When lord Huma heard of this survivor, he gave command to his Imat and headed to the interlock in person. This raised eyebrows among the legionnaires, but no questions, one did not raise questions to a chaos lord in full warplate and crackling power axe brandished. Their were whispers about the lord though, he had long preferred to defeat his enemies tactically, even with treachery rather than in a straight duel, but that is what he was going to do.


When lord Huma reached the interlock, squad Carrack stood around gloating at their prize, but were ignored. "Carrack, open the door." The lord said with no room for dispute. Champion Carrack did so and stepped back. Brother-Captain Brim charged out, leading with his storm shield and bringing his thunder hammer over head to crush the chaos lord's skull. Lord Huma opened with a bolt pistol shot that would have smashed into the loyalist nose but instead was deflected by the storm shield. The hammer came down at lord Huma but it to was deflected, this time by eldritch lights and winds that seemed to turn the powerful stroke to the side. As Brim recovered his extended hammer, Huma landed an axe blow that cut the clavicle of Brim's shield arm and the storm shield clattered to the floor. Brim, uncaring of the pain in his shoulder lashed out with the thunder hammer, but it struck the bulkhead as Huma stepped back. Capitalizing on the loyalist over swing, Huma took off his hammer arm at the elbow. Brim then spit the acidic saliva of an Astartes into the heretics smiling face and head butted him, driving cartilage from his ruined nose into his brain. Stunned and in real pain for the first time in centuries, Huma staggered back but still managed to sweep the legs of the loyalist captain with the head of his power axe. As Brim struggled to get to his feet, lord Huma regained his senses and brought his axe down through Brim's skull finishing the 3rd company of the Emperor's Doom Eagles.


As Carrack called for apothecaries to see to his lord's wounds, a change started. Not a small change like a room becoming a degree cooler or hotter, but a greater change then mortal man was meant to witness. What was changed was Huma. His armor cracked as his size changed to that of a great beast. His helmet cracked as his head changed into that of an upside down bird of prey. His skin changed to feathers in places and scales in others. His soul changed from a near immortal mortal to that of an eternal daemon.


To be continued......

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  • 3 weeks later...

Completed Call of Chaos VII

COC VII part 2

imageCOC VII part 3

Well, I finished my Call of Chaos vow. I feel that I have learned quite a bit about the hobby side of this game, but still have miles to go. Miles and miles. But not to be too negative, the important thing was I had fun. I still like the world building and fiction aspects of the 41st Millennium, better, as well as playing the game, but I enjoyed this too and will continue with it. That, being said, I opened my rhino box and felt a little overwhelmed at all the pieces. ohmy.png 'm sure its not that bad.

Here is a little something on the remaining two members of squad Vinno.

"Saint" Tiam
In the early 37th millienium, on the most holy shrine world of Ophelia VII, a Ministorim movement took hold with the aim to canonize all individuals known to have performed a personal service to the Emperor prior to his ascension to the Golden Throne. This movement was called the "Famulanati", and was responsible for canonizing several hundred saints. However, the few remaining records they used were ancient, inconsistent, incomplete, and in at least one instant, flat out wrong.

During the Great Crusade, at a planet now called Maroon, Luna Wolves and Blood Angels quickly brought the world into compliance, while being lead personally by the Emperor, a rare, but not unheard of occurrence at that stage of the Great Crusade. Following the culminating victory, the fleet command voxed down to relay a message to the Emperor. Tiam took that message and delivered it personally to the Emperor. The careless remembrancer who record the incident incorrectly recorded Tiam as a Blood Angel, and thus Tiam, an Icon Bearer of the the Black Legion was made an Imperial Saint.

Obbo is the squads designated meltagunner. Always has been, always will be. Over the course of the Long War he has reduced some impressive targets to molten slag, including a land raider, and several Leman Russ MBT. Not to mention predators and vindicators from the other legions, and more than a few Xenos vehicles. However, his preferred target is much less armored than any of these vehicles. Obbo just loves shooting land speeders. He takes every opportunity he can get to blast at one. He even once cooked a land speeder parked in a captured motor pool. On principal. His personal goal in life is to cause the loyalist to discontinue their use of land speeders. Lately he has been trying to foster cults of saboteurs to raid forge worlds where they are manufactured, but hasn't had much success. Yet.
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  • 3 months later...

[ img ] http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/151785-termi2/ [ / img ]


Here is my latest practice work for the 15th Black Crusade. They may not be top notch yet, but I hope you can see improvement from my first models. If you can't, I sure can

Critique is welcomed!

Sorry, I'm having trouble getting images from my gallery to this post, and help would be appreciated.

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Hey buddy, if you click the portrait icon, you can then copy the URL into it. or use I think it is?

Thanks for the help. I've trying to get these images up for 2 hours now and am going to have to put the computer in a safe place, for its own good.

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Carrack for the image.


Go to the photo album/image your useing (Chaos Terminators in this case).

Go to the options button, next the upload button.  Go to share links tab & should pop up with a few chose

- BBCode


- Image Link

- Page link


It the - image link - your wanting, just copy & paste that onto this post.  I try it there, only thing is the image of the Terminators was a lot bigger when I preview the post before type this.

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