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Combi-Plasma and Rapid Fire


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So... if a combi-weapon can only use it's "alternative fire" once, does that mean one SHOT or for one TURN?  If I have a unit with combi-plasmas that deep strike in within 12" of their intended target, can they use the plasmagun's Rapid Fire rule to fire the combi-plasma twice that turn?  Or do they only get a single shot regardless?

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You get two shots from each combi plasma firing at a target within 12", and then they're done.

Of course, you don't have to have all the models fire the plasma element of their weapons in the same turn. Some could save theirs for later turns.

If they live ;)


Edit: it reminds me of a similar question on Overwatch fire: how many shots you get when firing over watch. Answer: same as when shooting normally.

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