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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Page 35 of the BA Codex Rumour thread has a WD battle scene with BAs, and it certainly looks like a possible new Termie kit (can't do the image on my phone right now). Could be conversions but Sgt. looks like a new sculpt with tabard, shield and top plate icon. TH Termies next to him also have new/different top plate icons as well as a heraldic shoulder plate on one


Could someone oblige with the pic?


Also, the Libby to the left of the squad also looks new-ish.



Where are you looking?



This thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/297608-ba-codex-rumors/page-35


I also have all of the news and images up on my blog here for convenience: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2014/12/blood-angels-compiled-mega-post.html


I think that Libby is new. At first I thought it was the Finecast when in TDA, but it definitely isn't.

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This thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/297608-ba-codex-rumors/page-35


I also have all of the news and images up on my blog here for convenience: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2014/12/blood-angels-compiled-mega-post.html


I think that Libby is new. At first I thought it was the Finecast when in TDA, but it definitely isn't.



The Libby looks new to me also.


The Terminator Sergeant looks familiar but I can't place him so may be wrong.


That Thunder Hammer terminator does look like he's got a BA shoulder pad and the chest eagle looks to have a blood drop and he looks like he's holding that chapter/company banner. Don't think I've seen a terminator holding one of those before. Maybe a sort of Honour Guard in TDA after all?

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No to the rules page sadly, only got shown a couple of the new release pages, will try and get a proper look tomo, presuming it hasn't made it all over the interwebz which I guess it will. The paint job on thetac sarge makes it look like he only has fangs, I didn't rate it personally but i'mt sure the good painters among us can do better ;)
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I have to get off the computer before my wife kills me, but I put this together quick.




1, 5, and 6 look new to me. The Librarian in 1 isn't the same as the Finecast one on the GW site. 5 has a crazy robe over his armor, and 6 is carrying what looks like a sculpted Chapter Banner.

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I agree that a new terminator kit is certainly visible in the image. Thanks GW for pawing off the old ones in the Shield of Baal box, ugh.


Well, as others have pointed out, not just the termies but basically all of the BA are essentially free if you buy Shield of Baal and sell the 'Nids. So a good value is a good value even if it's old models.


Secondly, the new BA specific terminators look to be assault terminators anyway, so if you want tacticals with all the BA goodness you'd have to buy both kits and kit-bash anyway.


Third, there are so many extra bitz in these new kits, I'd expect the BA terminator kit to be the same, so if you bought Shield of Baal and the new terminator set, I bet you could come out with 5 tacticals and 5 assault terminators and all 10 of them have a decent amount of BA bling on them.


So I see no downside or reason to hate on GW here.

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I got death storm :)


ok, good and bad news.


DC and dc dreads are now ws4 :(. dc dread with claws magna grapple melta and storm bolter is 140 points[the same as it was before]


Dc look to be 20 points a model still, with only ws4 HOWEVER. jump packs seem to be 3 points each. they still have two attacks rage relentless fearless furious charge and feel no pain however.


captain karl has know no fear counter attack furious charge and IC. the hammer of baal is just a master crafted hammer and you've all seen his warlord trait 


the term squad has a heavy flamer and chain fist comes to 215 and has preferred enemy tyranids


the formation he has [5 dc , a dc dread 5 terms and karl] the formation has fearless  and if you have fearless already you get counter attack.

"Bloody Toll" at the start of any assault phase once per game all units in the formation reroll all failed to wound rolls till the end of that phase.



as a side note, the Nids get slightly souped up units for all of theres, like gene stealers with stealth, hive warriors that make all ruins terrain dangerous for non tyranids and they ignore the initiative penalty for assaulting through ruins and a carnifex with it will not die. their formation grants everything stealth and if they already have stealth they get shrouded instead. all units also get preferred enemy.


mixed bag...for Ba all good for nids.... crazy town:)

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