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Anyone feel like out-Salamandering the Salamanders with a Heavy Flamer, Flamer and Combi-flamer in the same unit, combat squad it and put all the flame weapon chaps in a Heavy Flamer-back?


You might just as well set fire to your models at that point.

Anyone feel like out-Salamandering the Salamanders with a Heavy Flamer, Flamer and Combi-flamer in the same unit, combat squad it and put all the flame weapon chaps in a Heavy Flamer-back?

And model the other combat squad with marshmallows on their combat knives?

I don't really need a third tac squad. I'll buy it, assemble a grav guy and a heavy flamer guy as alternates, and use the rest plus some eBay bits to make what I DO need - some Death Company on foot.



Anyone feel like out-Salamandering the Salamanders with a Heavy Flamer, Flamer and Combi-flamer in the same unit, combat squad it and put all the flame weapon chaps in a Heavy Flamer-back?

You might just as well set fire to your models at that point.

Or a hand flamer on the sergeant.

I don't really need a third tac squad. I'll buy it, assemble a grav guy and a heavy flamer guy as alternates, and use the rest plus some eBay bits to make what I DO need - some Death Company on foot.

Or....dont bother ebaying them and just paint them black?


I don't really need a third tac squad. I'll buy it, assemble a grav guy and a heavy flamer guy as alternates, and use the rest plus some eBay bits to make what I DO need - some Death Company on foot.

Or....dont bother ebaying them and just paint them black?

I just mean that I'll need some more bolt pistols and chainswords. Because that's how I do death company.


Is this a new Devastator model? I'm not aware of a Heavy Bolter with a clip like that.



I want to say sternguard heavy bolter but I'm not getting out of bed to check



I think you're right. The helmet isn't blue either come to think of it...

uhhhh.... Don't know what to make of this if its true...






DC Terminators? Looks like a wonky shift in fluff if thats the case...

uhhhh.... Don't know what to make of this if its true...






DC Terminators? Looks like a wonky shift in fluff if thats the case...


I know it's a pretty significant change from the fluff, but I don't care. Death Company in TDA sounds glorious!!!!

SQUUEEEEEEEEEE!!! So excited! Brain popping!

Ummm mods I have run out of likes for the day please give me some more smile.png

I would have been happy with just a codex!

1. The Tacticals are a awsome choice! With heavy flamer option is just going to make them so versitle! Even if assault marines are still troops it will give Tacticals a place in the list!

2. While I dislike pointless change, I have often wished I had more room on bases for more pretty. So the 32mm I will like, Id rather not use half my guys on different size bases tho so this is gonna mean a lot of new models or a lot of rebasing!

3. If Terminator DC is not BS it is an abomination on the fluff! That said I will accept them with open arms as I love love love the potential for something awsome and unique in my army something different to paint and modify! I wonder if these guys might be the rumoured "Blood Brothers" from a few months ago!

In fact if we look back at a lot of the rumours of the last 12 months a lot of them ones that were debunked as fake have actually come true! For example the New BA starter set could quite easily have been mistaken for the Deathstorm Box set. Blood Brothers could very well be the new DC terminators, and who knows maybe there is a new Mephiston sculpt still to come!!!

Look Mum, fangs!! Saves me sculpting all mine out of GS, not so good for the gang haterz though I suppose.


Order for me? Going to be a tri-flamer squad for me I think, add the gravs to my existing. And psychic cards. And of course, THE CODEX!!! Gimme. As for priest? If it's a decent sculpt? Yep that too. Can I afford it? Best Scarface impression "Say hello to my plastic friend...."


Though my poor call of chaos has gone wrong.....


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