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Newbie needs advice on which type of land raider


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Hail all.


I'm building my new Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader model as I post this. I'm trying to decide on which version to go with? Let me start by saying the land raider will carry a 9 man death company armed with bolters, 2 powerfists, and 1 infernus pistol. Attached to them will be my HQ Captain Tycho and my chaplain.


My strat for them is to link up with my Furioso Dreadnought that will be drop podded into the enemy position. 


I'm running with the multi-melta on top and of course the twin-linked assault cannon, but what would be more advantageous for the role mentioned, the side sponsons of heavy flamers (Redeemer), or the hurricane bolters (Crusader)?



Thanks vets.

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Whichever is better will definitely be a matter of opinion and situational. As Grotsmasha mentioned, the side sponsons on a LRC are an easy job to magnetize. Plus, you could easily get the lascannon set on eBay if you choose for later. Mine are magnetize for all three, though tend to use Crusaders more often than the others.
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I built and run the Redeemer myself. The only time I run it as a crusader is if I need the extra transport capacity. 


While the hurricane bolters can pump out the dakka, I never find myself at a loss for S4 AP5 weapons. The Redeemer's S6 AP3 template, on the other hand, is quite rare. 


The other option, of course, is the stock Land Raider. Two TL lascannons and a heavy bolted can be very useful, particularly for ranged lists. However, this variant would require you to drop a model since it only carries 10. 

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As others have said, the main interest of the Crusader is its large transport capacity to throw in a nasty squad geared for melee, while the Redeemer acts as a close quarter breaching ram definitely going for infantry, while the regular Land Raider is more of a long range defensive mobile bunker !


I think the multi-melta upgrade is great for the Redeemer, giving it a bit more target variety ! In addition, the Redeemer lacks the anti tank firepower of the regular Land Raider, and the MM helps compensate for that. You can have serious anti-tank damage with the Land Raider Redeemer, thanks to ramming and Power of the Machine spirit : Ramming gives you a strength 8 auto hit, and Potms allows you to fire one more weapon at full skill. Leading you to throw down 2 s8 shots including one with the melta rule !

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Thanks because I am definitely running the multi-melta up top for that very reason, to have some Anti-armor capability. How does an assault cannon do against armor?

As you can tell I have yet to play a game, I'm still building my BA army ... getting close to done though msn-wink.gif

As a suggestion, you may want to play some games with the model before gluing on the guns, just to see which variant you prefer. You'd hate to assemble it as one variant and later end up with "buyer's remorse" so to speak. I've done it multiple times when I used the rules/stats to make a decision on a particular load out, only to later realize that it doesn't play like I had hoped.

On a side note, Tiberius, I saw a post from someone with your handle on the FB page for our local gaming group. If that was you, we'll need to have a game sometime.

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Thanks because I am definitely running the multi-melta up top for that very reason, to have some Anti-armor capability. How does an assault cannon do against armor?

As you can tell I have yet to play a game, I'm still building my BA army ... getting close to done though msn-wink.gif

As a suggestion, you may want to play some games with the model before gluing on the guns, just to see which variant you prefer. You'd hate to assemble it as one variant and later end up with "buyer's remorse" so to speak. I've done it multiple times when I used the rules/stats to make a decision on a particular load out, only to later realize that it doesn't play like I had hoped.

On a side note, Tiberius, I saw a post from someone with your handle on the FB page for our local gaming group. If that was you, we'll need to have a game sometime.

Oh yeah that's probably me. Are you in the NKY/Cincinnati area?

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I'm personally a bit of a weirdo, but I really prefer the crusader. I like that it can snap shoot if needed. I like that it can start shooting at 24'' (the same range as the assault cannon) and only gets scarier as it gets closer. I agree that flamestorm sponsons are good, but those two traits - ability to fire snap shots and superior range that still gets better as you close - make it the better choice. Blood Angels need all the help they can get to actually win in assaults, and two rounds of shooting as the tank closes can often be that help. Compare that to one round of shooting with the flamestorm cannons - and remember that the sponsons are awkwardly placed, you've got to shot around your own guys, and your opponent can space his guys out to limit their effectiveness - and even though the flamestorm cannon is undeniably a better weapon, the crusader is better at its job.

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The crusader is, in my opinion, the better option because of the range it has. the flamestorm cannons will rarely get to be used at full effectiveness, but they can be useful with POTMS. 12 twin linked bolter shots at close range isn't half bad you know!



EDIT: plus the large transport capacity means you can take alot in it, like an 8 man TH/SS terminator unit, or 15 DC with a reclusiarch.

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Thanks because I am definitely running the multi-melta up top for that very reason, to have some Anti-armor capability. How does an assault cannon do against armor?

As you can tell I have yet to play a game, I'm still building my BA army ... getting close to done though msn-wink.gif

Personally a fan of the Redeemer with multi melta. Early game your often moving 12 either using POtMS for multimelta and snapfiring assault cannon. I wouldt expect that flamestorm cannons will be useful every game, but when you are able to use them they are quite amazing.

Asssault Cannon isnt that great vs armor, it's comparable to a single Lascannon, on the plus side it's very versatile. Great for light veichles and overall very strong. Worth noting that if you get rending hit's they become a seperate wound pool that you can choose to allocate either before or after normal wounds.

The Crusdaer is fine too, i guess it depends on the matchup and how aggresive your list is.

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Yeah, like the guys said, play a few games with the models, feel what was missing in your list then adapt in response :) We can do all the mathhammer we want, but rule of averages never work in games and we get a feel of the probabilities only after a few games :)

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I know I'm a bit unusual in this, but I've found just the standard Godhammer pattern Land Raider really useful. The extra lascannons are just very useful to have. I could get them into my list cheaper ways, I suppose, but between PotMS, two TL Lascannons and a Multimelta, it tends to kill pretty close to its weightclass.

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On another topic how useful is a squad of 10 assault marines with jumpacks, 2 melta guns, and the rest bolt pistols and chainswords? Can they effectively deal with armor and personnel?


Why? Because I just added a squad of 10 equipped as above, in addition to the 5 I already have. And can I run two squads of assault marines in my army? One as a combat squad of 5 and the other as a full squad of 10?



Thanks all :)

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On another topic how useful is a squad of 10 assault marines with jumpacks, 2 melta guns, and the rest bolt pistols and chainswords? Can they effectively deal with armor and personnel?

Why? Because I just added a squad of 10 equipped as above, in addition to the 5 I already have. And can I run two squads of assault marines in my army? One as a combat squad of 5 and the other as a full squad of 10?

Thanks all smile.png

Eh... assault squads don't really hit hard enough to effectively deal with anything. They don't have enough bullets, they don't have enough attacks. They can certainly pop a tank, but unless your opponent screws up and exposes a flank to you, you're going to lose the squad in the next turn, and they're expensive enough that I don't like to use them as a suicide squad.

I find assault squads are useful in the following ways:

  1. Assault bully. Send them against something that really can't fight (ie. that squad of devastators who are threatening your tanks).
  2. Dynamically deployed objective grabbers. Have them drop down and grab an objective your opponent didn't realize you could take.
  3. Harassers. Let them leap around bothering things, drawing fire, and generally screwing up your opponent's plans.

They can be surprisingly durable if you give them a sanguinary priest.

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