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Retro Blood Angels colouring

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So I am trying to do a Retro Blood Angels army based on the 1st ed Studio force,  (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286145-retro-blood-angels/) I'll leave that there for people to look at instead of explaining myself all over again. 


The red was made by mixing Blood Angel Orange and Go Fasta Red, neither are made by GW anymore, I have tried Wild Rider Red and a Red inkwash but I wasn't too impressed with the shade. I am aware that Coat 'd Arms does a range of discontinued GW shades, but if I can I'd rather stick to GW paints as they are generally easier for me to get hold of. Soooooo the question is, any of you clever arty painty types have any ideas on how to nail this oldschool colour? 


Heres another pikky, as the ones I took of the WD mag on my phone made them look washed out. 



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