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Converted twin-linked heavy flamer turret:




Converted Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasmagun turret:




Converted Sternguard:




And last, but not least, converted Mephiston:




I have more in my WIP thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/219795-the-harrowers-wip-thread

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I have to heavy flamers from the baal predator I built. Now I have a use for them.


I've seen people use those. I think Jawaballs did one of his tanks like that. It definitely works and you can even make the turret longer to get more range. Personally, I just liked this look better. I'd love to see it when you are done though.

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Great job every one! thumbsup.gif

I'd like to add my little contribution to this thread of what I think as my most prominent conversions to this day.

BA Captain


And a TDA Sanguinary Priest.


Keep the conversions coming! :D

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Very cool, Harrower - I remember I copied your assault cannon conversion for my razorbacks too many moons ago msn-wink.gif

I forgot about that one! Yeah, it's been way too long since I've done serious hobbying. I'm looking to refocus my blog and finally have a finished Blood Angels army on the table next year.

Great job every one! thumbsup.gif

I'd like to add my little contribution to this thread of what I think as my most prominent conversions to this day.

Dude, those are great! With any luck you can actually field that Captain pretty soon. smile.png

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Great job every one! thumbsup.gif

I'd like to add my little contribution to this thread of what I think as my most prominent conversions to this day.

Dude, those are great! With any luck you can actually field that Captain pretty soon. smile.png

One can only hope. :)

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well since mephiston is a a daemon prince in disguise I am guessing mephiston

Brother, we are going to need you to have a chat with your local chaplain.  If you hear the sound of a bolt pistol chambering a round, that's probably just your imagination and has no relation to your heresy.

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"yet there are whispers that Mepiston paid a dreadful price for his resurrection, that when he mastered the Black rage something altogether more terrible took its place. It is to be hope that such rumours are baseless, mere carrion latching onto greatness, but Mephiston keeps his secrets close, and only time will reveal the truth..."


hey you know that guy who fell to the black rage? Well he is back and way stronger and wants us to call him Mephiston lord of death now, that doesn't seem normal does it?...wow look how many orks he killed!

and more back on topic totally digging the attack bike

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"yet there are whispers that Mepiston paid a dreadful price for his resurrection, that when he mastered the Black rage something altogether more terrible took its place. It is to be hope that such rumours are baseless, mere carrion latching onto greatness, but Mephiston keeps his secrets close, and only time will reveal the truth..."


hey you know that guy who fell to the black rage? Well he is back and way stronger and wants us to call him Mephiston lord of death now, that doesn't seem normal does it?...wow look how many orks he killed!


and more back on topic totally digging the attack bike


In the new book, Lord of death I think it is explained that mephiston isn't affiliated with chaos at all. Somebody who has read the book could probably explain it better.

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Mkar the reborn, a keeper of secrets, who is trying to seduce a champion of humanity to the side of chaos. I cannot think of any reason a demon of Slanesh might lie, they are so trustworthy. And I do like that bike, makes more sense than a sidecar.
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