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Post your Blood Angels Kitbashes/Scratchbuilds


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Lol a fat Eldar. Great conversion to Chaplain though.


Not a Chaplain in my case, though I've been told numerous times by Marine players that they had use Maugan Ra as a base for a Chaplain conversion.


Me I just really wanted a Grim Reaper-esque Chapter Master, and Maugan Ra was a good base to do that. But I do plan to build a new one using Marine/CSM parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool thread! Allow me to introduce the first incarnation of Brother-Chaplain Kage! (Ok, sorta... I was going to do IF for my very first army, but I sucked at painting yellow and really liked the rules for the Blood Angels, so...)




One of those simple conversions that turned out really well, this guy commanded my Angels through months of weekend tourneys at my LGS.


My favorite action of this fellow was against a very good Dark Eldar player. Only a few had tried to play DE in the weekly tourney and failed miserably, which had a lot of the guys talking trash about how bad the DE were. After a few weeks of this, one of the guys who always played Orks, and rarely made it very far at all in the tourney, started cautioning us about the xenos, because someone might just show up one day who actually knew how to play them.


A few weeks after that, that Ork player showed up with his DE army and showed us.


He swept the entire tournament, with only me and an Iyanden Eldar player even giving him the slightest bit of a challenge. He made full use of the strength of the DE, maximizing the use of their speed and superior firepower, and slowly took my Angels apart as I chased him around the board. I managed to shoot down the Raider carrying his Archon and Incubi bodyguard and charged them with my jump pack Chappy and Death Guard. It was a slaughter. The Chappy only managed to survive thanks to his Rosarius, and when he finally got to attack, the Archon failed his Shadow Field save and was cut down. The next turn, the Chappy was disintegrated by concentrated Blaster fire.


The DE player laughed and clapped at my Chaplain's magnificent rolls and suggested I add a trophy to the figure, so I painted up a splinter pistol holster in the colors of that guy's army and put it on his hip. :)

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Looooving that top one!

It's a shame the bike kits are so limited in scope - he looks awesome too just a bit static in comparison!

Thank you smile.png.

You are right, it´s a pitty the possiable positioning of bikers are so limited.

These look great. What colors did you use for the base? I'm rebasing all my miniatures and that's close to the color I want.

Starting with a base layer of Rhinox Hide going over to dry brushing the ground with Mournfang Brown, Steel Legion Drab and Ulthuan Grey.

The side is painted likewise RH, MB and SLD.

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I just finished my Captain in two gear versions ...





Nice, looks awesome. Planning on doing similar for a JP captain myself.


By the way where did you get the halo on the JP version? Was that from the BA assault terminator kit?

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Either GS or very delicate application of a modeling knife could, I assume, work... I used to carve extra toes into my clanrats' feet back when they had those gazillion poeces per model and their left foot was vastly underdetailled, so it has to be possible here (although these here are far better than the results I was able to get on my rats as a teenager!)
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