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Bonus victory points from elimination some units


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I was reading the Ork Ghazghul supplement today and something caught my eye...the green tide formation in that book - 101 orks in one unit... The special rules seems to indicate just eliminating the unit was worth 11 victory points (specifically not kill points). Am I reading that right? Are there other units that grant added victory points for their destruction? Does the escalation supplement include bonus victory points for super heavies (this is not referenced in the main rule book)? Or is the case above supposed to be kill points for just those games where kill points are granted and misprinted as victory points? Are there any other supplements that include victory points from other sources? Just wondering....the Ork supplement also included some special scenarios with variations on slay the warlord that gave game bonuses beyond a single point.
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The Warlord usually offers an extra point for his destruction. Fast Attack and Heavy Support for the Scouring and Big Guns mission. Some of the Tactical Objectives, I believe do.


But on their own? First I've heard, really.

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