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Forgeworld in your 'normal' 40K games


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The Dreadclaw had me very excited but then the complications set in and I just kind of passed on it....


But a bigger question I wanted to ask you guys is:


- How are your opponent's handling you taking items from Forgeworld in normal games? Are these 'pre-approved' games? Just fun games? Would you be able to take these units in local tournies?


The reason I ask is because IA13 appears to have some good candy in it but we typically stick to codex units to keep everything... level. I'm afraid of opening the pandora's box of Forgeworld.


We tried this a while ago with a tau and Necron player and things escalated quickly. Next thing I know it was a Nid player who brought this friggin zillion wound behemoth that seemed impossible to kill to a standard game....


I guess that's what I'm worried about. It's one thing to say "let's play Forgeworld units so I can bring a Dreadclaw" but your opponent could be thinking, great I'll bring a 20 wound creature to the same game.


What do you guys think?

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It's a good question - but it's not Pandora's box, surely, in a negative sense, since it's just part of the game nowadays that there are so many good and bad options through Escalation and FW. You bring a dreadclaw, they might bring something else cool or tough - it's fair, as long as in an official supplement. It could be a Spartan, an Avenger, a special Ravager, a Tau plane, a Ork megadread. Equally it could be a Wrathknight, Tau big walker, Grimner on his skimmer, Centurions or the next big thing in the next codex or supplement. It's fair - and fun - since that time you loose to something you don't know how to provides the chance to learn for the next time?


But that big beast sounds like it was probably a Lord of War, and hence expectedly hard to kill, so it might have been a bit unfair, unless you had your own big beastie or vehicle too.  (or was it pre-Escalation or non-Apocalypse?)

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Way I see it you just have to keep it fairly tame on the FW models. None of my opponents use FW simply because they never got around to getting IA books or models, and now that I'm about to I'm just being careful with what I choose to use. Adding a hellblade and a sicaran as I plan to for example is not game breaking, just a tweak to my list that makes it slightly better. However if I took a fire raptor against my opponent who uses 40 marines, I'd feel like I was escalating things a bit too far. Then of course if you take some super heavies you're probably taking it a bit too far-unless of course your opponents use them themselves. 

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We used FW in our group well before it was standard/accepted/legal, however you want to word it. FW is more aggressively filling gaps in an army (well ours) and that can lead to people expecting a certain kind of game to get a bit bent out of shape.

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I don't play Chaos, but I often play against Chaos, and at my FLGS nobody has ever said "boo" to Forgeworld. I don't think any of it is any more or less broken or messed up than anything put out by GW prime - and in my experience, it tends to skew towards being more balanced rather than less.

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I play with and against FW units in almost every game. Lords of War (the big ones,a dn big fortifications) on the other hand are an entirely different thing. Those I play with only every use Super-heavies and Gargantuan creatures after asking first, and most prefer normal type battles.


But I personally fail to see a problem with that since you have to ask what sort of battle you want to play beforehand anyway. If I want to play a Zone Mortalis battle and my opponent want to play a standard battle, we need to let each other know that before we show up. If my opponent wants to play a 2000 pts battle and I want to play a 1500 pts battle, we need to let each other know that beforehand. Letting your opponent know that you don't want to face a 20 wound monster should not be a problem, FW or no FW. And the Stompa is a GW product, which is much more killy than most things FW puts out.


All in all, I think FW are on average a bit better at balance than GW (the Wave Serpent is in a current GW publication for crying out loud), so I don't see how their exclusion would improve the game in any way shape or form.


When it comes to tournaments, it's different for different tournaments. 

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Tournaments have changed a lot around here. Dying is probably the word I would use.


10 years ago it was a joke if someone brought a forgeworld piece. I remember bringing my first Helltalon to a few games and it was not met with kindly. Nowadays is a bit different. I think there is a general lack of accessibility to these units and their rules.


Since pricing has gone crazy, I admit my own affection for Forgeworld is at an all time low. To buy, ship, and pay exchange on their units is just too cost prohibitive for most of us.


This is why I ask how it's going.... for the majority. We never argue about this... never. So I'm not sure where 'arguing about toy soldiers' came from. I'm simply curious how other groups (North American especially) handles this nowadays.


A few years ago a guy kept bringing Tau FW units, but they weren't that great. I haven't used any since the Helltalon. One guy came with the giant bug (great looking model), and one guy said, sure he'll play, and he brought 3 knights and had bbq nid for his entire Legion afterwards.


Just curious.

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Right now I don't game in RL, but when I did  FW was not accepted here. Mostly to lock out certain units or combinations. Then escalation came and almost[or to be more precise at that time I thought it was almost] killed gaming here. Everyone that could run revenants or turbo laster imperial titants got recast ones. Sucked hard for new players, sucked for those that didn't have titans of their own or titan immune armies[more or less flyer builds]. Then 7th came, most stores went to no escalation, no FW ever because of how dead the game was becoming[lets just say that the main tournament that had 100+people playing in 5th droped to less then 20 in 3 years]. Missions got house ruled etc.


So that is how FW use looked here. Now how would people react if someone brough a bad unit here? no one would care[well on the outside on the inside there would be a strong sense of wonder with a dose of LoLing], if someone is handicaping himself it is his own problem.

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The only issue I've had in my very limited pool of opponents was a friend who didn't want to believe that FW flyers could still deepstrike. We spent more time with him trying to confirm this fact than we did actually playing the game.


I try to stick with these protocols: 1. use the most recently published datasheet; 2. have the datasheet on hand; 3. point out the model before the game.

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My buddy and I are using FW more these days.  It started with him getting a Storm Eagle, and then a few Rapiers, now he has 2 Sicarans.  I have 2 Giant Spawn, 2  magnetized Contemptors, and a Blood Slaughterer.  We're not using anything really game breaking, so it's all good.  Besides, I'm modeling up my Renegades now, so I'll be using more FW rules and he's ok with that.


I mean, IA:13 is REALLY tempting him back to Chaos... and he's a die hard SW player.


We just talk it out, and try new things if we model them up.

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