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what if possessed wasn't a unit?


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So, we all love the idea of possessed, but as a unit they have been historically sub par, what if possession was an upgrade that could be purchased by infantry that do not have the daemon rule.


It would confer the daemon rule, and include bonuses to stats, if the unit was marked it would gain the daemon of ____ rule according to the mark selected could then choose from a selection of set stat increases and special rules accordingly. However the unit would still benefit from any wargear they may own.


Gould group things like +1BS +1W and slow and purposeful


Or +1A +I with fleet and shred


It would be a pricey upgrade but might encourage their use?

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Possession would be good as an upgrade for Chosen or generic HQs.


All it would really need to do is confer Daemon of X for whatever Mark the unit (must have) purchased. Really, gaining DS, Fear, and 5+ Invuln is good enough. Combined with C:D allies you get DS mitigation with Icons, and the bonuses of the Marks combined with the daemonic invuln would mean that probably everyone would have at least one unit like this.


And the Jeske is right about points. GW already over-values the daemon rule as far as points go, so if you start adding other things the cost would go through the roof on an already expensive unti.

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I think that it'd be enough to swap the random dice roll table with a points valued purchase. Drop the base value by 8 points, then offer out upgrades at a fixed price point. It makes them able to be customised to a specific role in an army, particularly if you include fun choices like Beast, combined with AP3 and Shred.

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I would like to see more 'possessed' options, even if you upgrade unit leaders or something, I want a possessed Icon Bearer to follow my Lord round like the Marduk - Burias bromance in the Word Bearer novels

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We can agree that as they stand they lack any kind of ranged threat, which is a clear drawback for such expensive models, especially since they are slow when compared to other non shooting units. Even giving them a free bolt pistol would make me happy, but this got me thinking. What about a squad of Havocs that had been possessed, but still carried their heavy weapons, sure the possession would only be a benefit if they improved their role.


If you were going to go down this route, with the guideline that points cost of upgrade should be around that of a csm (effectively doubling the cost of the unit) what kinds of combos would you suggest?

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Just stick to the ones in the 3.5 dex? 

Off the top of my head I'm thinking +1Strength, Fleet, Close Combat attacks can only be saved by ++ saves, Wings, Rending, and some form of shooting maybe?

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For marked units they could have something like the following - Nurgle, FnP 2+, Poison 2+ ( I jest, FnP same as Plague Marines and Poison 4+). Slaanesh, Fleet, Move through Cover. Khorne, Shred and some other combat buff. Tzeentch, Something shooty.

An entire unit of S5 AP2 at I? Not happening.

I dont mean all at the same time, pay for the upgrades, and limit the amount you take. 

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I still remember possessies being independent characters and you generated what type of Daemon was inside. Many moons ago.


Having your Champion turn into a bloodthirster deep in enemy lines...*sigh* talk about forging a narrative.


My pipe dream Possessed have WS 5 , +1 A, Rending and counts as assault grenades.

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