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Base model for eversor conversion


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Brothers and Sisters! I require your assistance. I'm planning on converting a couple of imperial assassins, both eversors probably (as in making eversors, not using the eversor models).


Normally I'm pretty good at identifying base models to use. For this little project, I can't identify any clear candidates though.

I would use lelith (one eversor will be female, one male), but I already have plans to use her for a death cult assassin.


Essentially, the model should be suitably athletic, and lightly armoured/clothed, and obviously humanoid. Other criteria is I would like it to be a fairly recent release (while I like the old minis' for a coherent warband look I'm trying to stick to more recent releases).


So, in essence, suggestions please :)!


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Do you want them in a body glove, or some sort of fatigues?  If it's a body glove, you could use a Dark Eldar wyche torso like these fellows:




Similar torsos and suitably clad arms can be found in the DE Razorwing and Venom pilots.

I used the hunched-over arco flagellant body (the model comes with arms seperate)  + Dark Eldar Wych Hydra gauntlet arms (the gauntlets with all the spikes on the side) 
I used the hunched over body http://kofler.dot.at/40k/units/Witch_Hunter_Arco_Flagellant_Squad.gif
and these arms. 



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