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The Seventh Serpent pre orders...


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So are you guys going to order it?


I bought the 80 dollar Talon of Horus book and I really didn't care for it, but I know it was well received by most Chaos fans. But I really want this one.... I've wanted some real identity tied to these guys and their reasoning behind their defection.


To see behind the scenes on this one would be really cool. How many of them were on board with the idea of Heresy? Were the Alpha and the Omega split on this one? Or were they standing together? Did they actually get along with Horus?


We read so many tiddly bits on these guys in the other novels like Scars, Unremembered Empire, etc, etc. But I'd love to know what's behind the curtain on this one.


Who's planning on ordering it?

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Another amazingly glorious tale about Graham McNeill's Nykona Sharrowkyn, God-Raven of the 31st Millenium? Of course I'd love to pass this up! Why, I believe this might be the only Heresy novel to not make it into my collection.
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Another amazingly glorious tale about Graham McNeill's Nykona Sharrowkyn, God-Raven of the 31st Millenium? Of course I'd love to pass this up! Why, I believe this might be the only Heresy novel to not make it into my collection.


I assume he sucker punched Khârn in this one.

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Another amazingly glorious tale about Graham McNeill's Nykona Sharrowkyn, God-Raven of the 31st Millenium? Of course I'd love to pass this up! Why, I believe this might be the only Heresy novel to not make it into my collection.

I assume he sucker punched Khârn in this one.

It's Alpha Legion, so he probably kills the real Alpharius but thinks so little of the fight that he never realizes it.
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I agree, I think that McNeil is not the best author for the Alpha Legion, even his Angel Exterminatus is by my standards a poor novel and as I have said it does little justice to the Iron Warriors or Emperor's Children. Now Abnett might be the better one for the AL books, he has a certain flair for intrigue. 


I will buy it, I will read it, but from the "alpha" comments on the boards it does not strike me as something I was looking for. Now "The Harrowing" from Sedition's Gate, that was a real Alpha Legion story. I would dearly wish for Rob Sanders to write more about the Hydras we all love. 


At the end of the day let's wait and see, but I have a certain "bias" for McNeil in general, he is not among the "desirable" authors for 40k fiction in general, so far only his Mechanicus characters did have some real depth of personality and flair. 

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Let the authors write the books. Read them. Then judge afterwards. If you don't like it sell it. I'm right old sick of Abnett love and Mcneil hate. I'm starting to lump people in the category of warders. Let's judge produce on its content not the cover fellow frater
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Let the authors write the books. Read them. Then judge afterwards. If you don't like it sell it. I'm right old sick of Abnett love and Mcneil hate. I'm starting to lump people in the category of warders. Let's judge produce on its content not the cover fellow frater


I pretty much live in the middle of nowhere and buy exclusively Ebooks, so selling it isn't really an option.


If someone can tell me a book is absolutely godawful i'd like them to do so, rather then spending twenty bucks on a poorly written book that I could of used to buy an extra meal for the day.

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It is not "hate" per se but so far I can claim that I have read the majority of McNeil's books and well, I did not enjoy them as much as the others. For example The Harrowing of Sanders got me in "oh that's cool, and actually it makes perfect sense" in terms of how one author showcases the Alpha Legion but well on the topic of McNeil I was so hyped for Angel Exterminatus that I have bought the book and even listened to the audio version but I cannot say that I liked it very much, especially his portrait of the Emperor's Children and Iron Warriors. 


As I have said it, I will buy it, I will read it. I hope I will like it. 


But so far I must say that anything, everything about the Alpha Legion goes much like anything of the Thousand Sons straight in my expense for the hobby budget. Yp, I speak as a fan of the Legions of Change first and foremost... so you can expect me to be a bit "ruthless" when comes to the XV and XX legions. 

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I mean really, I don't like to think of myself as a hater in any capacity. I will defend things many fans would sneer at, I think Angron and Mortarion are both psychologically deep characters, I don't think the Emperor has been portrayed as much of an absolute amoral idiot and tyrant in the HH series as some people think he has, and i'll even say that I don't think Fulgrims conversion to Chaos was as simple as 'Herp derp, sword' as some people say it is.


There was a recent interview with ADB, one of the guys said this about the World Eaters "Well no one finds the fall of these superhuman techno-barbarians into mindless killing machines as tragic right? No one says that." and had a good laugh, but I shot up my hand immediately because I am that guy. I am the guy who looks at the World Eaters fall and says, that's tragic.


So when I say I can't think of a single defensible thing about Nykona Sharrowkyn's character, I mean it.

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Hey I've been spewing the World Eater's tragedy for ages. To me, it's beyond what happened to them... it's a reflection of what happened to the Imperium and what MIGHT have or COULD have been!


I guess I'm more a fan of Graham's than you guys. I liked Angel Extreminatus, and while I was a little tired of the cultish behaviour of Knight Family's on Moech, I otherwise really enjoyed Vengeful Spirit.


But that aside, this is a very cool story here. It's largely untold, and the history is very vague. I mean almost anything can happen here, it's a wide open sandbox for the most part. I'm looking very forward to this.

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Hey I've been spewing the World Eater's tragedy for ages. To me, it's beyond what happened to them... it's a reflection of what happened to the Imperium and what MIGHT have or COULD have been!


I guess I'm more a fan of Graham's than you guys. I liked Angel Extreminatus, and while I was a little tired of the cultish behaviour of Knight Family's on Moech, I otherwise really enjoyed Vengeful Spirit.


But that aside, this is a very cool story here. It's largely untold, and the history is very vague. I mean almost anything can happen here, it's a wide open sandbox for the most part. I'm looking very forward to this.

I'm 50/50 on Graham. Actually , if there's an author I'm one hundred percent on, I'd be surprised.


But the last two stories involving Sharrowkyn, don't exactly engender hope. This is literally the character who broke canon. So I'd be lying if I ever said that I was looking forward to a Sharrowkyn. However, it is fortunate that McNeill writes more than just Sharrowkyn.

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