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Instant Death vs. Eternal Warrior and Feel no Pain


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Hello Brothers


If a unit has eternal warrior and feel no pain (example endurance), how does it interact with instant death. Does eternal warrior allow you to use FNP because it cancels out instant death?


I'm thinking it doesn't because of the rules being prohibitive ( meaning you can only do what the rules specifically allow you to do, right)

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Eternal Warrior changes the "All Wounds" of an Instant Death attack to "1 Wound". It does not remove any other affects nor have any stated connection with Feel No Pain. Feel No Pain also does not list any connection to Eternal Warrior.
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Eternal Warrior changes the "All Wounds" of an Instant Death attack to "1 Wound". It does not remove any other affects nor have any stated connection with Feel No Pain. Feel No Pain also does not list any connection to Eternal Warrior.


This. If your T4 model gets punched with a S8 powerfist, and he has Eternal Warrior, he cannot make a FNP roll. This is because the Eternal Warrior rule prevents the loss of all wounds due to Instant Death, but it does not change the strength of the attack. If your Captain gets smacked three times with a powerfist and fails all his invulnerable saves, that's all she wrote. No FNP rolls will save him.

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