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A few "how does this work?" questions


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I have a few questions - I don't mind references to the rule books, but these are more, "How do I put all these pieces together," types of things.  Also, if there is a better place for this (as it's partially, "How do I..." stuff with rules mixed in), please point me to it!

How does space marine biker shooting and assault work?  I get that you can shoot your twinlinked bolter, re-roll, but what about if you took a combi-melta (This might not apply to normal SM, but it does for SW!)?  Do you shoot both guns, or pick one, or something in between?


Then, after we've shot it up, is there anything special about their assault?  Sure, they get HoW, and that's something that has to happen first, but other than that, they assault as normal, correct?


Why do people take power swords at all?  Is it just to have AP2 at high I?  I am seeing "user str" and cringing is why I ask, I figured I might be missing some sort of rule.


I can't seem to find this - does a vehicle (such as a Vindicator) firing an ordinance shot get to use its BS on the scatter to reduce it, or no?  


And can you have cover saves vs Ordinance if you're partially visible (not fully obscured/out of sight)?  I can see this either way - either you say, "No, it's ordinance! That's insane!  Of course it crushes everything it can see!" or you lean, "Well, maybe the tank next to you shields you from the shrapnel and you're so hardcore that the force of the explosion just gives you a runny nose!


Assault-wise, how do challenges work?  As I understand it, you do the "do we make it?" roll, opponent resolves overwatch, then assuming you made the distance, you move in, resolve any HoW type of effects first, then start working through who has what attacks, at what initiative.  When can I challenge in all of this?

How do we do the consolidation moves in a situation like this?  Termies assault, maul the first two figures (1 and 2), but have attacks left to use on 3.  Do they get to move down ~2" to get to him to keep hitting? 


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Also, if you start the turn locked up in assault, and wipe out the enemy unit, do you get to do anything other than your consolidate move, or is that about it?

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biker may shoot 1 weapon per crewman (so attack bikes may shoot 2 weapons). In you rexample - the biker may shoot either his twin-linked bolter on the bike OR his combi-melta. If he shoots his combimelta, he can choose to fire either mode as normal (assuming he has not already fired the melta part).


Assault as normal - the rules exceptions are listed in the rulebook under the unit type section if i recall, if it isnt mentioned there, they funciotn the same as normal infantry.


Power Swords are AP3. And yes, sometimes all you need is S4, AP3. Most of the things that are AP2 or have S bonuses have a penalty to initiative for attacking. I dont care how many power fist attacks you have if i've already killed you before you get to attack.


Yes, vehicles get to use their BS to reduce scatter UNLESS they are firing barrage weapons.


Yes, you can have cover saves unless the weapon says it ignores cover, even ordnance weapons dont always ignore cover.


Challenges are usually done at the start of the combat, which presupposes you have already fnished charging (since if you didnt do this, you arent in combat yet).


Someone else can explain the consolidation moves bit.


Yes, you only get your consolidate move in that situation - you've missed your movement and shooting phases for your army so you cant do anythign else.


Hope that covers most of it.

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If your terminators have different Initiative (usually because of different weapons) they get a pile in move at their initiative step before they attack. If they have the same initiative then no they don't get to move closer after they have hit because they have already piled in.

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1. Pick a weapon. Just like any normal ol' marine with a bolter and a pistol. Pick the one you want to fire since they cn only fire 1 weapon.


2. Bikes are Relentless so they can fire that rapidfire twin-linked bolter and still charge.


3. It's AP3, but yeah, that's it. It ignores most people's armor save. It also has a lot to do with the "local meta." If you don't have many power armor players in your area, consider taking a power maul instead.


4. Only if it can see the target. When firing indirectly with barrage, it scatters the full distance.


5. In this case, cover saves are relative to the center of the blast marker. That's the warhead's explosion point.


6. Between moving in and resolving HoW


7. On their Initiative step, they make a pile in move. When they attack on their initiative, their hits can be allocated to any opponent that is engaged in the combat when they attacked (rolled to hit) starting with the closest model. If #3 was in base to base or was within 2" of a model that was in base to base with the terminators, then it can be hit.

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Yes, vehicles get to use their BS to reduce scatter UNLESS they are firing barrage weapons.

Barrage Weapons operate like Blast weapons if firing directly. When firing indirectly, then they cannot use the BS, and that applies to non-Vehicles.


5. In this case, cover saves are relative to the center of the blast marker. That's the warhead's explosion point.


Only when firing a Barrage weapon indirectly. Otherwise, Blast Weapons operate just like direct fire weapons.

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Also, if you start the turn locked up in assault, and wipe out the enemy unit, do you get to do anything other than your consolidate move, or is that about it?

That's about it. If you finish off a unit on your turn, all you get afterwards is the consolidation move. Movement and Shooting phases are already past by that point in the turn.
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