Solrac Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 (edited) Hey all, Thought I would share a couple of battle reports (sorry no piccies). I'll post the second one in the second post when I've got time over the weekend. I'm in a league at the moment that is being used as a practice for a tournament at the start of Feb 2015 so all the mission are custom. Tonights mission was a combo of objectives and kill points but with no secondary objectives. Played on a 6x4 table with Dawn of War deployment. The first objective was placed dead centre then the rest were placed in a line within 12" of each other long ways. Killing a full unit as per normal rules awards 1 VP, holding an objective at the end of the game gives you 2 VP. Old school FOC so no obj secured bonus minimum HQ and 2 troops but anything is scoring/denial. Deployment within 12" of board edge. I just want to mention my list was not tailored. I ran this same list last week and again against my second opponenet who was Chaos My 1000pt list for both games: HQ BelialTH/SS TROOPS 7 DW Terminators (DW1)- 1 TH/SS- 2 Chainfist- 1 Heavy Flamer 6 DW Terminators (DW2)- 1 TH/SS- 1 Chainfist- 1 Cyclone Missile ELITES Ven Dreadnought- Twin-linked Heavy Flamer- heavy Flamer Drop Pod- Storm Bolter My first opponent was playing Dark Eldar. not too sure on all the upgrades however, his list: HQ Haemonculous- Stinger Pistol ELITES 9 Wracks- 1 Champion- Liquifier Gun Raider- Dark Lance- Nightshield TROOPS 5 Kabalite Warriors (Warrior 1)- Splinter Rifles Venom (Venom 1)- 2 Splinter Cannons- Flickerfield 5 Kabalite Warriors (Warrior 2)- Splinter Rifles Venom (Venom 2)- 2 Splinter Cannons- Flickerfield FAST ATTACK 8 Reaver Jetbikes- Blaster HEAVY SUPPORT Ravager- 3 Dark Lances- Nightshield 2 Talos DEPLOYMENT I rolled and got first turn with no night fighting. I opted to DW assault all my termies and naturally the Drop Pod was also dropping first turn. He was spread out along his board edge trying not to have anything bunched up so i could hit multiple units with my flamers. From left to right he had deployed:Ravager (behind ruins) > Jet bikes (in the ruins) > Venom 1 > Talos > Venom 2 (Behind a building) > Raider (behind a building). He did not seize. TURN 1 My drop pod landed in the building in front of Venom 2 and the Raider but managed to disembark the Dreadnought right in front of the Raider bringing Flamers to bear. Belial dropped in with DW1 in between the Raider and Venom 2 setting up the HF to burn Venom 2. DW2 Dropped in on an objective to try and get a bead on the Ravager. Scattered forward and to the left 4" but still had clear line of sight. The dreadnought opened fire causing a glancing on the Raider and killing 2 Wracks and their champion inside. DW1 Split fired its HF into Venom 2 exploding it and with the combined damage from the explosion and No Escape killed 4 warriors however the lone warrior passed his pinning test. The rest of the squad fired its Storm Bolters into the Raider for no damage. The drop pod also fired at the Raider however it's glacing shot was evaded by a last minute jink. DW 2 split fired Krak missiles into the Ravager for no damage. The Storm Bolters managed to kill 1 Jetbike. The jetbikees moved out of the ruins and parked right in front of DW2. The Ravager moved up into the ruins where the jetbikes were aiming at DW2. Venom 1 Moved up to draw bead onto DW2 while the Talos pair lumbered forward to prepare an assault onto DW1. The lone survivor from the destroyed Venom moved up within an inch of DW1, not faltered by the sight of 8 lumbering terminators. The wounded Raider moved up straight forward to outrun the Dreadnought. The Raider surged forward and moved flat out whilst the Talos pair opened fire into DW1. They stood firm with no losses.DW2 lost half their number when a hail of fire opened up from the Ravager, Jetbikes and Venom 2. The Jetbikes charged losing none to overwatch and cut down a terminator. The terminators responded felling all but two of the pointy eared pests. The lone warrior charged and was cut down by the heavy flamer in overwatch making way for the Talos. The Talos pair charged DW1. DW1 stood firm and leaned into to monstrous creatures. the clash of opposing forces dealing no damage. The first Talos hit with all his might however Robustior was there defending his unti with his trusty Stormshield. Whilst this was taking place, the sergeant fell to the second Talos and his sword could not pierce the pain engines thick hide. Charged Hammers and fists at the ready, DW1 and Belial managed 3 wounds to get through their high toughness and feel no pain. Running Score: DW = 2DE = 0 TURN 2 The Dreadnought crashed back through the building and ran. Not having range or clear line of sight to charge anything, he set his eyes on the closest objective hidden in ruins. DW2 Fended off the jetbikes futile attacks before pummiling the last two bikes into the ground. DW 2 consolidated but still looking down the barrels of a Ravager determined to wipe them out. Robustior now at the centre of the fighting fended off a further 5 attacks from the Talos pair! With the Talos distracted, DW1 and Belial tore apart both pain engines and lumbered forward with Robustior taking point. The Raider continued forward to lend its Dark Lance fire to kill off DW2. The Ravager moved forward towards DW2 confident that all his shots would hit it's mark. Venom 1 remained still with its eyes set on DW2. The embarked warriors from Venom 1 fired at DW1 however the shots bounced off the terminator armour with ease. Two Dark Lance shots from the Ravager failed to hit their mark however the third managed to kill the Cyclone Terminator. The Raider also missed with it's Dark Lance however mass firepower from Venom 1 assured DW2's destruction, felling the last defiant Terminator. Running Score: DW = 4DE = 1 TURN 3 The Dreadnought lumbered towards his objective whilst Belial and DW1 moved up within Storm Bolter Range of the Venom. The Dreadnought ran forward, crashing into the ruins securing the objective (where he remained for the rest of the game). DW1 opened fire onto the Venom however its flickerfield had stopped any damage from the hail of fire. The Raider, Venom and Ravager moved towards the 3 objectives near them and turned. The Raider having no line of sight however the Venom and Ravager having a clear line of sight to DW1. A courageous Robustior pounded his shield with his hammer in intimidation and motioning his enemy to "Bring It!" The Ravager and Venom fired all available weapons. After the dust settled, Robustior stood firm, scorch marks on his shield but otherwise unscathed. Running Score: DW = 6DE = 1 TURN 4 DW1 and Belial now out of range of targets, moved and ran forward towards the Centre objective with most of the squad taking cover behind a building. Robustior taking point once more. The DE Vehicles shuffled to get a better firing line to the terminators behind the building but also moved back to secure the furthest two objectives anticipating that the Deatwhing would be making a bee line fore the centre objective. The Raider covered the objective closest to the centre whilst the Venom took point on the furthest objective to the edge of the battlefield. The Ravager was poised to the Raiders left closest to where the terminators would emerge. All vehicles shot salvo after Salvo of Lance and Splinter weaponry. Robustior denying them of any satisfaction yet again. Running Score: DW = 8DE = 5 TURN 5 The Deathwing squad moved forward to cover the Centre objective but also close the distance to the next objective being protected by the Raider. Robustior taking point but having another one of his DW brothers hold the line with him. Storm Bolters opened fire but causing no damage to the Raider. A lone Terminator split fired into the Ravager in an attempt to keep the crews head down and affect their morale. The Terminators prepared to assault the Ravager but failed not being able to close the distance (by 1"!!!!) The Raider moved forward to get the Wracks liquefier template into range but still within range of the objective. The Ravager moved back into the ruins it once was safely out of reach. The Venom dropped its cargo of warriors on the furthest objective and then lunged forward to support the raider. The Ravager now drew a bead on the chainfist wielding terminator behind Robustior, opened fire and pierced his mighty terminator armour. Robustior held off shots from the Raider and its crew however the Venom was able to take out the terminator holding the line with him. Running Score: DW = 8DE = 5 TURN 6 DW1 moved forward to within arms length of the Raider to take its objective whilst Belial stayed behind covering the centre objective. DW1 showered the raider with flames and Storm Bolter fire managed to do no damage to the nearby Venom. The Raider exploded leaving only the Haemonculous alive but wounded (and not pinned). The dazed haemonculous moved up to get closer to DW1 in an attempt to hold them from taking the objective. The Venom shuffling closer to the objective currently held by DW1. The DE Warriors on the furthest objective and Haemonculous and fired into DW1 but didn't find a weak spot in their armour. The mass Slinter Cannon fire from the Venom was overwhelming and finally brought down the mighty Robustior. Only one shot from the Ravager found it's mark on Belial however his mighty shield deflected the shot. In a fit of rage the Haemonculous charged however his highly resilient mangled body was no match for DW1's overwatch firepower. Running Score: DW = 12DE = 3 TURN 7 DW1 moved towards the DE Warriors, flamer at the ready, but remaining within range of their objective. The split firing heavy flamer fried only one warrior and the storm bolters couldn't get past the Venoms flickerfield. The terminators charged the Venom, the Chainfist, hammers and powerfist ripping it to shreds. They looked back to see they were still covering their objective. The DE warriors failed to kill any terminators with their splinter rifles. The Ravager took aim at Belial once more...... Fired... Two shots found their mark... Belials mighty shield stood firm. Final Score: DW = 13 DE = 3 CONCLUSION Hope it was easy to read, still learning how to properly right these as reader friendly as possible. The Dreadnought didn't do as much damage as I'd hoped and up against such a mobile army was only really good at camping an objective. My opponent didn't want to waste shots at it or the drop pod. The Ravager had terrible shooting considering it's loadout. I was really worried at the start aftger realising he was just going to kite my army for the rest of the game so made sure just to get to the objectives and fight him on top of them. Man of the match was Robustior (we found him a cool latin name meaning Stalwart because of this battle). Definitely wouldn't have pulled off a win without him and my better than average rolling. Edited September 20, 2017 by Solrac Master Sindiferous, Cactus, QuarterPounder and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Nice and detailed battle report. I think you have a glitch somewhere because the DE score goes up to 5 and down to 3 at the end. Mid game was tough for you because DE made a comeback, but thanks to a good start and end game you carried the game decisively. Well done!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 5, 2014 Author Share Posted December 5, 2014 (edited) Yeah his score went down by 2 cause he lost the objective with the Raider and Venom near it. Even though objectives are technically tallied at the end I was doing them as they captured them. When they were at 5 DE had 2 objectives and 1 KP. The terminators weren't quite close enough for a denial at that point. And yes I struggled heaps mid game to the point I didn't think I was going to make it. Edited December 5, 2014 by Solrac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 8, 2014 Author Share Posted December 8, 2014 (edited) Ok second Batrep! Mission was the same as previous. Opponents list was a Chaos force. Unsure of some upgrades: My 1000pt list (same as above): HQ BelialTH/SS TROOPS 7 DW Terminators (DW1)- 1 TH/SS- 2 Chainfist- 1 Heavy Flamer 6 DW Terminators (DW2)- 1 TH/SS- 1 Chainfist- 1 Cyclone Missile ELITES Ven Dreadnought- Twin-linked Heavy Flamer- heavy Flamer Drop Pod- Storm Bolter My opponents Chaos force: HQ Demon Prince- Mark of Khorne- Wings TROOPS 20 Cultists- Heavy Stubber- Mark of Khorne 20 Cultists- Heavy Stubber- Mark of Khorne ELITES 2 Mutilators FAST ATTACK 8 Chaos Bikers- Meltagun- Plasma Pistol HEAVY SUPPORT Predator- Autocannon- Heavy Bolter Sponsons- Gargoyles- Havoc Launcher- Combi-bolter DEPLOYMENT I won the roll to go first, no night fighting. Drop pod in for drop pod assault, Deathwing Assault with Belial. Assuming he would deply very close to his table edge, I opted to deploy the DW squad with Cyclone Launchers and walk to the middle objective. He deployed and used mainly on the right side of the board. From Right to left we had:Demon Prince > Bikes > Cultist 1 in front of the Predator > Cultist 2 in ruins in front of the Mutilators. TURN 1 Belial and DW 1 dropped behind Cultist 2 and the Mutilators, positioned for maximum damage on the two units. The dreadnought targeted clear space in front of Cultist 1 however the drop pod scattered back 8" however the Dread was still able to get close enough to bring his Heavy Flamers to bare. The drop pod was now also securing one of the objectives. DW 2 moved up and headed towards the centre objective. DW 1 fired at the Mutilators, hoping to start bringing the down. The Storm Bolter fire was ineffective however the Heavy Flamer wounded one of the mutilators and killed 6 cultists huddling in the ruins. The cultists stood firm. The cyclone from DW 2 took two shots at the predator however caused no damage. The Dreadnought bathed Cultist 1 in a pool of fire killing 14 cultists. The drop pod fire and killed another cultist. This was too much for them to handle and they fled off the battlefield. It was now time grit their teeth and wait for the return fire. The Mutilators moved out of the ruins around the side of Belial and DW 1 in order to get a clean charged. Cultist 2 turned and spread in case the Heavy Flamer stayed alive. The predator pivoted for a clean shot at DW 1. The Demon Prince moved up with the Dreadnought in his sights. The bikes moved towards DW 1 to lend its firepower to wipe out the surprise threat. The combined fire from the cultists, predator and bikes killed all but Belial and two chainfist wielding terminators. They only had a moment to recompose themselves before the mutilators charged in with a mighty roar. The melee was a mighty stalemate with both units wiping each other out. Belial laying lifeless on the floor. The Demon Prince charged into the Dreadnought. Before it could attack it took 2 wounds from the wall of flame created by the Dreadnoughts flamers. The Demon Prince bellowed in hatred and tore apart the Dreadnought piece by piece before it had a chance to react. The Demon Prince then consolidated his position with his eyes on the remaining Terminator squad. Running Score: DW = 3CSM = 3 TURN 2 DW 2 had lost communication with their Warlord and had seen the Dreadnought be ripped to pieces however still surged forward towards the middle objective finally reaching it. The Cyclone and two other brethren within range let loose onto the Demon Prince, killing it with their hail of fire. The Drop Pod fired on the bikes but caused no wounds. The Chaos force all moved forward, intent on taking out the last squad of terminators. At the edge of the ruins now the cultists fired onto DW 2 but caused no damage to the lumbering hulks. The bikes let off a volley but could no pierce the think terminator armour. The Predator faired better and managed to kill the sergeant that was leading the advance. Running Score: DW = 4CSM = 3 TURN 3 The terminators advance further, determined to remove the bikes and cut down the enemies mobility. One of the terminators split fired into the bikes whilst the rest of the unti pummeled the cultists with Frag Missiles and Storm Bolter fire killing 7. The cultists stood firm under the leadership of their champion, blood lest fuelling his hatred. DW 2 attempted to lunge at the bikes, however they fell short, bolter, melta and plasma fire inaccurately flying past them. The cultists scurried forward to take cover into a rock formation close to DW 2 and the Centre objective. The bikes moved to the left onto a hill to attempt to flank the terminators however two of the bikes crashed leaving 6 to take care of the Terminator threat. (yes he rolled snake eyes then a 1 and a 2 for armour saves). The Predator stood still and prepared to fire. The melta from the bikes managed to take down the Storm Shield but otherwise could not cause any further damage. The cultists shots bounced harmlessly of the Deathwing armour yet again. The predator unleashed all its weapons and managed to killing the cyclone. The bikes charged making it through the terminator overwatch fire. With a mass number of attacks due to the bikers burning hatred, they managed to kill one of the Deathwing terminators. The remaining two responded killing 3 bikers and causing them to flee only a few inches. Running Score: DW = 4CSM = 3 TURN 4 The terminators lumbered forward ready to pounce back onto the fleeing bikers, Storm bolters unable to cause any damage to the tough bikers. The Drop Pod fired on the cultists, killing one that was poking its head out of cover. The cultists maintained their composure. The two terminators crashed into the bikes. Caught by surprise the bikes were unable to cause any damage. The powerfists of the Deathwing pummelling two of the bikers into the ground. The champion remained, ignoring the fact that he had lost his whole squad. The cultists jumped onto the objective whilst the Predators shots bounced harmlessly off the Drop Pod. The Champion was outmatched. The cultists watched the two terminators punch the lone biker into the ground leaving a lifeless hulk. The terminators moved towards the predator to remove the biggest threat now on the battlefield. Running Score: DW = 5CSM = 5 TURN 5 The Drop Pod took shots at the cultist but missed. The Terminators charged into the predator, destroying it when a fist detonated it's ammo supply. The cultist took one last shot at the terminators however not able to harm them once again. The two lone terminators had assured a Dark Angels victory however at great costs. Final Score: DW = 6CSM = 5 Edited January 8, 2015 by Solrac Tanhausen, Cactus, Space Truckin and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olataro Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 Great battle report! Keep it up! =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 That's the sort of battle I love: Deathwing at their very best - outnumbered and outgunned yet still able to prevail. Nicely written and succinct batreps that perfectly captures the drama and to and fro of the encounters. Congrats on the victories. [Edit. It's exactly these types of games that drew me to the DW many years ago.] Cheers I Solrac 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 8, 2014 Author Share Posted December 8, 2014 Thanks guys! Got some more league games this Thursday. Might try and get some photos this time. Going to keep running this list until I absolutely have to change it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 19, 2014 Author Share Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Brothers! Looks like I promised Batreps last week but unfortunately didn't have time to write them up so I'll just do a quick recap. The mission was a custom Kill Point game where you collect scalps. The unit that fully kills another enemy unit gets a scalp token. If the unit with Scalp Tokens dies, you lose your tokens. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game wins. My first match was against an Imperial Fist player with drop pods and 2 Dev Squads. I tabled him turn 5. Was a fun game overall but deploying most of his ground units all in one building didn't play into his favour when I dropped the dread and DW units with Flamers covering loads of troops at a time. My second match was against a White Scars army with a Storm Raven. This is the first game I've lost in the league and I just didn't cause enough damage in Turn 1 or my Turn 2 before he brought his flier down. I had the potential to table him but didn't work in my favour. As soon as that Storm Raven came in with Plasma Cannon and Sterngaurd I was toast. I managed to go in and get 2 games last night also. He had a Nurgle Zombie spam army. Typhus + Lv 3 Nurgle Psyker, 60 Zombies, Defiler and Heldrake. There was so much going on and it was so quick that I don't think I can write a decent Batrep for it. Soz didnt get photos for this one. What I will tell you is I won the game when I didn't expect to. Going into turn 4 all I had left was my Flamer Dread and all he had was the Heldrake that was about to fly off, Typhus and the Psyker. I decided to charge Typhus and the Psyker (no guts no glory right?). It was brutal hand to hand combat that went into turn 6. My Dreadnought finally managed to insta kill Typhus and the Psyker in the last combat of Turn 6. Typhus never managed to make a dent in the Dread. Was so stoked. My second game I was able to get photos and am writing a Batrep for it as we speak. I'll finish it up and post it when I get home from work so I can add the pictures. Stay tuned! Edited December 21, 2014 by Solrac Space Truckin and Tanhausen 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 19, 2014 Author Share Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Ok! Here's the Batrep I was writing up! I managed to take pics with this one, albiet not the best pics but at least you can see how the units moved around the board! The pics are pretty much an end of turn view. The mission was just a straight up 4 objectives mission played on a 6x4. Objectives were worth 3 VP each at the end of the game with First Blood, Linebreaker and Slay the Warlord. The objective on the left was the little white pillar you see in the photos, the 3 objectives on the right were the barrels on the bases (still painting up my own, more things to add to the to do list...sigh). No Mysterious objectives and no night fighting. My opponent was currently the top in the league with his Eldar army (you will see why when you see the list). Hes a great kid (only about 13 or 14) but very mature for his age and a great tactician which is why people have trouble beating him (besides the fact that he play with Eldar). Anyways I did change my list. I normally don't tailor lists however my regular Heavy Flamer list wasn't going to cut it against the army I was about to face. I also thought given the intel on the enemy Belial was quite smart in requisitioning some extra firepower from the armoury My 1000pt list: HQ Belial + Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield TROOPS 5 Deathwing Terminators (DW1) + 2x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields + Cyclone Missile Launcher 5 Deathwing Terminators (DW1) + 2x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields + Cyclone Missile Launcher HEAVY SUPPORT Vindicator + Siege Shield + Hunter Killer Missile Predator + Lascannon Turret + Lascannon Sponsons + Dozer Blade + Hunter Killer Missile His 1000pt list (unsure of all upgrades) was an Iyanden Wraith Army: HQ Spiritseer TROOPS 5 Wraithguard (WG1) + D-Cannons 5 Wraithguard (WG2) + D-Cannons HEAVY SUPPORT Wraithknight (WK1) + 2x Heavy D-Cannons + Crazy Regen stone (pretty much It Will Not Die on a 3+) Wraithknight (WK2) + Suncannon and Shield + Scatterlaser SET UP AND DEPLOYMENT I placed an objective on my left flank while all other objectives were bunched up within 12" of each other on the right flank. I deployed the Predator in the corner on the left behind a building ready to make a slow advance to the left objective. I deployed the Terminators in front of the Vindicator on the right flank in cover. Belial was heled to Deathwing Assault with DW1 to take advantage of some twin-linking of missiles on the first turn. He deployed everything on the right flank ignoring my Predator wanting to make a rush to get his 12" D-Cannons in range. (Disclaimer: I apologise for my unpainted predator and just used a Rhino Chassis for a Vindicator proxy as I'm still in the process of painting things. Also my opponents Heavy D-Cannon Wraithknight was damaged in transit so the can of spray you see there is its stand in). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN 1 Belial drops in with DW1 as the Predator rumbles forward at combat speed in support. DW2 and the Vinidcator stand their ground waiting for Belial's order to open fire. With WK1 just out of range of it's Lascannons, the Predator instead targets WG1 making it's way through the brush killing a Wraithguard is it emerged. Belial ordered all remaining units to target WK1 with all available missiles. The Vinidactor fired it's Hunter Killer causing a wound followed by 4 missiles from the cyclone launchers of both squads causing a further 2 wounds. The Deathwing now braced themselves for the deadly Eldar return fire. The Spiritseer guided both Wraithguard squads through the brush hoping to close the gap. WK2 jumped forward to get a better bead on Belial and DW1 whilst WK1 held it's ground. WK1 fired it's heavy D-cannons into the Vindicator however the first shot flew wide whilst the second smacked into cover on the way through. WK2 had better luck. Multilaser and Suncannon fire pounded Belials position. When the smoke cleared, only Belial and the Cyclone remained unscaithed. A bright light appeared in the distance surrounding WK1 and it appeared to be regenerating! (Back to 4 wounds) Running Score: DW = 0 Eldar = 0 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN 2 Knowing they would need all their heavy ordinance intact, Belial lead the Cyclone terminator forward, making their way to the nearest objective. His shield at the ready to fend off any further fire. All remaining Dark Angels units stood firm ready to fire another volley. The Predator set it's sights on WK2 and firing it's full complement of Lascannons and Missile. All hits met their mark, however, the monsters shield was able to deflect one of the hits. DW2's Cyclone fired at WK1 causing a wound whilst the Storm Bolters fired into the closest Wraithguard unit. Lots of hits found their mark but the nigh indestructible monstrosities seemed to be impervious to small arms fire. The Sergeant of DW2 order the Vindicator to fire on his target. The Demolisher shelled tore a whole in the ground as it hit the squad but was slightly off target and only managed to kill one of the Wraithguard from WG1. The Cyclone with belial also let off a Salvo removing another wound from WK1. Both Wraithguard units lumbered forward yet again with WK1 in support. WK2 retreated back in order not to get charged by Belial. The Spiritseer tapped into the warp however he failed to manifest any abilities to help his allies. WK2 fired another volley into Belials position. Wounded twice but resolute, Belial stood firm protecting his charge at all costs. WK1 fired again at the Vindicator. The ancient spirit seemed like he needed better target practice as only one shot managed to hit but failed to find a weakness in the Vindicators front armour. The Wraithguard still out of range ran forward however did nto get very far. WK1 regenerated yet again with it's ancient spiritstone. (Back to 3 Wounds) Running Score: DW = 0 Eldar = 0 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN 3 Belial and the Cyclone moved closer to the centre objective. The Predator stood its ground preparing another volley whilst DW2 and the vindicator shuffled across to stay out of range of the appraoching Wraithguard. The Vindicator fired another Demolisher shell and found it's mark perfectly annihilating the Spiritseer and the remain WG1 unit. Seeing WK2 as it's primary threat, Belial ordered all units to focus on the wounded monstrous creature. WK2 finally fell from the Lascannon and Missile fire. It's shield not able to deflect the volume of anti armour fire. (Since WK2 was now dead, we replaced the paint can with an actual Wraithknight. So the dead Wraithknight now became the crazy regen heavy D-Cannon totting beast, just to explain the pics ). The remaining Wraithguard unit clambered forward to claim the closest objective whilst the WK1 withdrew to get out of range of the Predators fire, Still not in range of anything, the Wraithguard ran forward (a measley inch). WK1 focued it's guns and fired at Belial, hoping to cut off the head of the snake. belial defelected both shots with his shield. Wk1 regenerated....again. (Back to 4 wounds) Running Score: DW = 2 Eldar = 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN 4 The Predator surged forward at combat speed to claim the pillar objective. Belial and the Cyclone moved onto the hill to claim the Centre objective. Again Belial gave the order to fire. The Vindicators shell missed its mark but still managed to kill one of the Wraithguard. The combined Missile and Lascannon fire managed to remove another 2 wounds from the monstrous beast. The Wraithguard moved closer to Belial however still not within range. WK1 fired it's heavy D-Cannons. One of the Wraithknights shots finally found it's mark killing Belial but saving the Cyclone Terminator to be free for another round of shots. The Wraithknight...regenerates.... (back to 3 wounds) Running Score: DW = 8 Eldar = 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN 5 The Sergeant from DW2 took charge as DW1 had informed him of Belial's demise. The Dark Angels stood firm, comfortable with their current firing positions. The Sergeant commanded another volley. Lascannon and Missile fire reducing the Wraithknight to a single wound. The vindicator fired but the shot scattered catching only one of the Wraithguard in the explosion. The Wraithguard surge forward closer to lone Cyclone within range to fire. The Wraithguard fired, killing the last of DW1. The giant Knight regained one final wound before calling the other Wraithguard back for a tactical retreat. The Dark Angels again with a narrow victory but at great cost. Final Score: DW = 5 Eldar = 4 POST GAME So this fight was crazy. I've fought my opponent before and lost tragically but he only had one Wraithknight at the time so I wanted to change that this time around. I thought the Heavy D-Cannon Wraithknight would be easy pickings with no invulnerable save until I found out about its crazy regen thing. I should have focused the other Wraithknight first and then moped up all the Wraithguard, I guess you live and learn. He spaced his Wraithguard out well and made some good cover saves with them which reduced the Vindicators effectiveness. A win is still a win though and now I'm sitting at the top of the league ladder The league is going on a 2 week break cause of Christmas. Hopefully bring you guys some more batreps after that! Edited January 8, 2015 by Solrac Space Truckin, Chaplain Lucifer, Master Sindiferous and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted December 20, 2014 Share Posted December 20, 2014 Nice bat-rep and with pictures this time. Awesome!! Keep them coming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 23, 2014 Author Share Posted December 23, 2014 (edited) Thought I'd dig out my first batrep from and older post and put it here to keep all these together. Below was the first game I played getting back into 40k this year. This batrep showcases a Deathwing army on foot with the Standard of Fortitude. Deathwing 1000pts Belial + Thunderhammer & Storm Shield 5 Command Squad Termies (CMD) + Plasma Cannon + Standard of Fortitude 5 Deathwing Termies (DW1) + Cyclone Missile Launcher 5 Deathwing Termies (DW2) + Cyclone Missile Launcher Chaos 1000pts Deamon Prince (DP) + Not sure what mark and what wargear (you'll find out why in a second) 5 Chaos Marines (CSM1) + Plasma Gun + Rhino 1 5 Chaos Marines (CSM2) + Plasma Gun + Rhino 2 4 Spawn (Spawn 1) 5 Spawn (Spawn 2) Vindicator 1 Vindicator 2 Mission & Deployment Rolled off and got Purge the Alien with Dawn of War deployment. My opponent got first turn and I failed to take the initiative. We didn't play night fighting. My opponent deployed more to the right half of the board with the two Vindicators wedged in between the Rhinos and the spawn on each side and the Daemon Prince on the left of Rhino 1 in the middle of the table. The Chaos Marines started in the Rhinos. (Poor diagram of Chaos deployment) __________________________________ R V V R DP S1 S2 I decided to Deathwing Assault. Turn 1 My opponent decided not to move anything as he didn't know where I was going to drop. I dropped in on the opposite side of his force in the middle of the table about 30" from the DP. I scored two hits on both my Deathwing Termies deepstrike and placed Belial in between them for FNP bubble. All units had perfect line of sight to the Daemon Prince and the Spawn 2 close to it. LOS for the tanks were mostly blocked by terrain. Taking aim at the closest Spawn 2 my Plasma cannon overheated but made my save (didn't know I could have re-rolled this until later due to twin linking on the deep strike). After some bad luck off the bat, a salvo of Krak missiles from both Cyclones inflicted 4 wounds on the DP and he failed all his inv saves! Off to an awesome start! Running Score: DW 3 (First Blood, Slay the Warlord) Chaos 0 Turn 2 Chaos reacted by moving Rhino 1 around the terrain that was blocking los moving 12" and Rhino 2 darting behind another building moving 12" . Vindicator 1 pivoted and moved 6" to where the DP once stood but was out of range of the closest termies. Vindicator 2 moved behind the Rhino but I had LOS to it's front armour. The Spawn 1 moved its 12" trying to get into assault next turn. Spawn 2 moved within 7" of DW squad 1 on the right but failed its charge. I managed to knock a wound off one of them with overwatch. I shuffled up and spread out DW1 on the right closest to the spawn as they were beasts I wasn't going to outrun them but aimed to bog them down in CC. I shuffled and spread DW2 and CMD back to get a better LOS on Vindicator 2 that had come around the terrain. DW1 fired its Storm Bolters into the Spawn 2 and its cyclone missile into Vindicator 1. I knocked another wound off Spawn 2 and a glance and pen on Vindicator 1 shaking the crew and leaving it at 1HP. CMD fired storm bolters into the spawn not scoring any wounds and the Plasma Cannon taking aim at Rhino 1 but overheating once again (not knowing I could reroll for preferred enemy). DW2 storm bolters were out of range of Spawn 2 so fired Krak missiles into Vindicator 2 scoring a glance and pen and destroying the demolisher cannon! (I let out a small sigh of relief here). DW1 failed to charge Spawn 2 Running Score: DW 3 (First Blood, Slay the Warlord) Chaos 0 Turn 3 Chaos moved Spawn 2 within an inch of DW1 and Spawn 1 moved within 9". The shaken Vindicator 1 moved up to hopefully get a shot off next turn. Rhino 2 continued around a building and now within view of DW2 while Rhino 1 moved straight towards my force alongside Spawn 1. A now useless Vindicator 2 fled away from my force to not give away another VP. Shooting saw Rhino 2 and the plasma gun from CSM2 firing at DW2 but causing no casualties. Spawn 2 declared a charge into DW1 first but overwatch failed to do anything. Spawn 1 failed its charge miserably. After rolling poorly for Spawn 2s random attacks the round ended with DW1 causing 6 wounds and taking no casualties in turn. Spawn 2 remained with 2 undamaged spawn and one on 1 wound. DW2 shuffled to get in range of Spawn 1 with its Storm Bolters. CMD shuffled also to keep FNP bubble on DW1 in combat. DW2 split fired it's Krak missiles into the damaged Vindicator 1 finally wrecking it with 2 pens on the side armour. The combined fire of DW2's Storm Bolters and CMD (with its plasma cannon finally not overheating) reducing only one of the Spawn 1s members to 1 wound. DW1 only managed to inflict 1 wound onto Spawn 2 killing off the injured Spawn however still not taking any casualties even after rolling a 6 for random attacks (I had only managed to roll one "1" for my termie armour saves so far however made my FNP). Running Score: DW 4 (First Blood, Slay the Warlord) Chaos 0 Turn 4 Spawn 1 moved within 1" of DW1. Both Rhinos moved up 6" and dropped its cargo of CSMs. The damaged Vindicator 2 ran away again to the furthest table edge away making it behind some ruins and into my deployment. CSM2 and Rhino 2 opened fire into DW2. The combined bolter and plasma fire killing one terminator. CSM1 and Rhino 1 followed suit opening up into DW2 killing the cyclone. Spawn 1 finally made it into DW1 to assist Spawn 2. DW1 Sergeant attacking first causing 2 wounds from Spawn 2. The combined attacks of both packs finally felling 2 terminators from DW1 but the survivors managing to make all their attacks and finishing off Spawn 2. DW2 moved towards CSM 2 and CMD moving up to help out DW1. DW2s Storm bolters failed to kill any traitors from CSM2 but the crack missiles split firing and causing 1 glance on Rhino 2. CMD not firing a shot in order to charge Spawn 1 and assist DW1. DW2 managed to assault CSM2. A challenge was issued and DW1 sergeant hacked the traitor squad leader to pieces. The rest of DW1 managed to kill 2 traitors which fled 4" around the side of Rhino 2. CMD assaulted Spawn 1. Again Spawn 1 failing to cause anymore casualties. The weight of attacks from CMD and DW1 annihilated Spawn 1 and both squads consolidated 6". Running Score: DW 6 (First Blood, Slay the Warlord) Chaos 1 (Linebreaker) Turn 5 CSM2 regrouped and the entire Chaos force held their ground preparing to unleash a volley of fire into their closest targets. CSM2 and Rhino 2 fired into DW2 with the plasma gun from CSM felling the sergeant and another terminator. CSM1 and Rhino 1 fired into DW1 causing two unsaved wounds but managed to make my FNP. The lone DW2 terminator moved up to prepare to assault the last two traitors from CSM2. CMD moved up in order to attempt a disordered charge onto CSM1 and Rhino 1 whilst the three terminators from DW1 moved behind CMD to try and assault Rhino 2. Lone ranger from DW2 failed to cause any wounds to CSM2. CMD fired Storm Bolters into CSM1 killing two. The plasma cannon did not overheat and fire at Rhino 1. The shot scattered slightly killing two more traitors from CMS1 and causing a glancing on Rhino 1. Lone ranger charged CSM2 and laid the smack down on one leaving the Plasma gun wielding traitor. DW1 made it in and destroyed Rhino 2. CMD charged 10" to catch the lone traitor and two terminators managed a disordered charge onto Rhino 1. Results were a blood bath killing both the lone traitor and Rhino 1 a few times over. My opponent conceded deciding that his last CSM would not be able to take on Lone ranger from DW2 Final Score: DW 9 (First Blood, Slay the Warlord) Chaos 1 (Linebreaker) Summary: I always go into battles very nervous because of my low model count especially since he was sporting two vindicators. I got extremely lucky with my krak missiles, I have never been that lucky with them in the past. My plan was to keep him at range until I absolutely had to run into CC which I think my plan paid off very well. I still think the Standard of Fortitude is worth the 85pts. I think I made 5 FNP saves over the course of the game. Well worth it. All in all though we both had a fun time playing. Edited January 8, 2015 by Solrac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted January 10, 2015 Author Share Posted January 10, 2015 (edited) Hey guys! Hope you all had a good time over the silly season! Our league took a break over it but kicked off again last night. I do have some photos for this one but stupid me forgot to charge my phone so wouldn't let me use a flash on low battery. Apologies if they get a little darker towards the end. Got a game in over my good friends Salamander Drop Pod Army! The mission was Dawn of War deployment with 4 objectives placed using normal rules and all secondary objectives. Objectives worth 3pts each at the end of the game. (Note: I still include the points for the objectives in the running scores just to better paint a picture on the objective front). My 1000pt Deathwing list: HQ BelialTH/SS TROOPS 7 DW Terminators (DW1)- 1 TH/SS- 2 Chainfist- 1 Heavy Flamer 6 DW Terminators (DW2)- 1 TH/SS- 1 Chainfist- 1 Cyclone Missile ELITES Ven Dreadnought- Twin-linked Heavy Flamer- heavy Flamer Drop Pod- Storm Bolter My Opponents 1000pt Salamanders: HQ Vulkan ELITES 5 Sterguard- 5x Combi-meltas Dedicated Drop Pod- Deathwind Missile Launcher TROOPS 10 Tactical Marines (ST1)- Vet Serg w/ Combi-melta- Meltagun Dedicated Drop Pod- Storm Bolter 10 Tactical Marines (ST2)- Vet Serg w/ Combi-melta- Meltagun Dedicated Drop Pod- Storm Bolter 5 Scouts- 4x Sniper Rifles- Missile Launcher- Camo Cloaks FAST ATTACK 5 Assault Marines- 2x Flamers Dedicated Drop Pod- Storm Bolter HEAVY SUPPORT Thunderfire Cannon SET UP AND DEPLOYMENT No night fighting. I won the roll off but opted to go second. The objectives were placed (represented by large mechanicus dice as pictured!). The Salamanders deployed the Thunderfire cannon in a ruin with the scouts taking up position in a ruin opposite next to an objective. I opted to Deathwing Assault. The scouts taking up positions in the ruins TURN 1 Tearing through the skies 2 Salamander drop pods hurtled planetside. The Sternguard aiming for the centre objective in the ruined building missed their mark and instead landed a stones throw from the Thunderfire cannon. The second pod targetting the middle objective in the crater scattered across landing in the middle of both objectives. Vulkan and the assault squad bailed out of the pod, Vulkan looking displeased with the landing position of his first responders. The Vulkan and his squad ran towards the crater hoping to secure the objective. The Salamanders pods arrive! The Dark Angels responded, hoping to recover the objectives before the Salamanders. A Dark Angels drop pod seared through the sky aiming for the ruin containing the Techmarine manning the Thunderfire cannon. The pod was off target but not by much. The Deathwing Dreadnought slammed to the ground jumping out of the pod, the Thunderfire cannon in his sights. Belial gave the command and teleported planetside with DW1 landing right in front the scouts hoping to remove them from the ruins. DW2 teleported in just behind Vulkans pod. The dreadnought bathed the Techmarine and Thunderfire in flame however the Salamander seemed to be very resistant to the searing heat! DW2 opened up with everything trying to take out the Sternguard but only killing one. Belial ordered the heavy flamer to purge the scouts position. 4 scouts fell to the searing flames, the ruins providing no protection. The rest of DW1 fired on the Sternguard killing another 2 from the sqaud. The drop pod fired into the Sternguard but had no effect. DW2 spots the Sternguard! Belial and DW1 eject the scouts from the ruins Running Score DW = 4Sal = 0 TURN 2 Vulkan called down his reinforcements! 2 tactical squad pods arrived. The first landing close to the furthest objective and the second to the right of Vulkans position. ST1 took up position in the crater around the objective whilst ST2 bailed out and formed a firing line. Vulkan and his squad moved towards Belial knowing that defeating him would cause a mighty blow to the Dark Angels attack. The lone scout took further cover into the ruins (where he will be forgotten about for the next couple of turns lol) whilst the Sternguard had their eyes on the dreadnought. 3 of Vulkans squad fired into DW2. One of the shots found a weak spot in the armour felling a Terminator. The Sterngaurd took aim at the Dreadnoughts with their combi-meltas. One shot missing completely and the other failing to do anything but cause a scorch mark. The Thunderfire cannon fired its salvo at at DW2 but all shots scarred and missed. Vulkan ordered the 3 closest drop pods as well as ST1 and ST2 to fire at Belial and his squad. Bolter and melta fire hammered down on their position. As the dust lifted only 2 terminators were slain. The Salamanders prepared for a counter attack! The rest of the Salamanders force comes crashing down! Belial ordered DW1 to move forward and prepare an assault of ST1s position whilst he held up ST2. DW2 moved closer to Vulkans pod. The Dreadnought clambered up to the ledge where the Thunderfire stood ready to take it out. DW 1 splitfired the flamer into ST1 whilst the rest of the squad hoped to soften up ST2 for Belials lone assault. The flamer killed 3 Salamanders from ST1 whilst Storm Bolter fire managed to kill 3 members of ST2. The Dreadnought doused the thundfire again with flames this time causing a wound. One of DW2 storm bolters fired at the drop pod but had no effect (so I could charge it). The rest of the squad took aim at Vulkan and his squad. Many shots found their mark and managed to neutralise an assault marine and wound Vulkan. Shots could be seen bouncing off the Sternguards armour from the Drop pods storm bolter. Belial declared a charge through the comms! DW2 charged Vulkans pod causing a magnificent explosion, the tactical dreadnought armour saving them from any harm. The dreadnought charged the Techmarine. The Dreadnought destroyed the Thunderfire cannon with ease even as the Techmarine defended himself however his servo arms failed to penetrate the dreadnoughts armour. The Dreadnought consolidating by jumping down in front of the Sterngaurd. One of DW1s squad members fell to overwatch fire as they charged. The melta blowing a hole straight through the terminators armour. The DW Sergeant issued a challenge which was met by the Salamanders Sergeant however both failed to cause any wounds to each other. ST2 desperately attempted to penetrate the Deathwing TDA armour but to no avail and the terminators killed 3 Salamanders in turn. The Chainfist armed brother in the squad managed to assault the drop pod simultaneously causing it to explode. He was lost in the ensuing flames. An outmatched ST1 fled back towards the objective and the ruins. Dw1 consolidated toward Vulkan and the objective in the crater. Belial slammed into ST2. He belowed a challange to the Sergeant of the squad who charge towards him in response, chainsword buzzing with rage. Belial parried the Sergeants blows with ease. Belial swung his hammer connecting with the Sergeants chest with a sickening thud which hurled him back into the pod smashing through a marine on the way through killing him instantly. Whilst distracted Belial felt a moment of pain as he saw one of the other marines pierce in between his armour plates with a combat knife. Belial towered over them as he turned to face them. THe marines retreated in order to get a better firing position feeling outmatched by the Master of the Dark Angels First COmpany. Belial consolidated into the tank traps, eyes set on Vulkan. Preparing to charge! Belial consolidates to the tank traps Running Score DW = 2Sal = 0 TURN 3 Vulkan now surrounded by terminators, was determined to cause enough damage to give his forces time to regroup. His squad pushed forward towards DW1 and the objective. The Sternguard backed away from the dreadnought knowing there was little they could do against it. ST1 moved back to secure the objective whilst ST2 held. The Sternguard fired a couple of pot shots into DW2 but bounced harmelessly off the terminator armour. The assault squad unleashed their weapons whilst Vulkan unholstered his Bolt Pistol and fired as he wasn't able to get a clear shot through his squad with his flamer gauntlet. The Thunderhammer terminator fell to the flames whilst the combined fire from the remaining pod and 2 tactical squads manage to kill the Sergeant leaving the heavy flamer wielding Terminator. Vulkan prepared a charge to finally eliminate the last member of DW1 however they could not close the distance. Belial and both Deathwing Squads advance and circled Vulkans group, both commanders eyeing each other determined to cut the head off the snake. The dreadnought advance towards the Sternguard The Dark Angels drop pod fired into the Sternguard killing one however the lone Sternguard stood firm. The Dreadnought decided not to fire on the Sternguard as there was no guarantee he would fall to the flames. The lone terminator fired his heavy flamer into Vulkans unit with no effect. Dw2 Split fired a Storm Bolter at teh same target whilst the rest of the units firepower hurtled towards ST1. The Krak missiles couldn't find their mark and the Bolter shots bounced off the power armour. The Dreadnought opted to charge the drop pod instead of the Sternguard as charging the marine would expose his rear armour to the pods Deathwind Missiles. The Dreadnought tore the pod apart piece by piece. The immobile machine didn't stand a chance. DW2 began the charge on Vulkans unit taking no damage from the overwatch. Belial and the lone terminator from DW1 joined in the fray. Belial yelled out a challange which Vilkan happily accepted. The two circled each other...Vulkan struck! With the incredible reach of his spear he was able to wound Belial with one of his thrusts. A retaliating slam from his shield followed by a mighty blow from his hammer would all but have destoryed any normal Astartes. The Forgefather, while wounded, remained standing. The assaults squads chainsword weilding marines struck at the lone Terminator from DW1 whilst the flamer marines held off DW2. The assault marines managed to massacre the Heavy Flamer terminator but the squad was annihilated with a flurry of charged Deathwing weaponry. The Deathwing now circled Vulkan.... The Deathwing encircle Vulkan Running Score DW = 2Sal = 3 TURN 4 ST1 and ST2 held their ground whilst the remaining scout made his way around the ruins to get behind ST1. The Sternguard moved around the rear of the dreadnought and lobbed a grenade however it bounced off the dreadnoughts armour before exploding and missed. The wild melee between Vulkan and Belial ensued, both hardened Veterans dancing with ease around each other as if their bulky armour was non existant. Realising that Vulkan was holding him up intentionally, Belial motioned for DW2 to join the fray. Vulkan fell....even his mighty relics could not hold out against that amount of mighty weaponry. Belial consolidated his position towards the objective in the ruins whilst DW2 went the opposite way to hold the objective in the crater. DW2 moved to the centre of the crater, holding the objective whilst Belial moved and ran to hold the objective in the ruins. The Dreadnought turned towards the sternguard. DW2 fired into ST1 hoping to make them rethink their position however a lot of shots went wide and caused no casualties. The dreadnought flamed the Sternguard marine but again shrugged off any notion of pain so the dreadnought crashed into the Sternguard. The Sternguards grenade exploded harmlessly against the Dreadnoughts armoured and in turn the dreadnought flattened him into the ground and consolidated towards the final objective in the ruined building up ahead. The Dreadnought consolidates after finishing off the Sternguard DW2 holding fast against ST1 Running Score DW = 8Sal = 3 TURN 5 After the loss of Vulkan and taking heavy casualties, the Salamanders decided it was going to be all or nothing. ST1 stood its ground whilst the scout finally made it up behind them to get into a firing position. ST2 made its way around the ruined tower to get a line of sight onto a wounded Belial. St1 and the scout fired into DW2 but only managed to topple the Sergeant. ST2 fired the 2 boltguns in range at Belial to no avail, things looking more desperate as the minutes passed. Belial held on the objective whilst watching the Dreadnought move and run into the building securing another. DW2 held and fired into ST1. The wieght fire killing all but one as the Scout watched in horror. The lone marine fled backwards leaving the objective behind. The drop pod fired onto ST2 killing 2 marines. Knowing that there was no way to have any kind of Victory, ST2 fled the battlfield. As night set in Belial looked up at the sky, ashamed to have to shed loyal Astartes blood but honoured knowing he had taken the field at the Supreme Grand Master's personal behest. Final Score DW = 11Sal = 0 CONCLUSION Well hope you liked it guys, getting the hang of writing it in more of a story telling way than simple X killed Y. Tactically I don't think I would have done much different except maybe ignoring the pods although I had done that in the past and come back to bite me a couple of times. I will say that the Salamanders chapter tactics caught me by surprise. I hadn't read the in a while and the flamers just weren't doing anything with their ability to re-roll failed saves against flamers. I ran pretty much the same that I have been during most of this league because hey it was working. Im still currently in the top spot however Im battling against a Necron player and a Nid player (2 dakka flyrant/horde list in 1000pts ugh) next week who are 2nd and 4th respectively and I may have to change the list. Might even try something completely outrageous! Next week ill take an actual camera! Edited January 10, 2015 by Solrac Cactus and Space Truckin 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 (edited) Great battle report and your story telling is really improving. It was cool to see how methodically you employed your resources. Really well played. :tu: Edited January 11, 2015 by Chaplain Lucifer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 Awesome sauce batrep. More than glad the Dreadnought seems to be holding his own. Drop pods are the way to go with these now I think. Great result from such a small model-count army. Who says termies can't hack it -_- ? Cheers I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeChisler Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 Necrons don't have much ap1/2 you'll probably find he has lots of Dakka with some flyers though personally I like the Destroyer lord Wraith combo The Flyrants are ap4 twin linked lots of shots s7 and will rip through mech, your biggest worry will be the psychic phase if he gets peroxism your gonna end up rooted to the spot doing not much, not sure how it works against Fearless though I'd check through their Psychic powers. Stick with the list and get some Deathwing Knights in there with the deny buff & Fearless against Nids (not needed against Necrons, prob drop the Dread on both matches Gauss will shell of hull points like no tomorrow If you ground the Flyrants bust a gut to tie them in combat Its nice to see a deathwing list out their and having fun go with it and kick butt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 Nice summary SnakeChisler. Not sure how DWKs would fit into his 1000 point list. Would a Librarian help do you think? SnakeChisler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted January 13, 2015 Author Share Posted January 13, 2015 Thinking about doing something completely different and taking this list on Thursday. Let me know what you think! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varizel Posted January 13, 2015 Share Posted January 13, 2015 (edited) The Flyrants are ap4 twin linked lots of shots s7 and will rip through mech, your biggest worry will be the psychic phase if he gets peroxism your gonna end up rooted to the spot doing not much, not sure how it works against Fearless though I'd check through their Psychic powers. Nids don't have Str 7 guns man, that i know of besides the plasma blast one,. They got Str 1-10... but not 7. No... flyrant will either be a melee flying rant abusing the jink, or a shooting rant. Most likely shooting... 12 shots Str 6 AP- Twin Linked on a BS4 because it's Twin Linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms. If he got spare points, thorax weapons too.. a template weapon, that have rending maybe, or haywire. Most people takes the haywire one. For Psychic Phase, Paroxysm will screw you over, not because you are rooted on the spot, but because it reduces the WS and BS of the unit by D3 making you much easier to kill in melee and blunt your shooting capabilities. The one that pin you is The Horror... that one... useless against Dark Angels. It is a -2Ld pinning test. All nids psychic power is good though even if it's not spectacular. Paroxysm as i said reduced the WS, BS by D3, Horror pins you (the most useless one against us), Psychic Shriek is a nova of 6 inch where it forces your ldship against the dice+2, then you got warp blast/lance, the FnP to 2 units one (Catalyst). Watch out for Tervigons with crushing claws, or maybe if he's taking Haruspex or Carnifex. Those will eat through your land raider ... and you got nothing after that to stop him... since your LR will be clumped up together. And those Flyrants will likely take a electroshock grub thorax weapon (Template haywire). so make sure your guys are are at a max seperation for Banner, otherwise he can just flame on 2 LR in one go. Good luck. As for Necrons, usually bad news carrying 2 LR against them. One rapid fire round from their warrior squads usually killed a LR if he focused fire. But go ahead and try it out, hopefully it'll be fun. Edit: to add a bit.... 1k pts with 2 Flyrants.. that's 1/2 his pts on just flyrants. He will be pretty light on synapse. You might want to focus on his synapse. And oo.. Nids do have 6 Plasma shots on a Exocrine... i forgot. Edited January 13, 2015 by Varizel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galthan Ironsturm Posted January 14, 2015 Share Posted January 14, 2015 Good bat-rep Brother ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted January 17, 2015 Author Share Posted January 17, 2015 (edited) Hey guys, Got another two batreps for you guys after lat night shennanigans. The mission was Scalps! Custom kill point game where a unit that fully kills another enemy unit gets a scalp token. If the unit with Scalp Tokens dies, you lose your tokens. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game wins. A unit that runs off the battlefield does not count as a scalp. No secondary objectives. My 1000pt Greenwing list: HQ Librarian + Bike + PFG + Auspex Command Squad Bernardus + 5x Meltaguns + Standard of Devastation TROOPS 5 Scouts Juvenal + Sniper Rifles 5 Tactical Marines Ludovic + Plasma Gun HEAVY SUPPORT Land Raider Crusader "Hammer of Fury" + Multi-melta Land Raider Crusader "Anvil of the Emperor" + Multi-melta My opponenets 1000pt Tyranid list: HQ Hive Tyrant (HT1) + 2x Twin-linked Devourer + Brainleech Worms + Wings Hive Tyrant (HT2) + 2x Twin-linked Devourer + Brainleech Worms + Wings ELITES Hive Guard + Impaler Cannon TROOPS 30 Termagants + Fleshborers Tervigon HEAVY SUPPORT Exocrine DEPLOYMENT Vanguard Strike deployment. I lost the roll off. The Tyranids deployed in a line as shown, Hive Tyrants ready to close the gap and cause some damage. I counter deployed my Land Raiders so that I could be in range of the Exocrine first turn as it would be the easiest thing to completely wipe out. The scouts deployed in the ruins to the left of the LRCs. I seized the initiative!!! From the top Land Raider, Codicier Solrac could see the Tyranid army taking shape in the horizon. The screams of the Hive Tyrants could be heard, giving off the illusion that they were closer to the Dark Angels position that could be seen. "Check weapons and diagnostics....we attack in 10" Solrac could be heard saying over the vox. TURN 1 Solrac signalled for the Hammer and Anvil to approach the Tyranid army at combat speed. Solrac follow on his bike and positioning himself behind the Hammer to check his Auspex. "All units target that Exocrine......FIRE!" The Hammer and Anvil fired salvo after salvo into the monstrous creature. The roar of these magnificent weapons drowned out even the piercing shrieks of the Exocrine as it was pummeled with high calibre rounds. The exocrine was left with 1 wound but was still lumbering forward.Scout Sergeant Juvenal commanded his squad to also fire at the Exocrine. Only a few shots found their mark but bounced harmelessly off it's thick hide. THe Hive Tyrants took flight and surged forward. They seemed to be herding the Termagants along. The Exocrine, Tervigon and Hive Guard moving to their right around the ruins. To get closer to the scouts. Solrac could feel the twin Hive Tyrants begin to tap into the warp, The first did not produce any results and Solrac was able to deny Catalyst from the second. Firing positions on the Tyranid Horde The Scouts watch as the monstrous creatures make their way around the ruins The Swarm advances! Running Score: DA = 0 Nid = 0 TURN 2 The Hammer and Anvil moved across slightly, reacting to the Hive Tyrants new positions. Channeling the warp, Solrac attempted to manifest Misfortune on the lead Hive Tyrant but the creatures were too strong and failed. He then cast Prescience on the Scouts to aid them in their accuracy. The scouts took aim at the Tervigon and managed to inflict a wound. On Solrac's command the Hammer and Anvil let loose all their firepower into HT1. It couldn't be seen jinking as it assumed small arms would do nothing against it. One of the Multi-meltas found it's mark removing a wound from the beast but failing to force it to the ground. The twin Hive Tyrants flew closer to the Scouts as they were not able to get a bead on the Dark Angels Commander and their weapons would do nothing against the Land Raiders. The Tervigon, Hive Guard and Exocrine followed suit whilst the Termagants moved forward, trying to keep up with the twin Tyrants. The Tervigon was able to manifest catalyst on itself and the Termagants. One of the Hive Tyrants was then able to cast Dominion to extend it's Synapse range. The Exocrine fired its bio weapon onto the scouts but the ruins saved them from any harm. The two Tyrants let loose into Sergeant Juvenals position. 4 of his Scouts fell to the mass amount of firepower even after hitting the ground within the ruins. Juvenal felt best to make a tactical withdrawl and left the battlefield. The Hive Guard took aim and appeared that the shot glanced the side of the Hammer. However, Solrac's potent Power Field Generator prevented any damage from occuring. The Tervigon, Hive Guard and Exocrine come out from behind the ruins The Hive Tyrants approach! Running Score: DA = 0 Nid = 0 TURN 3 "Primary target is the Tervigon" Solrac could be heard commanding over the vox. The Hammer and Anvil shuffled to the left at combat speed to get clearer line of site. Solrac reaches into the warp and successfuly channeled Misfortune onto the foul beast. As the Hammer and Anvil fired, time seemed to slow as the shots approached the Tervigon. The shots hitting the beast with pinpoint precision and seemed to have the same destructive power as a Lascannon.The Tervigon was ripped to shreds under the warp aided firepower letting out a piercing screech as it died. The now enraged Tyrants zoomed forward, HT2 managing to Vector strike Solrac on the way through. THe Powerfield saving him from any harm. The rest of the Tyraid horde seemed to now be in slight disaray, the Hive Tyrants looking as if they were losing control of the swarm after the loss of the Tervigon. HT1 turned amd fired its devourers into Solrac just below him from the air. Solrac fell under the massive weight of fire. The Hive Guard took aim at the Hammer once again but the shot went wide. The Hive Tyrants prepare to fire into the Librarian Running Score: DA = 1 Nid = 0 TURN 4 Now in command, Veteran Bernardus ordered the Hammer and Anvil to advance towards the Hive Guard and wounded Exocrine at combat speed. The Hammer let loose killing the Hive Guard with ease. In turn the Anvil annihilated the Exocrine. The Multi-melta pumching a massive whole straight through it's torso. As their swarm dwindled, the Hive Tyrants swooped to the ground closer to the Dark Angels tanks knowing only one way to pierce a Land Raiders seemingly indestructible armour. The Termagants moved forward but seemed like more of a pack of animals rather than an in control unit. HT2 was able to manifest Catalyst on himself and his twin, getting ready for the final push on the battlefield. The Hammer and Anvil about to mop up the Exocrine and Hive Guard The Hive Tyrants swoop down to the ground Running Score: DA = 3 Nid = 0 TURN 5 As Veteran Bernardus saw the Hive Tyrants land behind them through the monitors he knew this was their chance. "Bring the Hammer and Anvil around. Squad Bernardus and Ludovic prepare to disembark!" The Hammer and Anvil pivoted and turned around bring all their weapons to bear on the twin Tyrants. Command Squad Bernardus bailed out of the front of the Hammer positioning themselves in front of the Anvil, the mighty Standard of Devastation held high. Squad Ludovic coming out of the side of the Anvil to take up firing positions in the ruins. The wounded HT1 fell to the combined fire of the Hammer and Tactical squad Ludovic. The Anvil and Command Squad Bernardus were not as successful. HT2 was ducking and weaving a lot of their fire but also seemed to ignore any blows that landed. They still managed to reduce the beast to 2 wounds. "Prepare for the assault Brother!" Bernardus yelled over the vox. As tHe Tyrant came to within inches of Bernardus' squad, the Hammer's crew reported that the Termagants had fled the battlefield. Bernardus looked up at the towering monstrosity. It's wing span clearly making it as wide as largest Space Marine tanks. The Hive Tyrant channeled the warp once more to manifest Catalyst. Bernardus saw it writhing in pain as it did so. It seemed that the Tyrant had lost a wound to the Perils of the Warp. The Hive Tyrant brought up it's devourers and fired into Bernardus' squad killing two of the Veterans. "FIRE!!!" Bernardus cried as the Tyrant prepared to charge. Bernardus' melta found it's mark desintegrating the beast's head from it's torso. The Tyrants body crashed to the floor at their feet. "Bernardus..." "Yes Sergeant Ludovic" Bernardus replied. "The Anvil's scanners report that this was just a scouting wave. The Hive fleet will be arriving in the next few hours to make planetfall" Ludovic reported. "Gather up our fallen Sergeant, we must report back to command on what has transpired here..." Mass firepower destroys HT1 and heavily wounds HT2 Tyranids no more Final Score: DA = 5 Nid = 0 CONCLUSION So I believe that was the first time I have tabled an opponenet. So my list that was discussed here seemed to work very well. I knew the scouts wouldn't last long and the counter attack with the melta unit worked very well. If only the Libby was alive to take better advantage of the Auspex. I still believe the LRCs with banner make pretty good anti air. I just didn't want to waste more shots on the flyrants as he was rolling a ridiculous amount of 3+ saves on them. My opponent and I had a chat after the game just to discuss how he could have used his nid list better. This league was designed to be practice games for the upcoming tournament and seeing as I wasn't able to make it to the Tournament I thought I'd give him some tips on how to beat a dual land raider list. I think if he was more aggressive from the start, took the risk and dropped his tyrants down early he would have been able to pop one of the LRCs. I would have to continuously fire on the Tyrants and with Catalyst and jinking they would have been hard to kill which would have brought his other MCs into charge range. If he took out just one of the LRCs that would have been game over for me. I was also very lucky the mission was kill points based rather than objective. I didn't know what the mission was till I got there and was thinking of strategies vs an objective game. He wasn't birthing his Tervigon as he didn't want to give away free Scalps which was a good move. Anyways I hope to have the next battle report up soon, may have to wait until tomorrow. Edited January 23, 2015 by Solrac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted January 17, 2015 Share Posted January 17, 2015 That was awesome. Twin walls of adamantine spitting bullets until the bugs vanish! Glad the list feedback worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 (edited) Ok second batrep! I apologise for the photos, had to use the flash. Makes my Land Raiders look pasty Same Scalp mission! My 1000pt Greenwing HQ Librarian + Bike + PFG + Auspex Command Squad Bernardus + 5x Meltaguns + Standard of Devastation TROOPS 5 Scouts Juvenal + Sniper Rifles 5 Tactical Marines Ludovic + Plasma Gun HEAVY SUPPORT Land Raider Crusader "Hammer of Fury" + Multi-melta Land Raider Crusader "Anvil of the Emperor" + Multi-melta My opponents Necron 1000pts: HQ Necron Overlord (goes with Immortals) + War Scythe + Res Orb Necron Lord (goes with warriors + War Scythe Cryptek (goes with Immortals) + Abyssal Staff TROOPS 8 Warriors + Gauss Flayers Dedicated: Ghost Arc 8 Immortals + Gauss Blasters Dedicated: Night Scythe FAST ATTACK 3 Wraiths HEAVY SUPPORT Annihilation Barge + Gauss Cannon + Twin-linked Tesla Destructor DEPLOYMENT Forgot deployment photo Vanguard Strike Deployment. He deployed his Ghostarc sideways ready for a broadside with his Wraiths on his right flank and the Barge on the left. I counter deployed the LRCs opposite the Ghost Arc and the scouts deployed in the ruins next to the Anvil. I didn't sieze. Solrac and his armoured convoy had been sent to investigate some mysterious activity picked up by the orbital fleet on the edge of ancient unknow ruined city..... TURN 1 The eerie Ghostarc moved forward at combat speed then spun around again for a broadside bringing its flayers to bear. The Annihilation barge moved forward in support whilst the Wraiths speedily moved and took cover in the nearby ruins. The Ghostarc and it's occupants fired into the Hammer causing many glancing hits on it's armoured hull. Luckily only one penetrated Solrac Powerfield. The Annihilation Barge also tried with it's Gauss Cannons but field to do any further damage. The Wraiths ran forward enough to close the gap a little bit more in the ruins. The Hammer and Anvil advanced at combat speed at Solrac's command. Solrac brought his bike in behind the two armoured behemoths. Solrac called forth the power of the warp and cast Prescience on the Hammer. The Hammer unleashed it's torrent of fire onto the Wraiths however only caused 1 wound on the metal beasts. The Hammer's machine spirit took control of the Multi-melta and fired into the Ghostarc and was thankful for the guidance of Solrac's Prescience. The Ghostarc was not able to dodge the shot but it only managed to glance it's quantum shielding. THe Anvils melta missed the arc completely whilst the Assault Cannon spun up and fired on the Annihilation Barge. One of the shots penetrated it's shielding and forced it to short out. Scout Sergeant Juvenal and his squad fired into the Wraiths but the darkness in the ruins proved too great for their scopes and no shots hit their mark. The Necron force advances! The Hammer and Anvil ready to fire! Running score: DA = 0 Crons = 0 TURN 2 The Necrons call for reinforcements but the Night Scythe is still too far away to assist. The Ghostarc rumbles forward with the Barge in support and spills out it's metal cargo. The Wraiths emerge from the ruins flanking the side of the Hammer trying to get a glimpse of the Dark Angels warlord. The Ghostarc fires into the Anvil shredding off a hullpoint with it's Gauss weapons. The Barge targets the Scouts and unleashes Gauss and Tesla fire. 2 of Juvenal's scouts are killed from the thunderous fire. The Sergeant orders a withdrawl from their current position only ducking back a bit further into the ruins. The Lord and his warriors charge the Anvil feeling that the Warscythe would cause more damage than the Warriors Gauss Flayers. The Wraiths unable to get a bead on Solrac charge the Hammer instead. The Necron's combined assault was for naught as their attacks bounced off the Adamantite hides like water on rock. "Ludovic, disembark your squad and buy us some time" Solrac commanded over the vox. "Yes sir" Ludovic barked back as his squad checked their weapons and bailed out of the front hatch of the Hammer and took up position in front of the ruins with a commanding view of the Necrons. The Hammer and Anvil reversed back to have a clearer shot at the Warriors and wraiths. Juvenals squad moves back into position to lend some fire support. After what the Dark Angels thought was a small victory, they start to see the pile of warriors bustling and glowing. 1 warrior and the Lord stand back up as if unharmed. Solrac manifests Prescience to aid the Anvil. As Juvenal moves into position he unholsters his Bolt Pistol and fires into the warriors. The shot hitting a warrior in the face and his metal body instantly slumped to the floor. The Hammer unleashes its firepower at the wraiths killing 2 and the multi-melta guided by the machine spirit fails to harm the Ghostarc. Ludovic's squad orders suppressing fire on the warriors whilst the Anvil brings its guns to bear and lets out a thunderous volley. 6 warriors and the lord were taken out under the weight of firepower, only one warrior remaining. The Anvil fires it's multi-melta at the Ghostarc however it jinks out of the way. As the Necrons prepare another counter attack, the Ghostarc ressurects another 2 warriors! The Wraiths sneaking around the side of the Hammer Necron Assault phase! Results of Mass Dark Angels firepower Ludovic's squad standing fast! Running Score: DA = 0 Crons = 0 TURN 3 THe Lord checking on his reinforcements but the Night Scythe carrying the Overlord is still no where to be seen. The Wraith Surges forward determined to assault Solrac to disabled the protective field around the Land Raiders. The Lord and his warriors prepare for another assault on the Anvil. The Ghostarc pivots to provide each of it's boradside arrays a clear line of fire. The left side of the Ghostarc fires into the scouts but fails to cause any casualties. The combined fire of the second array and the Annihilation barge fire a full salvo into Ludovic's squad catching him and 3 squad members in the gauss and tesla fire leaving the Plasma gunner intact. The wraith assaults Solrac whilst the lord charges the Anvil once more. The Wraith and Librarian fail to inflict any damage on each other and Solrac's powerfield saves the Anvil from taking any damage from the Warscythe. The lone Plasma gunner repositions to get within rapid fire range of the Barge. The Hammer and Anvil reposition themselves to the left which allowed Veteran Bernardus and his squad to exit the Anvil in an effort to destroy the Ghostarc. Solrac cast's Prescience on himself knowing has has to dispatch the wraith quickly but fails to manifest Force. THe Hammer and Anvil's melta's turn their sights onto the Barge knowing that the melta command squad was sufficient to take out the Ghostarc. The Hammer fires first but the Barge easily jinking out of the way. The right sponson of Hurricanes and the Assault cannon fire into the warrior squad. THe hail of bolter and assault cannon shells annihilate the remaining warriors and the lord slumps to the ground, seemingly lifeless. With the immediate threat gone, the Anvil fires it's melta and Assault cannon into the Barge. THe Living metal machine again withstanding the fire or evading the shots. Bernardus orders his squad to fire into the GHostarc. One shot punches through and disabling the quantum shielding. The Ghostarc rumbles and floats to the ground immobilised. The Necron Lord rises to his feet once more.... "Now's our chance" Bernardus cries. "Krak grenades ready!" The Command squad hurles 5 grenades onto the deck of the Ghostarc however they failed to inflict any further damage. In a swirling melee the Wraith circles the librarian but is unable to get through the thick power armour. Solrac responds, his psychic powers aiding his blows and manges to slay the metal beast. He consolidates further forward taking cover behind the Anvil. Necron's ready to assault the Anvil once more Solrac fends off the Wraith Running Score: DA = 1 Crons = 0 TURN 4 With the screaming sound of jet engines, the Night Scythe arrives and takes position of the Centre ruins and unloads it's deadly cargo. THe overlord and his squad simply phasing onto the battlefield. The Lord moves and closes on the lone plasma gunner, determined to kill something in this battle. The Ghostarc's array bring it's gun's to bear and fires into Juvenal's scouts squad killing another scout. The Immortals and Cryptek lend in their fire to wipe them out. The Barge unleashes it's mighty weaponry into Bernardus' squad killing 2 of the Veterans. The Night Scythe fires it's Tesla weapons into Solrac causing multiple additional hits. The Dark Angels Commander falls once more..... The Lord charges into the lone marine, the Plasma firing wild as he did so but failed to hit. The Marine stuck out with his combat knife but was unable to damage the Lord's metal husk. With an artful swing, the Lord's scythe cleaved the marine in 2, killing him instantly.The Lord then take cover down the left side of the Hammer. The Hammer backs up to get a clear shot of the Lord whilst the Anvil turns to face the Immortal tide. Bernardus repositions his command squad further along the Ghostarc to not be in view of the Barge's weapons. Benardus' squad fires its meltaguns into the Ghostarc once more. A magnificent explosion ensues. The Anvil fires it's small arms into the Immortals felling 2 whilst the multi-melta took aim at the Barge and missed. The Hammer concentrates all his fire on the Lord killing the metal fiend once more. The Lord finally succumbed to it's damage and lay lifeless on the floor. The Immortals also failed to rise again. The Night Scythe arrives... and unloads its deadly cargo... View from the Necron's end The Lord cleaves the Plasma gunner in two The Hammer and Anvil reposition The Necron Lord is no more... Running Score: DA = 2 Crons = 2 TURN 5 The Necron aircraft zooms off the battlefield as it was unable to get a bead on any valid targets. The Barge rotates in order to get a direct shot onto Bernardus' squad and the Overlord moves forward onto the edge of the ruins. The Immortals fire stripping all but one of the Anvil's Hull Points. The Annihilation barge fires into the Command squad killing all who stood. The Standard of Devastation slowly dropping to the floor in the hands of the dead bearer. The Anvil shuffled left to make room for the Hammer to line up the remaining Necrons. Primary target" The Annihilation barge. Destroying it would ensure victory for the Dark Angels. The multi-melta and Assault cannons fired stripping the barge to 1 hull point. The machine spirit fired one of the bolter sponsons into the Immortals but caused no damage. It was all down to the Hammer. The multi-melta fired and missed. Thinks started to look grim. The assault cannons spun to life firing snap shots into the Barge. 3 shots found their mark....only 2 shots were avoided.......BOOM! a fantastic explosion. The final shot from the assault cannons penetrating the Tesla cells and exploded the Necron machine. The bolter sponson then fired into the Immortals killing one. The Overlord decided to tactically withdraw after losing their fire support. The mighty Dark Angels tanks clinching victory. The Anvil about to take a Gauss pounding The Barge finally bites the dust! Final Score: DA = 3 Crons = 2 CONCLUSION I was incredibly lucky all game. The Night Scythe didn't come on till turn 4 and the Gauss was doing nothing the the LRCs. Again very disappointed I couldn't make use of the Libbys Auspex. I also should have used the Command Squad to kill the barge first instead of the Ghostarc. I think if I focused the right targets better I could have tabled him before the Night Scythe came on. Anyway a vitory is still a victory. Going back to my usual terminator list for next week. The Cron player has challenged me to a rematch with my regular list. He's not changing his list so having a glimpse of what he has I think 3 heavy flamers will be able to wreck this army. Hope you guys enjoyed, tune in next week! Edited January 23, 2015 by Solrac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 Very nice! Really enjoyed it. :tu: Solrac 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epimetheus13 Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 Fantastic story-telling and well-played. Impressive how successful you've been with your lists! "Now's our chance" Bernardus cries. "Krak grenades ready!" The Command squad hurles 5 grenades onto the deck of the Ghostarc however they failed to inflict any further damage. One question: As I understand the grenade rules, only 1 model from a unit can throw a frag/krak grenade. Or am I mistaken? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted January 19, 2015 Author Share Posted January 19, 2015 Fantastic story-telling and well-played. Impressive how successful you've been with your lists! "Now's our chance" Bernardus cries. "Krak grenades ready!" The Command squad hurles 5 grenades onto the deck of the Ghostarc however they failed to inflict any further damage.One question: As I understand the grenade rules, only 1 model from a unit can throw a frag/krak grenade. Or am I mistaken? They used those grenades in the asssult phase. 1 attack with a grenade per model in the assault phase, 1 grenade per unit in the shooting phase. Epimetheus13 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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