DarkAngeal Posted February 25, 2015 Share Posted February 25, 2015 I keep reading BOD as, "banner of dakka" Solrac 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-3961974 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted June 4, 2015 Author Share Posted June 4, 2015 Hey all, So it's been a long time since I posted in this thread, getting a bit too lazy. Just thought I'd report on the Tourney I went to last week and share some photos! The list I used is here: HQ Warlord Librarian 100 + Mastery Level 2 Librarian 75 + Combi-melta ELITE (9) Veterans 252 + Meltagun + 8x Combi-meltas Dedicated: Drop Pod 35 + Storm Bolter TROOPS (10) Tacticals 170 + Combi-melta + Meltagun + Multi-melta + Melta bombs Dedicated: Drop Pod 35 + Storm Bolter (10) Tacticals 170 + Combi-melta + Meltagun + Multi-melta + Melta bombs Dedicated: Drop Pod 35 + Storm Bolter (5) Tacticals 95 + Missile Launcher w/ Flakk Missiles Dedicated: Razorback 70 + Twin-linked Lascannons FAST ATTACK (2) Ravenwing Land Speeder 150 + 2x Typhoon Missile Launcher + 2x Heavy Bolter (2) Ravenwing Land Speeder 150 + 2x Typhoon Missile Launcher + 2x Heavy Bolter HEAVY SUPPORT (7) Devastators 178 + 4x Lascannon FORTIFICATION Aegis Defence Line 100 + Quad Gun IMPERIAL KNIGHT DETACHMENT Knight Errant 375 + Thermal Cannon Game 1 vs Blood Angels Mission was Deadlock and I had a pretty good deployment. I stole the initiative and I had him on the ropes the whole game killing both Vindicators early and whittled down his big bike squad with Libby and Sang Priest. Ignore cover Lascannons were a god send here killing those bikes. He had a huge group of Death Company that deep struck behind my Aegis getting ready to murder my HQ and Lascannon team. My Vet squad saved the day with ignore cover meltas and I annihilated them. It ended in a draw of 11 - 11 but only because I wasn't drawing any good cards whilst he was actually getting some really easy cards for him to take. Game 2 vs Drop Pod Sallies/Gey Knight Allies The mission was Cloak and Shadows and I noobed up my deployment. He went first and killed the Knight straight up (only just) and went down hill from there. The Grey Knights gating around shooting things with Storm Bolters didn't help either. Was glad that they mishaped later in the game and he rolled a '1'. I had a good chuckle. He didn't table me though and tried to fight back but ended up losing 20 - 7. Game 3 vs DA Mixed Wing The mission was The Spoils of War. He went first and dropped a DW squad behind my Aegis to try and kill my HQ and deepstruck another DW team with his Termie Libby warlord and killed a speeder to my right flank whilst the rest of his army held a gun line whilst his speeders moved up to try kill my Knight with MMs. His shooting was ineffective besides killing the speeder. I then took control of the game (but wasn't scoring many VPs from cards again due to what I was drawing). Knight came and killed the DW squad behind my HQ and wiped them. Killed 2 of his speeders, Tac squad came down and murdered 4 Termies from his other squad, Vets came down with Ignore cover meltas and cleaned up his bike squad. He managed to kill all the vets with the Plasma Cannons on his 2 Dreadnoughts but the Libby stayed alive and went on to murder a whole tactical squad on his own. Was awesome. The game then turned into cat and mouse slowly whittling down his troops until all he had was his Libby left who managed to get away because of Gate of Infinity. Just managed to kill him on T6 tabling him but only giving me a minor victory 13 - 12. If I didn't kill the Libby I would have lost as I was holding onto Kingslayer and Kill a Witch the whole game. Game 4 vs Imperial Guard/Iron Hands allies Mission was Cleanse and Control. It was the same table as the first game and got the same side so had an excellent deployment once more. I went first and almost tabled him as he only had a few squads of guard on the board to start with. I would have tabled him if I had remembered my pods first turn! No matter. I was then scared when his marines arrived and his Fire Raptor gunship but lady luck would smile on me this day. Play of the day "My quad gun will intercept your Raptor, are you gonna jink" my opponent thought about it and said "eh no, it's only an 4 shot Autocannon". He should have touched wood. 2 glances and 2 pens later the Raptor crashed and the game was securely in my hands. Tabled him for a major victory 20 - 6. Game 5 vs Nurgle Chaos Space Marines Mission was a modified Contact Lost where each player deployed in their table half of a Dawn of War deployment but no assaults allowed first turned. I castled up in one corner with the Knight in the middle and the speeders out of sight of his Defilers and Forge Fiend. I then played defensively as he had a huge blob of Cultists with a Psyker that was blocking access to the rest of his army. I managed to kill his flying Nurgle Daemon Price Warlord by T2 and picked away at his Nurgle Marines in Rhinos. Belakor charged my Knight and whiffed his roles hitting me twice but only taking 1 HP. In return I hit Belakor and rolled a '6' with the D weapon. The following turn the vets came down and killed 1 of 2 of the defilers and the Knight shot at the Forge Fiend knocking of a HP and destroying an autocannon and charged the Cultist blob. He killed 4 with his Chainsword and hammer of wrath then stomped 3 times killing another 6 and rolling a '6' to remove his Psyker. The cultists ran and the Knight swept them turning to face the last defiler and forge fiend. The following turn the Chaos firepower knocked the Knight down to 2 HPs and was charged by the defiler. The Knight went first scoring 3 D3 HPs and he failed his Invul saves. The Knight finally went down with a Melta gun in the face by a lone Nurgle Marine (all that was left by his T4 but the damage was done. Tabled him for a 18 - 4 major win. The preferred enemy Lascannons and Meltas helped ALOT. Ended up coming 7th overall. It was a great day and had a blast. Good way to say goodbye to the current codex. Here are some photos, the TO is still posting some up so hopefully I can add to this. I sadly didn't take any photos of my own due to the 3 hr time limit that wasn't quite enough to play a 2000pt game. Enjoy. DA vs Guard/Iron Hands DA vs Nurgle Chaos Marines Interrogator Stobz 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4070749 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 Well done! I noticed you didn't catch Xeno opponents. How did the Land Speeders fare? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4070863 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted June 4, 2015 Author Share Posted June 4, 2015 (edited) Well done! I noticed you didn't catch Xeno opponents. How did the Land Speeders fare? Yeah it was weird even though there were 9 out of 20 Xeno teams in attendance. I was surprised to see 3 Chaos players but in this kind of Tourney the Comp system levelled the play field so there were a lot of army lists people brought for fluff or funzies. The winner of the Tourney was a Nurgle Daemons/Nurgle Chaos Marines allied army. It also took out the best painted and players choice painted categories. It was amazingly detailed. The Land speeders, as always were, amazing. They are now by far my most favourite unit. They got ignored pretty much every game as they were too far back to do anything but zoomed them up when I needed to cap objectives. Even in the 2nd Game that I lost they were one of the last things to die. I think I'm gonna buy a couple more Edited June 4, 2015 by Solrac Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4070877 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 Good to know. I see many people saying LS are not wiorth it, but for me they are workhorses, I just wanted to know it was with 4 of them on the table. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4070878 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted June 4, 2015 Author Share Posted June 4, 2015 (edited) Good to know. I see many people saying LS are not wiorth it, but for me they are workhorses, I just wanted to know it was with 4 of them on the table. Best 300 points I spent in that Tourney. They rivalled what the Knight killed in most games. On game 1, one of the speeders was immobilised in Turn 4 but it still stood there and wiped 4 marines on it's own in the following turn causing them to run off an objective. It eventually died but the other 3 were still zooming around causing mischief. Also Prescience on a Land Speeder squadron is amazing ;) Edited June 4, 2015 by Solrac Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4070880 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted June 26, 2015 Author Share Posted June 26, 2015 Hey guys! It's been a long time since I posted a batrep but since I got to play with the new book last night I made an effort This game is part of our new league that started last week. The league is based on 2 factions that you are randomly allocated into on start up and we fight over the east coast of the map of Australia. Victories affect how far forward you move into enemy territory. It also has it's own rules on selecting armies (which can be subject to change). So far the last 2 weeks have consisted on selecting the following unit types: 1 HQ 0-3 Troops 0-1 Fast Attack 0-1 Heavy Support The games are 1000pts rolling on the Maelstrom of War missions. No formations or detachments allowed just the unit selection from above, no forgeworld or Lords of War. Your HQ is not allowed to be changed throughout the whole league. Dark Angels got an exception with the new book coming out this week. I actually played a whole Ravenwing army with Sammy last week (draw 7 - 7). So now you have some background on what's going on my list was as follows: HQ Interrogator Chaplain (joins the Black Knights) + Space Marine Bike + Shroud of Heroes + Power Axe TROOPS (5) Tactical Squad + Grav-cannon & Grav Amp Dedicated: Rhino (5) Tactical Squad + Grav-cannon & Grav Amp Dedicated: Rhino (6) Scout Squad + Sniper Rifles + Camo Cloaks FAST ATTACK (6) Ravenwing Black Knights + Grenade Launcher HEAVY SUPPORT (10) Devastator Squad + 4x Lascannons + Armorium Cherub My opponent rolled up a Necron army (not too familiar with the book so just putting down what I remember stuff had): HQ Necron Overlord + Relic Warscythe + 4++ TROOPS (10) Necron Warriors (10) Necron Warriors Dedicated: Ghost Ark (10) Necron Warriors Dedicated: Ghost Ark FAST ATTACK (5) Canoptek Wraiths + Whip Coils DEPLOYMENT Rolled up Crusade with Dawn of War deployment and placed objectives as pictured. He won the roll to choose sides but I won the roll to deploy and opted to go second. I decided not to Scout the Black Knights. My Warlord Trait was For the Lion! (Furious Charge). I decided not to seize as I wanted his Wraiths to come closer to my Grav-cannons. Rolled a 3 for Night Fighting TURN 1 The Crons advanced their line with the Wraiths surging forward into a ruin. The Ghost Ark on the right fired at the Scouts killing 2. It's occupents took shots at the Dev squad in the ruins killing 1. The remaining Ghost Ark's occupents could just see the 2 Lascannon armed devastators on the top story of the ruin and managed to wipe them both out. The Warriors and Lord on foot ran forward to get into a better position. Both the Scouts and Dev Squad stood firm. The Black Knights zoomed up to get a bead on the Ghost Ark on the left side. Everyone else stood their ground. The Blacknights rained Plasma death into the Ghost Ark but only managed to glance it after it jinked everything else. The Lascannons from the Dev squad failed to do anything except make the second Ark jink. The Scouts shot at the Wraiths but all wounds were saved. Both Tactical squads fired their Grav-cannon's into the Wraiths and managed to kill one. TURN 2 The Wraiths surged forward once more with their eyes set on one of the Rhinos. The Ghost Ark on the right moved forward to get a better look at the Devastators whilst the other Ark and Warriors on foot moved to get a better firing line on the Black Knights. The combined fire of the Ghost Ark, it's occupants and Warriors on foot killed 3 Black Knights! The second Ghost Ark and occupants managed to reduce the Dev squad to 1 man carrying his Lascannon. The lone Dev squad member found his courage and stood firm! The Wraiths charged the Rhino and the overwatch from the Grav-cannon managed to kill another Wraith. It was not enough and the Wraiths tore through it successfully causing the first Tac squad to spill out. They did manage to pass their pinning check. The remaining Black Knights moved away from the Ghost Ark and made a break for a building to regroup. The rest of the army stood firm once more. The Scout squad managed to kill a necron warrior with a headshot (yay!). Once more the 2 tactical squads opened up on the Wraiths. 5 wounds made it through leaving 1 Wraith left on 1 wound. The Lascannaon Dev took a shot at the Ghost Ark but failed to glance or penetrate. The Bikes Turbo-boosted to safety behind the building. TURN 3 The Ghost Ark resurrected the warrior killed by Sniper fire. The lone Wraith moved up to assault the Tac squad now on the ground. The Ghost Ark on the left emptied it's cargo onto the building with the objective to get a line of sight on the bikes then the Ghost Ark moved forward. The Second Ark emptied it's cargo on the nearby objectives, the warriors taking up positions in the ruins, then moved forward. The Lord split from his Warriors to come accross and support the newly deployed warriors in the ruin on the left whilst his retinue peeled off to the centre of the board. The Warriors that now had line of sight on the Bikes fired. The Bikes jinked and took no casualties. The Ghost Ark on the left snap fired into the lone Devastator and managed to kill him. The second Ghost Ark snap fired into the scouts killing another. The wounded Wraith charged the Tac squad and survived the incoming overwatch (I scored 3 grav-cannon wounds and 3 Bolter wounds and he saved all of them, so frustrating). The Wraith attacked first killing a tactical marine and taking no wounds in return. The Tac squad was not phased and stuck it out in combat. The three remaining scouts climbed down from their perch ready to help out the Tac squad in combat. The other rhino moved around the back of the building to get line of sight on the Ghost Ark. The bikes sprung out of their concealed position and made a bee line for the warriors taking cover in the building. The Grav-cannon snap fired into the Ghost Ark. One shot found it's mark but field to do anything as it jinked. The bikes charged into the Warriors making it in with ease. The Chaplain himself managed to kill 3 of them with his Crozius whilst the rest of the Black Knights killed another 2. They broke morale and were cut down by the bikers who consolidated in front of the building. The scouts charged into the Wraith. The Wraith managed to kill another marine and the marines were not able to harm the monstrosity. Enter the Scouts who pounced all over the Wraith and finally managed to bring the beast down. Both groups consolidated to be in range of the warriors across from the in the ruins. TURN 4 The overlord pushed forward to close the gap on the bikes. His retinue had doubled back to help put some more firepower into them. The Ghost Ark on the left rumbled forward to also get line of site on the bikes. The remaining Ghost Ark moved around the front of the building to secure objective 1. The Warriors on the far side opened up into the Tac squad and managed to kill another however the Grav-cannon was still alive and well. The combined firepower of the other Group of Warriors and Ghost Ark killed another biker. The Ghost Ark securing the objective moved flat out to go around the corner. The bikes moved past the lord in preparation to attack his old retinue. The rhino moves forward once more to get the Grav-cannon in range of the Ghost Ark. The wounded Tac squad and remaining Scouts fire into the Warriors directly ahead killing 2 of their number. The Grav-cannon in the Rhino fires but the shots failed to do any damage to the Ghost Ark. The bikes slammed into the Warriors killing one with a Hammer of Wrath. The Chaplain then killed another 3 warriors whilst the Black Knights failed to inflict any further damage. The Warriors managed to kill a Black Knight and inflict a wound on the Chaplain. The Warriors fled and rolled a 5 on their Iniative roll off. I roll....and a 1 shows up. Blast! The warrior flee into the nearby ruins and the remaining 2 bikers consolidate further along. TURN 5 The fleeing warriors rally and take cover further in the ruins. The Lord moves up ready to charge the bikes. The Ghost Ark on the left moves up to support the Ghost Ark sitting on the objective. The rallied warriors snap fire into the bikes and deal no damage. The Warriors in the far ruin shoot once more into the wounded tac squad but the armour saves them from any harm. The Lord charges into the Chaplain and remaining Black Knight. The Chaplain belows out a challenge so the Lord concentrates on him. Going with Crozius at initiative instead of his attack, both the Chaplain and Black Knight fail to inflict any wounds on the lord. The Lord retaliates causes three wounds on the chaplain and fails all 3 of his rosarius save. Luckily I make 2 of my 3 feel no pain rolls! The Bikers lose combat but are fearless and opt to hit and run out of the combat. They pass with flying colours and zoom off to take a position right in front of the Warriors in the ruin covering an objective. The Scouts move back up onto their perch whilst the wounded tacticals move forward in preparation for a possible 6th turn. The rhino moves forward combat speed and it's tactical cargo moves out to get a direct line to the Ghost Ark holding objective 1. The Chaplain and Black Knight move to within one inch of the warriors in the ruin. The Rhino moves flat out into the ruin contesting objective 1. The Scouts snap fire at the lord scoring three unbelievable hits but failed to cause any damage. The Chaplain and Black Knight fire into the warriors but fail to kill any. The Tac squads Grav-cannon fires into the Ghost Ark but once again fails to cause any damage. The Chaplain and Black Knight charge into a hail of overwatch. The Black Knight is killed but the Chaplain makes it in killing three warriors and taking no damage in turn. Unfortunately the Warriors held their ground. TURN 6 Both Ghost Arks hold position whilst the lord's old retinue moves across to capture objective 4 in the far ruins. The Lord moves forward to try and put an end to the Chaplain once and for all. The Ghost Ark holding the objective fires at the exposed Tac squad and kills 2 of their number whilst the second Ghost Ark manages to wreck the Rhino. The Tac squad holds their position. The Lord fails his charge to the Chaplain by one inch! With the Rhino now dead the tac squad moves forward readying their grenades. The Scouts shoot at the warriors cowering on objective 4 but fail to do any damage. The Tacticals charge into the Ghost Ark but the grenades fail to do any damage. The Chaplain whiffs his rolls and causes no further casualties on the warriors. FINAL POINTS SCORE: Necrons - 5 Dark Angels - 3 CONCLUSION Man this game was so much fun and close from start to finish. I had terrible dice rolls at the start with my devastators who did nothing the whole game. I made them a full strength unit to have albalative wounds but even they got chewed through real quick with my bad dice rolls. I am loving Grim resolve and Grav-cannons and I loved the combo in the Rhino rather than putting them in a Razorback. I started jinking with the black knights all the time as the re-roll jinking really helped with all that mass small arms fire. In hindsight I should have scouted them forward and jinked the whole game and just took everything out in combat. They were a pretty solid close combat unit vs the Warriors. I was hoping just to run down all 3 groups but sadly didnt work out that way. I regret not taking melta bombs on my tac squads would have made a huge difference at the end. Hope you guys enjoyed! Chaplain Lucifer, Cactus and Interrogator Stobz 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4103738 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted June 26, 2015 Share Posted June 26, 2015 (edited) Thanks for taking the time to write a battle-report. Looks like a tight game and with a bit more luck it would revert on your favor. Edited June 26, 2015 by Chaplain Lucifer Solrac 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4103748 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted June 28, 2015 Author Share Posted June 28, 2015 Thanks Lucifer. I have another league game this Thursday, see if I can do another Batrep. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4105794 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted August 17, 2015 Author Share Posted August 17, 2015 Hey Gang, So I planned to write up a batrep of Thursdays game with our new league starting. I took some photos but lost my notes and being a maelstrom grame I found it too hard to write up a quality batrep from just looking at the photos. However I still wanted to report on how it went as it was the first time I've used a demi company. Here was my 1400pt list: DA Demi Company Company Master 135 Foe Smiter Relic Blade Melta Bombs (10) Tactical 155 Plasma Gun (10) Tactical 190 Plasmagun Grav-cannon Rhino 35 (10) Tactical 190 Plasmagun Grav-cannon Rhino 35 (5) Assault Squad 90 Combi-Flamer 2x Flamer Drop Pod 35 (7) Devastator Squad 183 4x Lascannon Armorium Cherub Drop Pod 35 (3) Dreadnought Squadron 315 Twin-linked Autocannon The enemy 1400pt list (not sure of points values or upgrades): Daemons CAD HQ Lord of Change Crazy book thing Lord of Change TROOPS (17) Pink Horrors (17) Pink Horrors FAST ATTACK (4) Flamers of Tzeentech (4) Flamers of Tzeentech HEAVY SUPPORT Soul Grinder Phlem Cannon Harvester Cannon Shrouded Soul Grinder Phlem Cannon Harvester Cannon Shrouded The foot tacticals were just a screen for the Dreadnoughts. I have been wanting to try a full strength dreadnought squadron since the codex came out. I thought they wouldn't go so well being on foot but against this army they were exactly what I needed as a close support unit but with long range guns. We played Spoils of War so everything in the army having objective secured also got me a few points in this game. A great unclean one was summoned right next to them first turn. Took 2 assault phases (I went first so worked out really well) but they killed it only taking 2 glances in return (str 7 not that great vs armour 12). From there the autocannons gunned down the Warlord Lord of change but lost 1 of the dreads to phlem bombardment after. The remaining 2 made there way to the centre of the table and took out 17 pink horrors in 2 assault phases (with 5 tactical marines supporting) then rallied back to kill a soulgrinder that was trying to charge my commander. Easily my MVP bullying everything they came close to. The Demi company in general was excellent. The flamer assault marines just tried to get first blood, overwhelming firepower and no prisoners on a unit of flamers. Unfortunately they left 1 alive with 1 wound but they were a throw away unit in this list anyway. The tac squads stayed in their rhinos most of the game shooting grav and plasma out of the hatch and when I need some extra bolters 5 came out since I combat squaded them. I got real lucky and manage to immobilise the other soul grinder that charged my assault marines pod as it had objective secured and was next to an objective so it had to go. The soul grinder was pointing off the table so was a paperweight for the whole game after killing that pod. The Las devs were lacklustre but only because they had nothing really good to shoot at as the soul grinder that was in range stayed in a ruin most of the time for a 2+ cover save. Took an empty pod with the devs cause I had points left over and figured I didn't need to waste my assault marines dropping on an objective if I didn't need to. Ended up scattering 12" away from an objective but waas a good plan nonetheless. I ended up losing 17-16 but only just. I was getting some bad cards at the start including a lot of objectives that I couldn't get that my opponent easily stole. Foe Smiter is amazing a racked up some kills. I got the Hold at all costs warlord trait so my Company Master was hanging around one of the objectives all game for FNP and my opponent kept summoning Flamers to try kill him which wasn't working and he ended up with a 3+ FNP by the end of the game. Unfortunately I lost the game by failing said FNP role. He also summoned some plague bearers and a couple of units of screamers throughout the game (he was proxing daemons which I didn't mind since he's a good friend of mine). I was winning 16-13 at the bottom of Turn 7. My Master with 1 wound left. His surviving Lord of Change with 2 wounds left got the charge off on him. Sitting in cover my Company Master went first but the Lord of Change made it's saves. Lord of change inflicts 2 wounds, save 1 fail the FNP roll. Warlord kill. My opponent rolls a 6 for kingslayer and I lose the game. All in all we had great fun. Lots of good and bad dice rolls on both sides and a full demi company is defenitley an worthwhile investment. Debtated about trying to fit in a Scout squad to make it a Lion's Blade for full overwatch but I'm glad I didn't. Scout's wouldn't have done much in this game and I would have had to cut something down. Here are the pics I took (really need to start taking the proper camera again instead of taking photos on my phone): Interrogator Stobz, SnakeChisler and Chaplain Lucifer 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4148734 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 21, 2016 Author Share Posted February 21, 2016 (edited) Hey guys,I went to a two day tournament over the weekend, 6 games. It was 1850 and used the Community Comp document here. Your 1850 army had to be 12 comp points or under. It also used the Australian New Zealand FAQ document which was very important as it clarified "Best Save" which meant actual better save and not % of best save is used which meant jinking against anything that wasn't AP3 or better was useless as you still had to use your armour save.My list is here: Lion's Blade Strike ForceCoreBattle Demi CompanyChaplainBike(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonDedicated: Rhino(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonDedicated: Rhino(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonDedicated: Rhino(5) Assault Squad2x FlamerCombi-FlamerDedicated: Drop Pod(8) Devastator Squad4x LascannonsAuxillaryRavenwing Support SquadronLand Speeder vengeance3x Land Speeder Typhoon(5) Ravenwing Attack Squadron2x Grav GunCombi-GravMulti Melta Attack BikeTyphoon Speeder(5) Ravenwing Attack Squadron2x Grav GunCombi-GravMulti Melta Attack BikeTyphoon SpeederCommandInner CircleLibrarianML1The Chaplain always went with one of the attack squadrons and the Libby stayed with the Devastator squad for Prescience. The missions were modified Eternal War: Cleanse and Control, Relic and forget the name of the third one. You could either choose to do the Primary objectives which was straight up capture objectives at the end or you could choose the modified mission which you score points at the start of the your player turn depending on what objectives you control. Both missions were capped at 9 points. You then chose 3 out of the 6 Secondary objectives which were the traditional 3 plus some new ones.It was an incredibly humid weekend and a long couple of days (3 games per day) but had a blast. The day was too rushed to do proper bat reps but I'll do some recaps below. I chose the alternate mission on all of my games to score as I went as I had a very mobile army.Game 1 vs TyranidsMy opponent brought a Flying Dakka Tyrant, 2 Hive Crones, 2 Tervigons, 60 Termagants, Deathleaper, 3 Zoanthropes, 2 Venomthropes, 3 Biovores and a Skyshield Landing Pad. Dawn of War Deployment. I won the roll to go first.I played to the objectives scoring max points every turn and began blasting monstrous creatures. My Rhinos formed a gun line and shot the 2 Hive Crones down after a couple turns getting some lucky snap shots. Tabled my opponent by Turn 5 and pulled off a major win 15 - 0.Game 2 vs Dark Eldar/EldarMy opponent brought a Corpsethief Claw Formation (5 Talos), Dark Artisan Formation (1 Talos, 1 Chronos, 1 Haemonculous), 2 Squads of Elder Jet Bikes with Warlocks and 1 Scatter Laser in each squad, 6 Dark reapers, 5 Rangers and a Wraith Knight. The 2 Dark Eldar formations were a nasty combo. The Corpsethief Claw gains 1 VP for every non-vehicle unit it kills in CC and the Dark Artisan provides +1 FNP and re-roll 1s to FNP within 6 to 12 inches. Vanguard Deployment. I lost the roll to go first but stole the initiative.My opponent forgot about my pod of Flamers and deployed his Rangers on the bottom level of a building and the Dark Reapers on the top level of the same building. My pod hit its target landing on the objective next to said building. The Assault Squad scored 15 Flamer hits on the Rangers amd 18 on the Reapers. Both squads were removed.I got the Wraith Knight down to 2 wounds on Turn 1 with mass Krak Missiles and Lascannon fire and finished it off with the Bikes Grav Guns Turn 2. I deployed the 3 Rhinos in a gun line closest to the Corpsetheif to draw them in and started chipping away at their wounds with Grav Cannon shots. It drew them in as he had to kill them and as he focused on the Rhinos I let loose with everything into the Dark Artisan squad killing it by Turn 3 removing its FNP buffs.By that point even with its buffs the Talos were hurt as the full BS overwatched started to wane on the Talos wounds. I would shoot in my turn, he would then charge 1 Rhino getting another round of Grav shots, kill the Rhino and eject the Tacs which then fired again and overwatched again as he went to kill them.Mopped up the Corpsethief in Turn 5 and tabled him Turn 6 for a major win 13 - 5.Game 3 vs Dark Eldar/EldarMy opponent brought 4 Venoms filled with Kalabites with a Blaster, Succubus attached to 4 Grotesques in a Raider, 2 Ravagers, 2 Empty Raiders and a Eldar Aspect host of 9 Warp Spiders, and 2 Squads of 6 Reapers who filled the Raiders. Hammer and Anvil deployment and lost the roll to go first.This battle was a bloodbath on both sides but in the end I couldn't get to the Reapers which were slowly killing me off a couple of units at a time. Epic moment occurred when it took 3 Venoms and 2 Dark Lances to kill a lone Grav Cannon marine sitting on an objective next to his destroyed Rhino. Made both Dark Lance cover saves and 16 or so 3+ saves before he died. Also Warp Spiders are a bloody menace! Major loss 15 - 7.Game 4 vs Ravenwing Strike Force/Skitarri Detachment/Ultramarines SkyhammerMy opponent brought Full Ravenwing Command Squad with Apothecary and attached Interrogator Chaplain with Mace of Redemption, 4x 6 man Ravenwing Bike Squads (bare bones), Skyhammer with 2x 5 man Assault Squads (bare bones), 1 10 Man Dev Squads with 4 Multi meltas and 1 10 man Dev squad with 4 Grav Cannons, 2 Skittari Ranger units with armourbane sniper, Strider with Lascannon. Vanguard Deployment and I lost the roll to go first and didn't seize. He chose his Skyhammer to come down turn 2 as he was scared of the InterceptorMy game started well. He scouted all of his bikes and then moved them all to be right in my face, the command squad and chaplain had its eyes on my Chaplain and his bikes. My Assault Squad dropped behind the Ravenwing Command squad and scored 18 flamer hits, rolled a massive 10 wounds. He then failed 5 3+ saves and FNP rolls. Apothecary died first, Chaplain lost 2 wounds and killed 2 other bikers. Killed the last 2 Black Knights With the bolters and lascannons from the Dev squad leaving the Chaplain on his own. Then let loose a massive array of Heavy Bolter and Frag Missile fire at the rest of his bikes to force him to use his armour save instead of his Ravenwing Jink save and plucked a few bikes from each squad.The the Skyhammer came down and decimated my back line and from there he prevented me from scoring points by contesting objectives and wiping out my units. An unlikely glorious moment arrived when his chaplain joined a Ravenwing bike squad turn 2 and charged my chaplains bikes squad and Challenged my Chaplain. Game over I thought. He scored 4 hits on my Chaplain and 3 wounds, made all my 4++ saves. Hit him back with 1 hit, 1 wound and he failed his save. A normal Chaplain killing a superior Interrogator Chaplain. It was a funny moment.From there my opponent just kept me from scoring any major points and ended up with a Minor loss of 11 - 7.Game 5 vs Admech/Space Marines/Imperial KnightMy opponent brought 2 Librarians, 2x 5 man tac squads (bare bones), 3x Anti Air Missile tanks (forget what they are called), Elimination Maniple with 2 units of Kataphron Destoryers with Heavy Grav Cannons and 2 Kastelan Robot Maniples and an Imperial Knight. Dawn of War Deployment and I won the roll to go first.Being a very slow army I held my objectives and prevented him from scoring his with my pod of Assault marines causing havoc on his back lines for 3 turns. I killed the Knight Turn 2 and had the Robot Maniples killed by Turn 4. By the time he had picked off a fair few of my units it was too late I was too far ahead and he couldn't table me as I had Speeders left to run away where he had no range.Major win for me 13 - 5.Game 6 vs TauMy opponent brought a CAD with Suit commander, 3 Crisis suit team 2 min fire warrior squads and 2 Skyrays, a Drone Net formation and the new Enclaves formation where all the suits get +1 BS and relentless when they drop in turn 2. Hammer and Anvil Deployment. I won the roll to go first.Not much to say about this game. The table didn't have a whole lot of LOS blocking terrain and systematically wiped me off the table with all the ignore cover, the perfect counter to my army. My opponent was a really cool guy and I still had a lot of fun playing and just set some mini goals for myself. I got tabled turn 5 for a Major loss 15 - 4.What I think of my list:It was very strong and very quick but when you hit some long Range Weaponry with ignore cover/ignores jink you do tend to struggle and all you can do is play to the mission as best you can. Full ballistic skill overwatch is amazing and with all these new armies coming out that are heavily close combat focused (Wulfen, New Ork Gaz supplement) it's really going to be a major advantage.The 3 Tac squads with Grav Cannons in Rhinos were amazing. 24" deterrent for some and a deadly amount of shots for everything else. Definitely recommend these over and over to fill your Tac Squads in a Demi Company or even Double Demi.Lastly Typhoon Speeders, Typhoon Speeders, Typhoon Speeders. Besides the Tau player no other opponent was able to kill all of them and so many Krak missiles firing per turn really won me my 3 games. I don't think I would take any other loadout as that 48" range means that I can usually rely on them lasting till the end of the game.I didn't take any pics but I'll see if I can find some pics after the TO's put some up.Thanks for reading. Edited February 22, 2016 by Solrac Brother Dark, GruntAngel and Chaplain Raeven 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4314445 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted February 22, 2016 Share Posted February 22, 2016 The Assault Squad scored 15 Flamer hits on the Rangers amd 18 on the Reapers. Both squads were removed. *High Fives* That was epic. :D I'm sure you'll treasure that moment for many years to come. Good to see you did mostly good except against the usual suspects. :D Solrac 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315034 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngeal Posted February 22, 2016 Share Posted February 22, 2016 I have a question for you, Solrac. At the start of this thread you were playing a 6th ed deathwing assault list. Do you think a similar list can succeed in 7th ed? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315307 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 22, 2016 Author Share Posted February 22, 2016 I have a question for you, Solrac. At the start of this thread you were playing a 6th ed deathwing assault list. Do you think a similar list can succeed in 7th ed? I don't think its impossible but the only way to take a pure Deathwing Army now would be to take the Deathwing Strike Force and have at least 1 podded Dreadnought. I think you would need 3 to be safe from tabling. Give the two that are coming in first turn double autocannons and deepstrike them on objectives in your deployment zone and they won't be wasted because of their long range. The 3rd I would keep with standard loadout to save points. As to its effectiveness I haven't tried it yet but have the models. In smaller games I don't think the pure Deathwing list has a chance anymore since we lost our first turn deepstrike. I am keen to try it and will post it on here when I do :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315543 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GruntAngel Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) What is your feeling regarding the Vengeance? Is he worth his points? Edit: ''Full ballistic skill overwatch is amazing and with all these new armies coming out that are heavily close combat focused (Wulfen, New Ork Gaz supplement) it's really going to be a major advantage.'' - Don't you need 6 tact to make a Lion Blade and thus benefit from full overwatch? Edited February 23, 2016 by GruntAngel Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315741 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 What is your feeling regarding the Vengeance? Is he worth his points? Edit: ''Full ballistic skill overwatch is amazing and with all these new armies coming out that are heavily close combat focused (Wulfen, New Ork Gaz supplement) it's really going to be a major advantage.'' - Don't you need 6 tact to make a Lion Blade and thus benefit from full overwatch? Worth the points in the support squad. It caused a bit of damage and deepstriking troops refused to drop anywhere near it because of interceptor. That deterrent alone was worth the points. I also had him out front to tank the shots as the extra hull point went a long way and a lot of the times the krak missiles were more valuable. I had no choice in the matter really as taking a Darkshroud was loads of Comp points in the Community Comp document to the point I couldn't take it. You get full BS overwatch if you take a Lions Blade (1+ Core, 1+ Auxiliary). You only need to take a second Core choice if you want free vehicles for your Demi companies. GruntAngel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315752 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) The Assault Squad scored 15 Flamer hits on the Rangers amd 18 on the Reapers. Both squads were removed. *High Fives*That was epic. :D I'm sure you'll treasure that moment for many years to come. Good to see you did mostly good except against the usual suspects. :D Definitely goes into the books as one of my top 5 40k moments. I still feel the triple flamer assault squad in a pod is one of the best value for money units in the game regardless of Chapter, even better in a Demi company with Obsec. It's a pity that Codex Space Marines Assault Sergeants can't take combi's anymore. Edited February 23, 2016 by Solrac Tamerlan 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4315756 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted May 17, 2016 Author Share Posted May 17, 2016 Hey guys! So big weekend of tournament shenanigans the weekend past so thought I would wrap it all up for you guys! It was 5 games over 2 days (3 on Sat, 2 on Sun), the Tourney used the Community Comp document for Tournament list building and the AUS/NZ FAQ. Lists were 1850 point limit with a 12 comp maximum restriction. The comp system works well with you being able to take some really good combos without having to face a massive cheese factory. All lists were also posted on the TO's website so you could have a look at what you would be facing. The missions were all modified as they used Eternal War Objectives, Maelstrom Cards and Kill Points with Secondaries being Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, First Blood Shooting and First Blood Assault. Mission Points were converted into Battle Points based on your difference in Mission Point score giving you a Battle Point score between 0 and 20. I took the following list aiming to be competitive in all categories: Dark Angels 1850 - 7 Comp Lion's Blade Strike Force Demi Company Company Master (Warlord) Foe-Smiter Relic Blade Articifer Armour (10) Tactical Squad Plasma Gun Grav Cannon Rhino (10) Tactical Squad Plasma Gun Grav Cannon Rhino (10) Tactical Squad Plasma Gun Grav Cannon Rhino (5) Assault Squad Combi-Flamer 2x Flamer Drop Pod (6) Devastator Squad 4x Lascannons Ravenwing Attack Squadron (3) Attack Bike Squadron 3x Multi-meltas Land Speeder Typhoon Missile Launcher Dark Angels CAD HQ Techmarine Combi-Flamer Auspex TROOPS (10) Scout Squad (10) Scout Squad HEAVY SUPPORT (3) Whirlwind Squadron Round 1 vs Eldar/Dark Eldar (12 comp points) My opponents list: Wraithhost SpiritSeer (Warlord) (5) Wraithblades 5x Ghost Axe & Forceshield (5) Wraithblades 5x Ghost Axe & Forceshield (5) Wraithguard 5x D-Scythe Wraithlord 2x Brightlance 2x Flamer Wraithknight Ghost Glaive Scatter Field 2x Scatter Laser Eldar CAD HQ Autarch Jetbike Scorpion Chainsword TROOPS (4) Windriders w/ Warlock Shuriken Cannon (4) Windriders w/ Warlock Shuriken Cannon Dark Eldar Allied Detachment HQ Archon Haywire Grenades Webway Portal TROOPS (5) Kabalite Warriors Splinter Rifles Raider Dark Lance FAST ATTACK Raider Dark Lance HEAVY SUPPORT Tantalus I knew I was facing this list for a few days and went through it with a fine tooth comb simply because it scared me to death lol. D-Scythes in a Tantalus with a Webway Portal is one of the worst combos in the game (thanks to the new FAQ this won't be an issue in future!). I got first turn and my opponent failed to seize. I stayed on top of him all game to force him to make mistakes which he did. I got the Wraithknight down to 1 wound by the time it was in charge range. He charged an then pinned Tactical squad which then whiffed his attacks and stomps and only killed 2 marines. THe following combat the marines killed it with grenades lol. My deployment was excellent and forced him to use his Tantalus to come down and kill my Dev squad which is what I wanted. he dropped it within range of all my Grav Cannons. My bikes came on from Outflanking coming in behind the Tantulus. I shot a Grav first and managed to immobilise it and now being unable to jink the Multi-meltas on the bikes exploded it. The last 2 grav cannons killed all the wraith guard. The Whirlwinds where left alone the whole game and they ended up killing a lot of bikes, the Kabalite Squad and a couple of wraithguard. They also grabbed a couple of tactical objectives. The Scouts did well slowing down the Wraithblades for a couple of turns and killing a few bikes and a Raider in the first couple of turns before being wiped out. My Tac squads were just a solid fire base and accounted for everything else in his army. I tabled him Turn 6 for a 20 - 0 win. Round 2 vs Necrons (12 comp points) My opponents list: Necron CAD HQ Overlord (Warlord) Phase Shifter Resurrection Orb Phylactery Mind Shackle Scarabs Void Reaper ELITES (5) Lychguard 5x Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield Triarch Stalker Heavy Gauss Cannon TROOPS (10) Necron Warriors Ghost Ark (10) Necron Warriors Ghost Ark (10) Necron Warriors Ghost Ark FAST ATTACK (6) Tomb Blades 6x Nebuloscope 6x Shield Veins 6x Twin-linked Gauss Blasters (5) Canoptek Wraiths 5x Whip Coils (4) Canoptek Wraiths 4x Whip Coils HEAVY SUPPORT (3) Heavy Destroyers 3x Heavy Gauss Cannon My second game was against one of my best friends who came with me to the Tourney and we play all the time at our local. I won the roll to go first but he then seized which signed my death warrant. He killed a Rhino and a Whirlwind the first turn and was on the back foot for the rest of the game slowly getting picked away. Most memorable moment of the game was both scout units now at 3 scouts left in each squad charge the Tomb Blades in his deployment zone on Turn 2. One of the squads was toasted in overwatch whilst the other squad made it in. The scouts couldn't do any damage and the Tomb Blades killed 2 Scouts but the lest Scout held. That lone Scout held up the Tomb Blades for 8 rounds of combat. Either he whiffed his rolls or I made countless 4+ saves it was very hilarious. My Master also managed to tank over 30 consecutive 2+ saves and FNP from his Warlord Trait in turn 3 from all the Gauss before being overwhelmed by the Overlord and Lychguard in combat. Ended up losing 0 - 20 Round 3 vs Imperial Fist Space Marines (6 Comp Points) My opponenets list: Space Marine CAD HQ Techmarine (Warlord) Auspex ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Twin-linked Lascannon Venerable Dreadnought Twin-linked Lascannon Venerable Dreadnought Twin-linked Lascannon TROOPS (10) Tactical Squad Grav Cannon Flamer Combi-Flamer (10) Tactical Squad Grav Cannon Flamer Combi-Flamer (10) Scout Squad 10x Sniper Rifles 10x Camo Cloaks FAST ATTACK (2) Land Speeder Squadron 2x Typhoon Missiles (2) Land Speeder Squadron 2x Typhoon Missiles HEAVY SUPPORT (5) Devastator Squad 3x Missile Launcher (5) Devastator Squad 3x Missile Launcher Raptor Wing Formation (2) Land Speeder Squadron 4x Heavy Flamers Storm Talon Skyhammer Missile Launcher Storm Talon Skyhammer Missile Launcher Not much to say here really. This list was solid and I probably underestimated it a little bit. I won the roll of. The Eternal War mission was the Relic. I made a load of mistakes. First major one being a chose the wrong side to deploy. His side had better LOS blocking terrain but realised it too late. I should have grabbed the Relic with the Scouts and brought it back to my deployment and waited for him to come to me. I was too focused on trying to cause damage. Instead I turtled in the middle of the board and I just wasn't causing enough damage. I was rolling below average and he was rolling above average combined with him being a good player eventually I ran out of puff. He tabled me Turn 7 and I lost 0 - 20. I feel this game is one I should have easily won but it was also late in the day and I think I was too tired to think properly. Round 4 vs Grey Knights/Skitarii (5 comp points) My opponents list: Grey Knights Nemisis Strike Force HQ Brother-Captain Stern (Warlord) ELITES (7) Purifier Squad 2x Incinerator Rhino TROOPS (7) Terminator Squad 5x Halberds 1x Sword Psycannon Justicar w/ Daemon Hammer Land Raider Crusader Multi-melta HEAVY SUPPORT Nemisis Dreadknight Personal Teleporter Heavy Incinerator Heavy Psycannon Nemisis Greatsword Nemisis Dreadknight Personal Teleporter Heavy Incinerator Heavy Psycannon Nemisis Greatsword Skitarii Dominus Maniple Tech Priest Dominus Eradication Ray Phosphoer Serpenta Refractor Field (10) Skitarii Rangers 3x Transuranic Arquebus Onager Dunecrawler Cognis Manipulator Neutron Laser Cognis Heavy Stubber Our matchings for the following day got posted Saturday night so was able to have a good look at this list and was feeling pretty confident. I lost the roll off to go first but I seized on him which defiently made my job a lot easier. I used the scouts to sit on home objectives to free up the Rhinos as I need to kill the Dreadknights asap but hold station as I had a feeling he was going to shunt both of them to try and take out the Whirlwinds and the Dev squad. After almost wiping out his Rangers and immobilising the dunecrawler thats exactly what he did but rolled terribly. One Dreadknight failed to do any damage to the whirlwinds and the other only killed the Sergeant and extra marine from the Dev squad. They were cleaned up in the following turn with all my grav. The HQ unit that dropped in behind charged and killed the Dunecrawler turn 2 and sat on an objective in some terrain. The Master and the Techmarine withstanded tonnes of firepower with their 2+ saves and killed off the Purifiers. He moved his Land Raider down. I killed it with Grav and the Terminators were killed off shortly after. Tabled him Turn 6 for a 20 - 0 win. Round 5 vs Blood Angels/Sisters of Battle/Imperial Knight (12 comp points) My opponents list: Blood Angels CAD HQ Mephiston (Warlord) Librarian Mastery Level 2 Gailan's Staff Jump Pack Melta Bombs ELITES (7) Sanguinary Guard Chapter Banner 5x Swords 2x Power Fists 7x Death Masks TROOPS (5) Tactical Squad Meltagun Rhino Dozer Blade (5) Tactical Squad Meltagun Rhino Dozer Blade HEAVY SUPPORT Predator Twin-linked Lascannon Lascannon Sponsons Overcharged Engines Sisters of Battle Allied Detachment HQ Saint Celestine Ministorum Priest Litanies of Faith TROOPS (5) Battle Sister Squad 2x meltagun Veteran Sister Superior Immolator Twin-linked Multi-melta (5) Battle Sister Squad 2x meltagun Veteran Sister Superior Immolator Twin-linked Multi-melta Oathsworn Detachment Knight Paladin Rapid Fire Battle Cannon I had a great time with this last as so many crazy things happened. My opponent was also a top bloke which helped a lot. I lost the roll off and failed to seize. My rolling was horrible when I was trying to kill the Knight. At one point I unloaded 2 Grav cannons, 3 multimeltas and the 4 Lascannons and only managed to do one hull point. Finally killed it Turn 6 which was sweet. The Scouts did a lot of work in this game. One unit was untouched for the whole game as there were more important things to kill and objectives to get and they ran rampant in his lines. They captured a couple of objectives, killed and immolater in CC, killed the predator in CC and finished off a sisters squad. The other scout squad took heavy casualties early game but a lone scout stole an objective off Saint Celestine when she peeled off, ran away and ended up surviving the rest of the game. The Whirlwinds hammered the Sanguinary Guard killing most of them during the course of the game. They also managed to kill a few Tac marines and pin them at a crucial moment. He charged and killed my HQ squad after they came down and tried to pop the Tac Rhinos but managed to hold them up to slow them down in the process. I ended up winning 15 - 5 and all he had left was Mephiston. Overview on my list choices: Full BS overwatch is a must. There is so much Ignore Cover out there now that in my opinion a Lion's Blade is definitely the more competitive choice vs the Ravenwing Strike Force. The full BS overwatch saved my bacon many times over the 5 games, even against armies that weren't assaulting very much like the Imperial Fists (still managed to kill a dread in Overwatch). I am loving 10 man Tac squads more and more. They face your opponent pulls when they finally manage to pop the Rhino mid game and then realise there's now 10 dudes on the board that they don't have the firepower to deal with. The Scout squads were cheap and effective as throw away units. I didn't have much of an expectation for them but boy did they get work done getting quite a few kills and slowing down or disrupting my opponents movement. The Assault Squad with the HQs was a bit hit and miss and may be better idea to give them a Rhino or Razorback in future. The Techmarine was a great tank for the unit and was nice an cheap so was very good HQ for the CAD. The Bolstering also saved my Devs from dying a few times with the +1 cover (always went to the terrain the Devs were going to be in). The Master's loadoat was great. A Stormshield would have helped but in the interest of keeping him cheap and shooty I'd rather keep Foe-Smiter. Foe Smiter rarely missed and it's overwatched saved him against the Purifiers in the Grey Knight game and cause quite a few deaths in the other games. The Attack squadron as a tank hunting unit was superb. The 2 wounds helps as there wasn't a lot of S10 going around. The 12" melta range also meant I didn't have to get overly close to anything. They pretty much Outflanked every game and were useful regardless of whether they came in where I wanted or not. Lastly the Whirlwinds. They were awesome. A little lack luster when they lost their Shred and Pinning but that wasn't usually until mid/late game. I only had them die in the 2 games that I lost and even then they still caused some damage. Definitely an auto include for me in most of my armies from now on as its always good to have one source of Ignore Cover that you can use. Anyways hope you enjoyed this wrap up and the pictures. My next 2 day Tournament will be in July and I think I'm going to try a Double Demi with the Free Vehicles for that one so stay tuned! Tamerlan, SnakeChisler, Lostrael and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4397070 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dark Posted May 17, 2016 Share Posted May 17, 2016 awesome work brother, great read too! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4397286 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted May 17, 2016 Share Posted May 17, 2016 Awesome read. It's nice to hear that you had a great time. And thank you for writing it all down, even with pictures! With the exception of the IF, those were beautifull armies you played against. Tell your friend that I'm a fan of his necrons. The Lion would be proud. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4397570 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted July 2, 2016 Author Share Posted July 2, 2016 (edited) So in two weeks I will be in Canberra for Wintercon which is an ITC event. This event is the biggest I will have gone to with 59/64 player already paid to attend. My ETL vow has been slow going due to set backs at home so I won't be able to take the Double Demi company list that I wanted. I'll post some updated vow photos soon, I've been lazy with progress photos also Full Ravenwing wasn't an option as I only have a handful of Ravenwing units painted, maybe next year! I decided on the below 1850 list (please note ITC FAQ allows a Veteran to be upgraded to an Apothecary and keep any purchased weapons): Lion's Blade Strike Force Core - Demi Company Chaplain (Warlord) Space Marine Bike Auspex (5) Command Squad 5x Gravgun Apothecary Sacred Standard Drop Pod (5) Tactical Squad Grav Cannon Rhino (5) Tactical Squad Grav Cannon Rhino (5) Tactical Squad Grav Cannon Rhino (5) Assault Squad 2x Flamer Combi-Flamer Drop Pod (5) Devastator Squad 4x Lascannons Drop Pod Auxiliary - Ravenwing Attack Squadron (3) Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad 3x Multi-melta Ravenwing Land Speeder Typhoon Missiles Command - Inner Circle Librarian Terminator Armour Storm Bolter Force Staff Auspex Eye of the Unseen Oathsworn Detachment Knight Paladin Rapid Fire Battle Cannon Reaper Chainsword The general idea would be to play the objectives and the Imperial Knight plugging any holes. The Dev drop pod will be empty and took it just to have 3 pods. I'll drop it on an objective during the game. Chaplain goes with the Attack Bikes to lend them an Auspex. The Libby goes with the Command Squad to alpha strike any GMCs/MCs that need to be wiped out. I gave the Libby termi armour so that he can tank for the squad to a reasonable degree. I usually take a couple of extra bodies in my Dev squad but points were incredibly tight. I'll make sure I take some photos, wish me luck! Edited July 2, 2016 by Solrac egon1six 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4433590 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted July 2, 2016 Share Posted July 2, 2016 List looks sharp. Good luck! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4433743 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted July 26, 2016 Author Share Posted July 26, 2016 (edited) Hey guys,So I went to Wintercon the weekend before last which was an ITC Tournament in Canberra, ACT, Australia. I had an amazing weekend of gaming and goofing around with my mates on Friday and Saturday night. There were 61 players in attendance so was also the biggest Tourney I've been to so far.This was my first ITC event as Community Comp is the preferred Tourney format in most of NSW. I've gotta say it was still a lot of fun even though there was some disgusting cheese being served but that was only really 1/3 of the lists so wasn't too bad.Sadly I didn't get any of my own photos as I just found there was no time to take any and I really had to concentrate on what I was doing. I'm still waiting on the photos taken by the TOs to be posted so I'll put those up when I get them.The list I took is below. I really wanted to get my double demi company painted in time for this but alas I just couldn't do it. Playing this list however has got me super amped to finish my double demi as I have another Tourney in 4 weeks.My 1850pt List: Lion's Blade Strike ForceCore - Demi CompanyChaplain (Warlord)Space Marine BikeAuspex(5) Command Squad5x GravgunApothecarySacred StandardDrop Pod(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonRhino(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonRhino(5) Tactical SquadGrav CannonRhino(5) Assault Squad2x FlamerCombi-FlamerDrop Pod(5) Devastator Squad4x LascannonsDrop PodAuxiliary - Ravenwing Attack Squadron(3) Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad3x Multi-meltaRavenwing Land SpeederTyphoon MissileCommand - Inner CircleLibrarianTerminator ArmourStorm BolterForce StaffAuspexEye of the UnseenOathsworn DetachmentKnight PaladinRapid Fire Battle CannonReaper Chainsword Here is a summary of my 5 games. I've done my best to include everything in my opponents lists bar a few upgrades here and there as I can't remember all of them.Game 1 vs Eldar/TauMy opponents list: Eldar CADHQFarseerJetbikeTROOPS(3) Jetbikes3x Scatter Laser(3) Jetbikes3x Scatter LaserLORD OF WARWraith KnightSun CannonShimmer ShieldRiptide Wing Formation(3) Riptide3x Heavy Burst Cannon3x Smart Missle System1 with Stimulant Injector3x Shielded Missile DronesRiptideIon AcceleratorSmart Missile SystemStimulant InjectorRiptideIon AcceleratorSmart Missile SystemStimulant InjectorDrone Net Formation(4) Marker Drones(4) Marker Drones(4) Marker Drones(4) Marker Drones Eternal War was 3 Objectives.This first game was random pairing and it was brutal. This guy ended up coming first but had to concede prize support as not everything was painted. I got first turn and was able to kill 3 of 4 of the Marker Drone Squads and reduce the 4th down to 2 models but then disaster struck. Command Squad came down, caused 14 wounds on the Wraith Knight and only 4 wounds went through. Yep he made a lot of 5++ and FNP and it ruined my day.About turn 4 I finally managed to kill the Wraith Knight and got rid of the last of the marker drones. My undamaged Knight took 4 HPs from Overwatch in preparation for a charge on the big squad of Riptides. He failed the charge by 1" and the game was all over at that point. Poor Knight got shot to pieces next turn.He tabled me Turn 7 and was surprised I made it that far.0 - 20 Loss for my Dark AngelsGame 2 vs Chaos DaemonsMy opponents list: Daemonic Incursion DetachmentFateweaverLord of ChangeParadoxDaemon PrinceGrimoir of True NamesKarnakKhorne HeraldJuggernaughtRelic AP2 Axe(5) Flesh Hounds(5) Flesh Hounds(5) Flesh Hounds(5) Flesh Hounds(5) Flesh Hounds(5) Flesh Hounds Eternal War was the RelicThis army looked nasty on the table but and all my Grav Was going to be pretty useless so made sure I just played to the objectives.I lost first turn and didn't seize.He scouted all the Flesh Hounds and rushed everything forward first turn as I knew he would. My Assault Squad and Command Squad dropped in the back field away from his flying MCs to take on a couple of Hound squads that were left at the back.The game flowed well and just kept thinning down the dogs a squad at a time and the Knight shooting and charging as many as he could so he couldn't get shot at by nasty psychic powers and removing more Hounds. Full BS overwatch with bolters worked wonders.I was getting some good Maelstrom points the whole game and stopping him from getting his and eventually mopped up all the hounds, Karnak and the Herald. He dropped his MCs down to grab some Linebreaker Maelstrom points. My Knight managed to get a massive charge off on Fateweaver (double 6!), hitting him with a 6 on the D table with the Reaper Chainsword securing Slay the Warlord.17 - 3 win for my Dark AngelsGame 3 vs SalamandersMy opponents list: Fireblade Strike ForceVulkan(5) Command Squad5x MeltagunsRazorbackTwin-linked Lascannon(5) Tactical SquadMeltagunCombi MeltaRhino(5) Tactical SquadMeltagunCombi MeltaRhino(5) Tactical SquadMeltagunCombi MeltaDrop PodDreadnoughtPlasma CannonHeavy FlamerDrop PodLand Speeder2x Multi MeltaAuxillary (Don't Know the Name)10 Sternguard5x Combi Melta3x Combi Flamer2x Heavy FlamerDrop PodIron Clad DreadnoughtMeltagunHeavy FlamerChainfistStorm RavenTwin-linked LascannonTwin-linked Multi-melta Eternal War was Purge the Alien (kill points)I won the roll to go first but as I had a super heavy and he didn't he got to have +1 to seize. In light of this I castled up in the corner protecting my Knight from 6" melta range. My deployment threw him off a little bit and changed what was going to come in when as he didn't to drop squads that could kill my knight just to drop a Rhino.He got the Outflank Warlord trait as Vulkans second trait as per the detachment and chose to outflank him with the command squad in the Razorback.The game was pretty even with Maelstrom points. I had a hard time killing armour whilst his Vulkan kill squad didn't come on till turn 4 and the Storm Raven didnt show up until turn 3. I couldn't bring the Storm Raven down snap firing Grav at it as it was making a bee line for my Knight. Turn 4 the Iron Clad got out. a quick round of shooting brought my Knight down to 2 HP's. The Iron Clad charged in a ripped my Knight to pieces but not before I hit him back with the Chainsword and rolled a 6 on the D table.I couldn't kill enough things in the end and he managed to just steal a 2 point secondary off me.9 - 11 Loss for my Dark AngelsGame 4 vs TauMy opponents list: Farsight Enclaves CADHQCommanderShield Generator2x Plasma RifleTROOPS(3) Crisis Suits6x Plasma Rifle(3) Crisis Suits3x Burst Cannon3x Flamer(3) Crisis Suits6x Fusion BlasterELITESGhostkeelIon RakerTwin-linked Burst Cannon2x Stealth DronesFAST ATTACK(9) Pathfinders(9) PathfindersRazorsharkMissile PodLORD OF WARStormsurgePulse Driver CannonFORTIFICATIONTidewall GunrigTwin-linked RailgunStealth Cadre FormationGhostkeelFusion ColliderTwin-linked Fusion Gun2x Stealth Drones(3) Stealth SuitsFusion Gun(3) Stealth SuitsFusion Gun Eternal War was 6 objectivesI won the roll for deployment and gave him the side with the more open ruin. This board had 2 big ruins in the middle in each deployment zone (Hammer and Anvil) and then just craters and some supply boxes everywhere providing little cover. Was a cool board but was already worried. Hammer an Anvil combined with that Stormsurge and Ghostkeels with deep striking suits, more than worried actually.I lost the roll to go first and then saw his deployment. Ghostkeels either side, Pathfinders in the Gunrig all bunched in, Pathfinders in the ruin all bunched together, Commander at the back and the Stormsurge in the ruin to claim a cover save then infiltated the Stealth Suits mid field. I quickly worked out how I could get him on the back foot from the start.I placed by Knight way at the back out of range of all the marker lights, same with my speeder. I chose to outflank my attack bikes with attached Chaplain. Devs were in a crater with LOS to the Stormsurge but out fo range of the marker lights. I deployed a Rhino in the Centre ruin on an objective and the other two on the right flank to rush up the board if they made it passed the first volley.I didn't steal the initiative so braced for impact.His first turn was horrible. He killed the Centre rhino in the ruin and another Rhino on the right flank, jump things around but not much else. Cool I had a chance.Then something amazing happened. I had my best first turn against Tau ever.Assault Squad came down and burned all 9 Pathfinders in the gunrig. Lascannons took a wound off the stormsurge. Command Squad came down right behind the stormsurge on an objective and the Librarian Psychic Shrieked the other Pathfinder unit killing 6. The Knight fired the Battle cannon at the Commanders unit killing a suit and the Stubbers killed another 2 Path finders making the last one run.Then the Command squad. Libby using his Auspex dropping the Stormsurge's cover to 4+ (because of night fighting). 14 Hits, 13 Wounds. I thought hey its gonna live I couldnt kill a Knight with less wounds in my other game with worse saves. He then failed 11 cover saves and 9 feel no pain rolls. Stormsurge annihilated. The look of dread on his face was priceless.From there it was a mop up. He mishapped the flamer suits and I put them in a corner out of harms way, Command Squad annihilated the commander and his unit, bikes came on and surrounded the fusion keel. He made the bikes Snap Fire but it still died with the combined fire from a Grav Cannon, Typhoon Speeder, Battle Cannon and snap firing meltas as he was auspexed because of the chaplain. And then just got worse and worse for him.Tabled him Turn 7 killing the flyer out of the air shooting my whole army at him.20 - 0 win for my Dark AngelsGame 5 vs Iron Hands/Inquisitor AllyMy opponents list: Iron Hands CADHQChaplainLibrarianML2TROOPS(5) Tactical SquadDrop Pod(5) Tactical SquadDrop PodELITES(3) Centurion Devastators3x Grav CannonOmniscope(3) Centurion Devastators3x Grav CannonOmniscope(5) Assault CenturionsFAST ATTACKDrop PodDrop PodStorm TalonTwin-linked Heavy BolterTwin-linked Assault CannonHEAVY SUPPORTLand Raider CrusaderRelic SicaranInquisitorial DetachmentInquisitor Eternal War was 4 objectives.I lost the roll for first turn. He deployed his Sicaran and LRC filled with the Chaplain and Assault Cents.I deployed the Knight in the back corner away from the Sicaran with The Devs in a ruin in front of it, bikes around it and a Rhino either side with the last Rhino fair end of my vanguard deployment on an objective.First Centurion squad came down and killed 3 Dev marines as I made some good 4+ cover saves but made them run. A Tac squad came down on one opf his home objectives. His LRC got immobilised on the spot on a river running through the board. He kept the Cents inside as he was worried about my grav command squad.All my grav was in range of his Dev Cents with the libby and wiped them and their pod off the board. The Knight took 2 HP off the Sicaran and shook it whilst the Assault squad flamed the Tacs and killed 4. My empty bod came came down and stole the objective off the Sicaran with obsec. Good first turn.Second Turn his Flyer was delayed and his second Cent squad came down north of my knight and killed my attack bikes. Too many Grav shots even for the re-rollable jink, Chaplain escaped unscathed. His second Tac squad came down next to his other pod to reinforce the objective and kill my Assault Squad. He killed 3 and still had a flamer alive.My command squad was delayed but didnt matter as he still had the Assault Cents inside their metal box. My Devastators moved back ontop of the ruin snap fired and killed the Sicaran. The Knight fired at the pods and clipped both of them with both shots bringing them both down to 1 hp and killing all his marines. My army fired at the Dev cents killing 2 and my chaplain charged and challenged the Inquisitor insta killing him with the corzius.The following turn his flyer came on but did no damage as he was trying to get my tac squad off an objective. I then killed the flyer and the pod with snap firing las cannons and the Knight killed both pods with a battle cannon shot. Chaplain tied up the last centurion all game as they couldnt hurt each other. Pod came in range of the LRC and surrounded it with the last 2 rhinos with grav. Brought the LRC down to 1 HP.He did nothing for a turn except roll for his centurion as he just wanted to hold out and avoid a tabling. He got a HP back on his LRC from IWND. Everything moved in range of the LRC. The 2 Devs moved and got LOS rolled double 6 to hit, DOuble 6 to pen and then a 6 to explode. WIth the Assault Cents in the open shot at them with all my Grav knocking them down to 1 cent and the Chaplain.Final turn he moved the Assault Cent and Libby toward my Rhino on the right side but was not in range to charge anything. Grav killed the pod and the last centurion and my speeder shot some Krak Missiles at the Chappy and killed him. My Knight charged in and killed the last Centurion for a tabling at turn 7.20 - 0 win for my Dark AngelsConclusionI had an amazing time and met some really cool players, not once did I have an argument with anyone and seemed like all my opponents were there to have some fun.I ended up coming 12th overall and I was very happy with that effort as I was sitting at around 30th at the end of day one.My ListThe Knight had its moments but most of the time was a bit meh being such a big target and a points sink you cant always play it aggressively as you will just throw it away and you want get the value out of it. I much prefer the battle cannon over the thermal cannon. The 72" range and 2 shots makes up for the AP3.The Tac squads with Grav in Rhinos are always an awesome backbone, highly rate them.Attack Squadron did well in most games and gave me somewhere to put my compulsory chaplain and gives them an auspex which is pretty good.The Flamer Assault squad in pod as far as tax goes is awesome. Racked up a lot of kills over the weekend and drawing fire off some more important things.Command Squad with the Libby is just A++. Not gonna make a Demi Company list without it now. Even against the Daemons where grav is crap I just started assaulting flesh hounds as it got rid of their attack bonuses and 3 attacks on the charge with preferred enemy was more than enough to beat them and make them fail instability.Hope you enjoyed this write up.Next Tourney is in 4 weeks which will be a Community Comp 3000pt extravaganza which I NEED to have my double demi ready for. Keep you guys posted on it's progress. Edited July 26, 2016 by Solrac Magos Valkamar 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4450820 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted July 26, 2016 Author Share Posted July 26, 2016 Oh and these results bump me up to 10th Overall in my state which should get me into the NSW Masters in November :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4450824 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeChisler Posted July 26, 2016 Share Posted July 26, 2016 Thanks for the battle report Would you consider swapping the Grav in the CS for Melta ? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300039-da-battle-reports-and-tourney-shenanigans-20092017/page/3/#findComment-4451217 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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