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DA Battle Reports and Tourney Shenanigans (20/09/2017)


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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys,

So had this batrep "in the can" so to speak. It was a practice game I played at home sorting my list out for the tournament I went to a couple of weeks ago. Didn't want to let these pics go to waste so will just explain whats happening in each shot.

Full tournament batrep will be up soon (hopefully tomorrow). Enjoy!

The field of battle! My swamp board!


The army I was using. Only changed up a couple of things for the Tourney. Painting was still pretty much in progress as you can see!


Deployed in castle mode making sure as much of my important stuff was within the -1 of the Dark Shroud and 4++ aura from Azrael. Firepower is also great with the re-rolls from Azrael and re-rolls of 1 to wound from the Lieutenant. I made this list to be able to take fire first turn with minimal casualties which has worked in most of my games.


Facing off against 3 shooty Knights and 2 Storm Talons!


Storm Talons move forward to put on the pressure but the castle holds strong. I lose the Tac squads from the buildings and a couple of wounds off a Razorback.


My Dark Talon flies forward and does 12 wounds off the closest Knight with it's Rift Cannon and pumps the Storm Talon full of Bolter Fire. The Tac Squads and Razorbacks finish off the Storm Talon and the Predators put a lot of hurt on the wounded Knight.


Storm Talon 1 destroyed


One of the Knights puts the pressure on and the Storm Talon flies in close


Storm Talon 2 destroyed!


The Knights fire into the Dark Shroud but not killing it. The lead knight charges in to get rid of some Razors and Tacticals


Another vantage point!


Two Kngihts downed in 1 turn!


The final Knight has his last stand but is no match for all the Lascannon firepower. End up tabling my opponent Turn 5



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Nice. Knights are no match for concentrated spammed lascannons. And most people underestimate how hard it is to kill the darkshroud. Unless they have experience a lot of people will spam their first shooting phase trying to kill the shroud. Last night the necrons got it down 3 wounds at the most and I just kept repairing it.
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Hey Guys,

I recently attended Wintercon. My first 8th Edition Tournament for the year. 5 games over two days in Canberra using ITC missions 1 to 5.

I apologise for when you see my opponents list I just remember whats in them not exactly sure the Detachments they took as I didn't get copies.

This was my list:

2000pts, 10 Command Points

Battalion Detachment 1



Primaris Lieutenant

Bolt Pistol

Power Sword


Tactical Squad

5x Space Marines

Grav Cannon


Tactical Squad

5x Space Marines

Grav Cannon


Tactical Squad

5x Space Marines




Dark Shroud

Assault Cannon



Twin Assault Cannon

Storm Bolter


Twin Assault Cannon

Storm Bolter


Twin Assault Cannon

Storm Bolter

Battalion Detachment 2


Techmarine on Bike

Power Axe

Servo Arm

Twin Bolter

Company Master

Power Axe

Storm Bolter


Tactical Squad

5x Space Marines


Scout Squad

5x Scouts

4x Bolters

Heavy Bolter

Scout Squad

5x Scouts

4x Bolters

Heavy Bolter


Dark Talon



Twin Lacannon

2x Lascannon


Twin Lacannon

2x Lascannon


My list is very defensive and built on having to go second as in ITC the player that finishes deploying first gets +1 to the dice roll when rolling to see who goes first (not the seize).

The Azrael + Darkshroud makes it incredibly difficult for a lot of shooting to get through. I set up all the vehicles in the bubble to defend vs a shooting alpha strike making sure I have LOS on what I'm ggoing to be shooting at first.

The Melta and Grav Tac squads are embarked as well as the Company Master so they have some re-roll to hits when they move forward. If I need a bubble wrap for a Turn 1 assault alpha strike, I buble wrap my tanks with all my troops.

The Dark Talon and Razors are my objective grabbers during the game.

Game 1 vs Imperial Knights/Officio Assassinorum

My opponenets list:

Imperial Knight (Warlord)

Battle Cannon

Reaper Chainsword

Ironstorm Missile Pod

Imperial Knight

Battle Cannon

Reaper Chainsword

Imperial Knight

Melta Cannon

Reaper Chainsword

Imperial Knight

Melta Cannon

Reaper Chainsword

Vindicare Assassin

Culexus Assassin

Mission was Secure and Control, Dawn of War Deployment.

My opponent set up as I expected spreading out his Knights along his deployment zone as they had long range anyway and stuck his two assassins in Reserve.

I turtled up in my deployment zone on the left flank. From there both Predators could see three of the Knights.

First turn saw my opponent shooting all the Knights at a Razorback, leaving it alive on 1 wound. The Culexus came on to grab a line breaker on my right flank and the Vindicare shot at Azrael but I saved the shot.

I reparied the injured Razor with the Techmarine and rushed the Razors forward to grab objectives and put shots into one of the Knights. The Dark Talon flew forward and dropped the bomb on a Knight causing a Mortal wound and then the firepower from the Talon and the Predators killed the first Knight.

The Razors took a few wounds off the Knight to the right.

From there I knew it was over for him. It turned into a Turkey shoot killing a Knight every single turn and grabbing heaps of Maelstrom objectives in the process. The Vindicare was gunned down by the Dark Talons 24 bolter shots in Turn 3 and the Culexus was shot off the board last on Turn 4.

My opponent did minimal damage killing only 1 Razorback, a Scout squad and a couple of Marines.

Dark Angels win 19 - 0



Game 2 vs Astra Militarum

My Opponents list:

Scion Commander

Scion Commander

Scion Squad

10x Scions

4x Meltagun

Scion Squad

10x Scions

4x Plasma Gun

Scion Squad

10x Scions

4x Plasma Gun


Heavy Bolter


Heavy Bolter


Volcano Cannon?

Demolisher Cannon


4x Lascannon

5x Twin Heavy Bolters


Volcano Cannon?


4x Lascannon

5x Twin Heavy Bolters

Mission was the Relic, Spearhead Assault Deployment.

I set up defensively in the centre of my deployment near a ruin to try and get some cover saves happening for my vehicles vs the Super Heavies. My opponent got first turn. He brought in a squad of Scions who failed to do any damage as alsmot everything was in range of the Dark Shroud. He fired the two Shadowswords and two Manticores into the Dark Shroud. The -1 to hit and 4++ combo was massive in this game as the Dark Shroud survived with 1 wound from so much firepower.

In my retaliation I wiped the Scion squad and destroyed one of the Shadowswords whilst two of my Razors moved towards the Relic. The Dark Talons Rift Cannon managing to take 10 wounds off when of the Shadowswords by itself.

From there I hunkered down around the Relic, slowly bringing it back to my lines with my Company Master so he couldn't get shot at. The second Shadowsword was destroyed Turn 3 and had my opponent tabled by Turn 5.

Dark Angels win 19 - 0






Game 3 vs Thousand Sons

My opponents List:



Daemon Prince




10 Thousands Sons

Rotor Cannon

10 Thousands Sons

Rotor Cannon

10 Thousands Sons

Rotor Cannon



Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon



Magnus the Red

Mission was No Mercy, Vanguard Strike Deployment.

My opponent started setting up his thousands sons in the centre on his line. I knew if they got close their -2 bolters would rip me apart. I started castleing up in the corner with clear line of sight to his tanks as he put them down. I deployed as if I was going to go second like I always do as my opponent would be finished first and would have +1 to his roll. Magnus and the Prince were set up as forward as possible to make a dash for my predators. I had deployed the razors in front to have a buffer.

I then won the roll to go first and he did not seize. The Dark Talon went forward to shoot at Magnus and distract the Daemon Prince whilst everything else stood still and fired into Magnus. My opponent was on the ball with his saves and even with all my fire power I only got Magnus down to 15 wounds.

On his turn he warp timed magnus into my face, made a hole with Smite but failed the charge on Azrael and the Daemon prince failed the charge on the Dark Talon and his little shooting didn't cause any damage.

On my turn the Dark Talon killed 6 Thousands Sons with his bomb and with my shooting I killed Magnus, the Daemon Prince and heavily damaged the Predator. After that something happened to me that has never happend before. My opponent shook my hand and said "I know when I'm beat" and conceded. I have never won in 45mins before lol.

Dark Angels win 19 - 0



Game 4 vs Chaos Space Marines

My opponents list:





Force Stave


20 Poxwalkers

20 Poxwalkers

20 Poxwalkers


Magnus the Red


Primus Redoubt

Turbo Laser Destructor

Quad Icarus Lascannon

Primus Redoubt

Turbo Laser Destructor

Quad Icarus Lascannon

Mission was The Scouring, Hammer and Anvil Deployment

I was really dreading this game. The Primus Redoubts are monsters. Really cheap (420 odd pts each), T8, 20 wounds that don't degrade, BS 4+ and a 3+/5++. The Turbo Laser is the same Titan Killer gun on the Titan variants and the Quad Lascannons are a Heavy 4D6 Lascannon that get +1 vs flyers. On top of dealing with two of those guns was that I also had to deal with Magnus. The only thing that would save me would be LOS blocking terrain (as the redoubts are immobile) otherwise it would be a turkey shoot.

We each had a piece of LOS blocking terrain on the line of our deployment zone. He set up the redoubts one in each corner. Thats when I knew I would have a chance. I castled up my units so that one of the redoubts couldn't see anything except for the Dark Talon. The Dark Talon was too tall and I wouldn't be able to hide it so would pretty much say goodbye to it if I didn't get first turn. We rolled off and my opponent got to go first. Damn!

The redoubt that could see my units shot at a Predator as it couldn't see the Dark Shroud. He was very unlucky with his shooting as the -1 and 4++ was giving me some boosted defence. The Predator survived with 4 wounds left. The Dark Talon died to Icarus fire from the other redoubt. magnus warp timed over, smited the marines I had blocking the Dark Shroud then charged and killed the Dark Shroud.

I started my first turn incredibly nervous. My Dark Shroud was gone and if I fluffed all my rolls it would be game over. I shuffled some marines around so as much as possible would be within 6" of Azrael and the Lieutenant to maximise damage. My Techmarine repaired my Predator back up to 7 wounds. Both Predators opened fire on the Redoubt and destroyed it with ease. The rest of my army shot everything they had into Magnus. He survived with 1 wound. I charged him with Scouts, a Marine unit, Azrael, the Lieutenant and the Techmarine. I thought it was highly likely that Azrael would take Magnus on his own, all I need was to get one 6 roll to wound and he would be gone.

Azrael hit 5 times and wounded 4 times. No 6s. Magnus then made all his 4++ saves! Noooo! Magnus interrupted my assault with 2 command points and killed Azrael. Magnus was then killed by the Techmarine.

Even though my defence was shattered when I looked at the board I knew I had the game in the bag. I could use the entire right side of the table where most of the objectives were and couldn't be shot at by the other redoubt which was glorius. I began taking apart as many Poxwalker units as I could even though they were incredibly tough. By turn 4 Typhus met his end to Lascannon fire and then killed the Sorceror and another squad of Poxwalkers.

I had beat my opponenet in Maelstrom by 1 point during the game and then jumped on 4 out of 6 objectives at the end of the game to take Eternal War.

Dark Angels win 18 - 1





Game 5 vs Chaos Daemons/Thousand Sons

My opponents list:

Chaos Daemons


Dameon Prince


2x Talons

Dameon Prince


2x Talons

Dameon Prince


2x Talons

Herald of Tzeentch


20 Blue Horros (paid to split)

10 Brimstone Horrors

10 Brimstone Horros

10 Blue Horrors to summon

Chaos Space Marines


The Changeling









Magnus the Red

Mission was Big Guns Never Tire, Front-Line Assault Deployment

My opponent was a friend of mine from my Tournament Team and we had never played before so we were both super excited to be playing on the top table.

My opponents army didn't have any shooting I needed to worry about for my Dark Shroud as the Helldrake flamers hit automatically. I deployed with as much as I could within 6" of Azrael, marines in front of Razorbacks who were in front of the Predators. I knew I couldn't stop a first turn charge, didn't matter where I went as my opponent had a lot fewer troops to deploy. I deploy the Dark Talon last out of assault range of the Helldrakes.

I didn't win the roll off to go first and I failed to seize so the game would come down to what I did after taking the brunt of the attack. Two Helldrakes and Magnus smashed into my line. The Helldrakes not cauing much damage and Magnus almost killing a Razorback. The 3rd Helldrake failed the charge and the Daemon Princes move forward wtih the big line of Blue Horrors.

I retreated my units from one of the Heldrakes and kept Magnus and the other Helldrake locked in combat. I didn't know it yet but made a huge mistake. By the time I got to shooting, I killed the Helldrake on my lines and the one that didn't make it into combat and still had a Predator to shoot. In hindsight I should have retreated all my units, killed all 3 Helldrakes and wound have had enough firepower left to put some hurt onto Magnus.

This one mistake cost me the game as once the line of Horrors and the Daemon Princes got to me all my forces were depleted and didn't have enough firpower to kill the horrors to be able to target the Princes and the Changeling. I was tabled by Turn 6.

Dark Angels loss 0 - 19




I had an amazing time at the tournament and did a lot better than I thought I would. I ended up coming 4th, only 1 pt from getting 3rd place.

The Azrale/Darkshroud combo is now an auto include for me. Lascannons are very powerful as they are the only long range weapon we have that will wound the bigger Monsters and Vehicles on 3s and combining this with Azrael the Lieutenant re-rolls makes for a lot of damage.

The Razorback Twin Assault Cannons were great but I found the range very limiting in a lot of my games

The Dark Talon was excellent able to put the hurt on my opponenets back line quite quickly. I just have to learn to position them better as I have never really played with Flyers.

The results of this Tournament have put me up to the following rankings:

ITC Overall

193rd Worldwide

20th South Pacific

Dark Angels Faction

5th Worldwide

2nd South Pacific

I am also still coming 5th in the NSW State rankings. I am aiming to at least grab 1st Dark Angels player in the ICT South Pacific by the end of the year.

I am currently playing around with another list based on what I've found in all my games and will post it in the army list forum soon for discussion.

Hope you enjoyed this report and the Pics.

Edited by Solrac
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nice report Solrac.  So are you making any change?


Yep trying out something different for next time:


Battalion Detachment





Primaris Lieutenant

Power Sword




10 Scouts


Storm Bolter

Heavy Bolter


10 Scouts


Storm Bolter


10 Scouts

Sniper Rifles



Venerable Dreadnought

2x Twin Autocannon


Venerable Dreadnought

2x Twin Autocannon



Dark Shroud

Assault Cannon



​Dark Talon


Dark Talon



Mortis Dreadnought

2x Twin Lascannons


Mortis Dreadnought

2x Twin Lascannons


Mortis Dreadnought

2x Twin Lascannons


Works similar to my last list but has more firepower. The Razors were good but found the short range and having to move them to grab objective hurt at times.


This list I have plenty of bodies for bubble wrap against 1st turn charges. If I don't need bubble wrap I can use them for area denial for deep striking shooters or combat squad them around objectives. The Snipers are purely to kill the Changeling lol.


12 Lascannons with the dreads this time. 2 Flyers to grab objectives and put on the Dakka.

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Not worried about 100 conscripts?


New codex the dreads cannot take autocannons.


And how bout tournaments that don't allow Mortis dreads?

100 conscripts isn't in my local meta yet so until then I won't worry about it.


DA still use the Index as our DA codex will eventually be stand alone (not like 4th where we would have to use both codexes). GW also said in many of their articles that codexes will not invalidate the Indexes so until they officially errata that all the contents of codex SM replace all the entries in the Index we can still use the Index entries. Who knows wee might get exclusive access to those dread weapon options in our codexes as traditionally DA have always had a large amount of Mortis Dreads.


My local tournaments always allow FW so there is no risk of me not being able to take the Mortis.


The new Predator Stratagem from the SM codex may persuade me to go back to Predators though, we shall see.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey guys,

Sorry I have been around the forums for a while but I have been super busy at work which is where I do most of my posting.

Last weekend I attended Castle Assault in Hamilton NSW. It was a 2 day ITC ranked tournament but using modified rulebook missions. Each mission was a Maelstrom using the Maelstrom cards but objectives 1 to 4 were worth Eternal War points at the end and there was also kill points. Bonus points were First Blood Shooting, First Blood Assault, Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker. The Tournament is very focused on having a good time as evident by the fact there was a full working bar in the game room and you were able to drink whilst playing your game.

My list was what I think an improvement on my last tournament list but still experimental:

8 Command Points

Battalion Detachment



(2) Lieutenants

Master Crafted Boltgun

Bolt Pistol

Power Sword


(10) Scouts


(10) Scouts


Heavy Bolter

(10) Scouts



Dark Shroud

Assault Cannon

Dark Shroud

Assault Cannon


Dark Talon

Dark Talon

Spearhead Detachment



Power Axe

Bolt Pistol

Servo Arm



Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon


Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon


Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon


Game 1 vs Ultramarines/Astra Militarun

My opponents list:

Battlion Detachment


Lord Castellan Creed

Lord Commissar

Plasma Pistol

Power Sword


Colour Sergeant Kell


(10) Ifantry Squad


Sergeant w/Power Sword

(10) Ifantry Squad


Sergeant w/Power Sword

(10) Ifantry Squad


Sergeant w/Power Sword

(10) Ifantry Squad


Sergeant w/Power Sword


(3) Heavy Weapons Squad

3x Autocannon

(3) Heavy Weapons Squad

3x Autocannon

(3) Heavy Weapons Squad

3x Lascannon

Spearhead Detachment



Plasma Pistol

Burning Blade


(5) Tactical Squad


Plasma Pistol

Power Sword



Twin Lascannon

Storm Bolter

Hunter Killer Missile


(3) Devastator Centurions

3x Grav Cannon

3x Centurion Missile Launchers


Predator Autocannon

2x Lascannon

Storm Bolter

Hunter Killer Missile

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Grav Cannons


Super Heavy AUxillaru Detachment



Mission was Cloak And Shadows, Hammer and Anvil Deployment

I didn't get first turn but that didnt bother me as the 4++ from Azrael and -1 to hit from the Shrouds was way too much for my opponenet to do much damage. he wiped out some scouts. In return I killed his Devastators, Centurions and thinned down some Guardsman.

The game went back and forth with firepower and we were bothdoing well with cards and we were having a great time. I managed to kill most of his army before Guilliman hit my lines. Guilliman murdered some poor sniper scouts before a Lascannon Predator took him down. Guilliman got back up and charged and killed a Dark Shroud but more Lascannon shots took him down once more.

I tabled my opponenet by Turn 4

Dark Angels win 25 - 6




Game 2 vs Dark Angels

My opponents list:

Vanguard Detachment





(5) Deathwing Knights

(5) Deathwing Terminators

2x Thunder Hammer Storm Shield

3x Storm Bolter

Chain Fist

Power Fist

Power Sword

(5) Deathwing Terminators

4x Storm Bolter

4x Power Fist

Power Sword

Assault Cannon

(5) Deathwing Terminators

2x Thunder Hammer Storm Shield

3x Storm Bolter

2x Power Fist

Cyclone Missile Launcher

Power Sword

Venerable Dreadnought

2x Twin Autocannon


Dark Talon


Land Raider Crusader

Mission was Cleanse and Control, Dawn of War Deployment

I maanged to get first turn in this one after using my scouts effectively to block any deep striking where I didn't want things to drop down. I managed an easy kill on his Land Raider and Dark Talon first turn.

All the Terminators came down but did minimal damage to some Scouts. My Lascannons and Dark Talons were deleting Terminator Squads everywhere and was a literal battle of attrition for the Deathwing. Had him tabled Turn 3.

My Dark Angels won 24 - 5



Game 3 vs Genestealer Cult/Tyranids

My opponents list:

Vanguard Detachment



Monstrous Rending Claws



Force Stave

Auto Pistol


(20) Purestrain Genestealers

(20) Purestrain Genestealers

(20) Purestrain Genestealers

(17) Purestrain Genestealers

Supreme Command Detachment




Needle Pistol

Toxin Injector Claw



Needle Pistol

Toxin Injector Claw



Needle Pistol

Toxin Injector Claw

Battalion Detachment





(10) Termagants


(10) Termagants


(10) Termagants


(10) Termagants


Mission was Spoils of War, Dawn of War Deployment

I was really worried about this list because my opponent was a great player and 77 Genestealers and buff characters were going to be terrible to deal with and I didn't have massive amounts of anti troop. I did block him out of deep striking really well with my scouts though.

I allowed my opponent to go first. He brought in 1 unit of 20 Genestealers and assaulted 3 scout squads, trapping one squad so I couldn't retreat. I then bombed the squd with my Dark Talons as the bomb rules don't specify anything about units locked in combat. I managed to kill 11 Genestealers and a couple more in combat and pistol shooting. The Dark Talons shot a Primus off the board.

Second Turn saw two more Genestealer units come on but they had horrible roles on his table thing that allowed them to be better than 12" away. Then his main unit with the patriarch failed the charge. My Dark Talons put in some overtime and managed to kill most of the Stealers near the Patriarch. While I finished off the First Squad. The other Squad was on top of a tower and couldn't assault so I ignored it for now.

It went back and forth like this when the 4th squad came on. I managed to kill all the Genestealers and characters by turn 4. I got unlucky though. Before the Patriarch died he mind controlled a Predator and shot Azrael point blank with 4 Lascannons and killed him. Ouch.

I didn't table him as the Tyranid portion of his army was way too far away and was going to be too hard to kill. Dark Talons definitely man of the match in this game.

Dark Angels win 19 - 3


Game 4 vs Ultramarines

My opponents list:

Spearhead Detachment


Primaris Lieutenant

Power Sword


(5) Scout Squad

Sniper Rifles


Aegis Defence Line


(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub



Storm Bolter


Storm Bolter


Storm Bolter

Super Heavy Auxillary Detachment



Auxillary Support Detachment


(5) Devastator Squad

4x Missile Launchers

Armorium Cherub

Mission was Contact Lost, Hammer and Anvil Deployment

My opponent was the head of my Tournament Club and he hasn't been able to beat me in a game yet and wanted to keep it that way. It was going to be a tough slog though.

He set up super defensively and I did the same. I got super lucky and scored first turn and he didn't seize. My Dark Talons flew forward dropping bombs and opening up with all their weapons. I manage to kill half of his Missile Launchers with my opening salvo and two of his Rhinos. He managed to kill only one Dark Talon in return.

From there I was just taking apart his army by killing all his missiles. Eventually Guilliman ran for my lines trying to get to Azrael but managed to gun him down with Lascannons and he didn't get back up.

We rolled out what would have happened if he had first turn. The result would have been 2 dead Dark Talons and 6 wound down on a Predator which was a real eye opener.

Dark Angels win 29 - 1



Game 5 vs Ultramarines/Astra Militarun/Officio Assassinorum

My opponents list:

Battalion Detachment


Captain in Terminator Armour

Thunder Hammer

Shield Eternal

Primaris Librarian

Force Sword


(10) Scout Squad

Sniper Rifles

(10) Tactical Squad

Plasma Gun

Plasma Cannon


Power Fist

(10) Tactical Squad



Power Fist


Chapter Ancient

Power Sword

(Ascendant Banner Relic)

(5) Terminator Squad

4x Storm Bolter

4x Power Fist

Power Sword

Assault Cannon



Twin Lascannon

Storm Bolter


Twin Lascannon

Storm Bolter

Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

Super Heavy Auxillary Detachment



Vanguard Detachment


Tempestor Prime

Plasma Pistol



(4) Tempestus Command Squad

2x Meltagun

2x Plasma Gun

Vindicare Assassin

Eversor Assassin

Mission was Tactical Escalation, Hammer and Anvil Deployment

So my opponenet was the top 40k player in Australia back in 6th Edition. His list didn't look like much but I knew this guy wasn't going to make a mistake. I got first turn and block out his deep striking very well with the scouts.

I sent my Dark Talons forward, killed a Razorback and a tactical squad. he killed both Talons in return. I knew instantly I just made a huge mistake. He took pot shots at my army but didnt bring the rest of his army down until turn 3. He then overwhelmed me. His big clutch was actually the ascendent banner. I was killing a lot of his troops but most of them were able to fire before they died and he was just carving holes in my army in return.

Guilliman was well protected all game and I wasn't able to shoot at him until it was too late and he carved through all my infantry. I ended up with a scout squad left alive at Turn 7 holding an objective to retain some points.

In hindsight I botched this game from the get go. I should have just kept the Dark Talons hovering in my deployment zone and given him first turn so he had to move to me as I had the side with most of the objectives and then just retalliaated when his army came down.

Dark angels loss 23 - 6



I had a great time at the tournament. I got pretty drunk the first day and was having great fun but not so drunk that I was throwing up or had a hangover the next day. Day 2 I was just tired from lack of sleep which affected my last game greatly. I still pulled off a thrid place which I was very happy about but still always the bridesmaid never the bride in this edition.

List Analysis

So as I mention I classed my list as experimental. I wanted to see in a Tournament setting whether the 2nd Dark Shroud was worth it for redundancy and giving me more room for deployment.

I can tell you now it wasn't worth it as the Dark Shroud never really got shot at (only really in my last game when I was getting smashed anyway).

The Dark Talons were simply amazing. Their combination of mass dakka hittins on 2+ with straffing run and the ability to dish out mortal wounds is phenomenal.

The rest of the list is very balanced and the 30 scouts is definetly amazing for blocking deep strikes. Most of the time I had more base drops than my opponents so 4/5 of the games I combat squaded the scouts to have better coverage.

The Lascannons are great. In this list I wouldn't try and take more than 12.

I will be swapping a Dark Shroud and another couple of things around to fit in another Dark Talon though for more dakka. Take a 3rd flyer will also give me another command point from the flyer wing.

Next tournament is in a couple of weeks where I will be trying out the 3 Dark Talons just need to make sure I use them better lol.

Hope you all enjoyed the report and the pics!

My Dark Angels win 24 - 5

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Hey solrac. Nice work. I have come to some of the same conclusions as you. I feel for the genestealers player. Bad ambush means you lose. Good ambush means he tables you. It's a dice roll literally haha.


I have found just conscripts not as good as having mix of scouts and conscripts. For stopping or pushing deep strikes back. I had run pure conscripts til now and while that stops assaults it stops it at your lines versus 18" away. Especially in the smaller deployment zones like Dawn Of War you can't really push your conscript wrap forwards until turn 1 so scouts would be nice in those circumstances. I also find people underestimate how much firepower to dedicate to killing scouts and most people don't like charging scouts.


Second shroud for sure unnecessary unless you plan on splitting up your force. Nobody shoots at it unless there is literally nothing else to shoot at. It has such a reputation of being hard to kill that people just don't bother. I also have dropped my techmarine since he never has any wounds to repair. So for sure would drop it.


Our recent tournament, most of the top 5 lists had 2-3 flyers. It almost doesn't even matter what the flyer is (although stormravens currently most popular). Just having three weapons platforms that are -1 or -2 to hit and can go anywhere is just too strong currently in the meta. Having 3 dark talons is gonna push you over the edge I feel into a win so go for it. Flyers are just very strong in this edition.


You didn't mention sniping any characters and I suspect it's probably cause they didn't do that a lot. Even when I run double vindicare it's Just not that good. Perhaps dropping the sniper rifles frees up a few points for more storm bolters or other more useful upgrades.


In terms of missions did you guys play whoever places last objective choose deployment zone? Locally here we are thinking of comping it to random roll. Being able to stack a side knowing that you will get to choose that side is too strong especially for lists like parking lot lists that don't really move much. That has a significant impact on any game that involves maelstrom. Especially if you are using most recent rules FAQ that flyers can't hold objectives and fact that most troops will have obsec.

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How dare you using a 100% DA list!:wink:

And only getting third place! Boooo!


Jokes aside, it's awesome to see how good the Index performs and gives hope for when the real deal hits the shelves.


So,what will you run instead of the second shroud?

And the sniper scouts?keep or drop?


Actuallllly this was a mix of data sheets from SM codex and the Index which I was totally allowed to do. Everything I could take from the SM codex I did and everything else was from the Index as Warhammer Community says to do it. I did this because Predators and the Techmarine are noticeably cheaper than the index which allowed me to take extra stuff I wanted.


The Sniper Scouts even though they didn't get any special mention were actually pretty good, In most games I had them in re-roll range and they were pretty good at doing mortal wounds and finishing off squads. First game they actually took 3 wounds off Guilliman and about the same to the Patriarch Turn 3. They didn't kill many characters because people were hiding their characters out of LOS because of them so I call that a win.


The list I'll be running next Tournament is:

9 Command Points
Battalion Detachment
Bolt Pistol
Power Sword
(10) Scouts
Heavy Bolter
(10) Scouts
Heavy Bolter
(10) Scouts
Missile Launcher
Dark Shroud
Assault Cannon
Spearhead Detachment
Power Axe
Bolt Pistol
Servo Arm
Twin Lascannon
2x Lascannon
Twin Lascannon
2x Lascannon
Twin Lascannon
2x Lascannon
Airwing Detachment
Dark Talon
Dark Talon
Dark Talon


Hey solrac. Nice work. I have come to some of the same conclusions as you. I feel for the genestealers player. Bad ambush means you lose. Good ambush means he tables you. It's a dice roll literally haha.


I have found just conscripts not as good as having mix of scouts and conscripts. For stopping or pushing deep strikes back. I had run pure conscripts til now and while that stops assaults it stops it at your lines versus 18" away. Especially in the smaller deployment zones like Dawn Of War you can't really push your conscript wrap forwards until turn 1 so scouts would be nice in those circumstances. I also find people underestimate how much firepower to dedicate to killing scouts and most people don't like charging scouts.


Second shroud for sure unnecessary unless you plan on splitting up your force. Nobody shoots at it unless there is literally nothing else to shoot at. It has such a reputation of being hard to kill that people just don't bother. I also have dropped my techmarine since he never has any wounds to repair. So for sure would drop it.


Our recent tournament, most of the top 5 lists had 2-3 flyers. It almost doesn't even matter what the flyer is (although stormravens currently most popular). Just having three weapons platforms that are -1 or -2 to hit and can go anywhere is just too strong currently in the meta. Having 3 dark talons is gonna push you over the edge I feel into a win so go for it. Flyers are just very strong in this edition.


You didn't mention sniping any characters and I suspect it's probably cause they didn't do that a lot. Even when I run double vindicare it's Just not that good. Perhaps dropping the sniper rifles frees up a few points for more storm bolters or other more useful upgrades.


In terms of missions did you guys play whoever places last objective choose deployment zone? Locally here we are thinking of comping it to random roll. Being able to stack a side knowing that you will get to choose that side is too strong especially for lists like parking lot lists that don't really move much. That has a significant impact on any game that involves maelstrom. Especially if you are using most recent rules FAQ that flyers can't hold objectives and fact that most troops will have obsec.


Yep I knew the extra Dark Shroud wasn't going to be worth it but didn't have another Dark Talon so thought I would test it anyway. The 3 Flyers will definitely be the way to go I just have to make sure I'm not rushing off with them to kill something and not be worth it after they get shot down straight away.


As mentioned above, the Scouts didn't kill a whole lot of characters because they were hiding them which was actually good. They still did pretty decent and will take a unit of 10 every game. I know the Vidicare is better but I am trying to stick to all Dark Angels this edition. At least 5 were always within re-roll range which made them quite good.


In terms of missions it does say whoever placed last objective chooses deployment map and zone but in matched play it says you roll for deployment map not choose. All of my games I lost the roll for objectives so was always going to choose which side I wanted and got really lucky that we rolled Hammer and Anvil so many times.

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Solrac, I was wondering if you have considered Conversion beamer for your Techmarine? Seems like decent firepower (at >21" range) for a character that otherwise only really contributes repairs. And it's still quite cheap.

I have considered it however I don't have the model and haven't had a chance to test it.


I do like the idea of him but at the moment I'm trying to keep Characters to a minimal. For the points of a Techmarine on a Bike with twin bolter and storm bolter or a Tech with conversion beamer I can give my scouts heavy bolters and a missile launcher which at the moment I'm finding a little better.


I'll have to take another look at it.

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Great pictures and bat reps can't wait for the next one!


Have you considered using any Deathwing or Ravenwing? Too many points? Not competitive enough?




Points vs damage output they aren't top tier as the index is overpriced on Deathwing and Ravenwing units. I'll revist them when we get our codex and the points values come down in line with the SM codex.


The list that I have been using has a lot of synergy which gets disrupted as soon as you take something out.


Scouts for objective grabbing, bubble wrap and area denial.


Predators for anti tank/anti monster


Dark Talons for anti infantry.


I believe Dark Talons are the best anti infantry unit we have at the moment you just can't play them too aggressive all the time or you end up throwing them away.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,

So last weekend I travelled to sunny Orange in NSW for Battle in the Bush 5 which got to Major status for ITC with 58 players in attendance. Again apologies if the opponents lists aren't 100% accurate as I am going off memory which may not have been the best since consuming a few beers over the weekend (not as much as the last tournament though ;))

Apologies if some of the photos aren't very fun to look at. For some reason I keep forgetting to take some.

The list I took was one that I am now very happy with I just need to learn to play it better:

9 Command Points (Battalion, Spearhead, Airwing, Azrael)

Battalion Detachment


Azrael (Warlord)

Primaris Lieutenant

Power Sword

Bolt Pistol


Scout Squad

10 Scouts


Scout Squad

10 Scouts


Heavy Bolter

Scout Squad

10 Scouts

Sniper Rifles

Missile Launcher


Dark Shroud

Assault Cannon

Spearhead Detachment



Power Axe

Servo Arm

Bolt Pistol



Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon


Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon


Twin Lascannon

2x Lascannon

Airwing Detachment


Dark Talon

Dark Talon

Dark Talon


Game 1 vs Grey Knights

My Opponents list:


Brother Captain

Terminator Armour

Nemesis Force Sword

Brother Captain

Terminator Armour

Nemesis Force Sword

Brotherhood Champion

Nemesis Force Sword


(10) Strike Squad

(10) Strike Squad

(7) Strike Squad


Venerable Dreadnought

2x Twin Autocannon

(5) Purifiers

(5) Purifiers


Storm Raven

Twin Heavy Bolter

Twin Assault Cannon

Stormstrike Missiles

2x Hurricane Bolters

Storm Raven

Twin Heavy Bolter

Twin Assault Cannon

Stormstrike Missiles

2x Hurricane Bolters

Mission was Retrieval, Dawn of War Deployment

My opponent was someone who had only played a couple of games of 8th but was a really awesome bloke so made it a goal for him to have fun, which he did. I got first turn but he didn't have a lot on the board so held my Dark Talons back in my deployment to wait for him to drop his Grey Knights. My Lascannons brought one of the Ravens down to 3 Wounds and took 3 wounds off the other.

The Grey Knights dropped down and surged forward with a vengeance and they manged to obliterate all but 4 of my scouts but thankfully how I deployed them meant he couldn't charge anything else.

The Dark Talons started the counter attack bombing several froups of Grey Knights killing half the number on average. The Predators managed to kill a storm raven and the dreadnought. Grey Knight casualties were off the charts and it was just a downard slope for him here.

Special mention to a 4 man Purifier squad that made it into combat with a Predator and did not damage. The Techmarine intervened killing one and the Predator ran over two of them!

The game ended by tabling my opponent T4 where 4 Lascannons shot the last Grey Brother Captain off the table.

Dark Angels win 19 - 0


Game 2 vs Dark Angels/Sisters of Battle/Assassins

My Opponents list:

Dark Angels





(5) Deathwing Knights

(5) Deathwing Ancient


Dark Talon

Dark Talon


Deredeo Dreadnought

Missile Launcher


Heavy Bolter

FW Vindicator

Laser Destroyer


Twin Heavy Bolter


Twin Heavy Bolter


Twin Heavy Bolter



Saint Celestine


Eversor Assassin

Eversor Assassin

Culexus Assassin

Culexus Assassin

Mission was Secure and Control, Spearhead Assault Deployment

I won first turn and started the game off well. The Dark Talons flew forward and put the pressure on. They killed a Tarantula, managed to get the Deredeo down to half health and plink a couple of wounds off the Vindicator. The Predators killed one of the Dark Talons, got the Deredeo to 2 wounds and the last Pred and Missile Launcher from the scouts got the Vindicator to 2 wounds. Not bad but not great either.

The Eversors came on and killed some Scouts on the right flank and the Culexus' did the same on the left flank. His Dark Talon killed all but 1 scout in the centre ruins. Celestine came on and got one of my Dark Talons to 2 wounds. The Deredeo got another one down to 4 wounds and the Vindicators main gun got hot and lost a wound. The Knights, Belial and Ancient came down and failed their charge on some scouts.

In my second one of my Dark Talons made a bee line for the Terminators. This turn I killed two Deathwing Knights, both Eversors and the Vindicator as well as getting the Deredeo down to 1 wound.

My opponenet hit back. One of the Culexus made it into combat with my Lieutenant. The Deathwing Knights finished off some sniper scouts and both wounded Dark Talons were brought down by Celestine and the Deredeo.

I manged to clean up the Knights and Ancient. It was a never ending combat with the Culexus and then the second one once he joined the fight took me up to T6 to kill them even with re-rolls since I had to kill them on 6s. The snipers that were left with the Missile Launcher killed Belial after the Daqrk Shroud got a couple of wounds off him. Celestine fell to 4 Lascannon shots from a Predator and then failed to get back up.

I finally managed to kill the Culexus and the Predators finished off the Tarantulas and Techmarine and tabled my opponent T6.

Dark Angels win 19 - 0


Game 3 vs Renegade Knights/Chaos Space Marines

My Opponents list:


Magnus the Red

Renegade Knight

2x Rapid Fire Battle Cannon

3x Heavy Stubber

Renegade Knight

Rapid Fire Battle Cannon

Thermal Cannon

2x Heavy Stubber

Renegade Knight

2x Gattling Cannon

2x Heavy Flamer

Heavy Stubber

Mission was No Mercy, Vanguard Strike Deployment

I went into this fight very confident not realising I had really stuffed up my deployment by not making full use of the table and deploying as far back as possible. My opponent was one of my very good friends that I had travelled down to the event with so he knew my army pretty well.

He got first turn. He managed to nuke down my Dark Shroud and kill a couple of scouts. Magnus managed to get into combat with some bolter scouts and killed them. I shot my entire army at magnus and got him down to 3 wounds. I charged with several scout squads and my Techmarine. Got him down to 1 wound.

Magnus flew out of combat and landed right next to Azrael and got 2D6 smite on him and killed him. Game was over for me from there. Ended up being tabled by Turn 5 but did manage to kill one of the Knights.

Dark Angels Loss 0 - 19




Game 4 vs Chaos Daemons/Chaos Space Marines

My Opponents list:

Chaos Daemons


The Changeling

Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

2x Maelific Talons


Lord of Change


(15) Pink Horrors


(15) Pink Horrors


(18) Brimstone Horrors


(4) Flamers of Tzeentch

(4) Flamers of Tzeentch

(4) Flamers of Tzeentch


Burning Chariot

Burning Chariot

Burning Chariot

Chaos Sapce Marines


Magnus the Red

Mission was The Scouring, Search and Destroy Deployment

This was another game where I just wasn't thinking right. I got to deploy first which meant I would get a +1 to my roll when going first. Relying on that I set up my full Sniper squad really far forward to get LOS on the Changeling. Set up 10 Bolter Scouts with Heavy Bolter in the ruins to my left and castled up everything else in the Centre as much as I could.

I didn't get first turn. I lost 6 Bolter scouts in the Ruin to flickers fire and lascannon shots from the Chariots with 2 Groups of Flamers advancing up for a Turn 2 charge on the Bolter Scouts. Magnus flew up the massive building where the sniper scouts were and smited them out of there.

At this point I thought beauty, I have bought myself a turn until Magnus gets to me. I flew my 3 Dark Talons and dropped 2 bombs on 1 pink horror squad killing 13, killed all but 2 Flamers and one of the Dark Talons that I placed right next to the Daemon Prince wiped him out with a Hurricane and Rift volley. The Predators killed one of the Chariots and got the other down to 2 wounds.

On my opponenets turn the Flamers charged and shot the scouts keeping the sergeant alive. Everything else advanced including Magnus and Smote one of the Dark Talons out of the sky Leaving one on 2 wounds.

This was my chance. I The wounded Dark Talon came back to my lines to get in re-roll range while the other dropped a bomb on the Brimstones killing 7 and lined up Magnus. I shot everything I had at Magnus. The Hurricane Bolters caused a couple of wounds but then he made his 3++ saves on everything else.

Next turn Magnus came forward, warp timed to Azrael and Smited him to death (yes two in a row, didn't learn my lesson).

I ended up being tabled Turn 5.

Dark Angels Loss 0 - 19


Game 5 vs Dark Mechanicum/Renegades and Heretics

My Opponents list:

Dark Mechnicum

Repair guy on some alter

Renegade Knight

Rapid Fire Battle Cannon

Repear Chainsword

Heavy Stubber

Melta Gun

Missile Launcher

Renedage Knight

Rapid Fire Battle Cannon

Gatling Cannon

Heavy Flamer

2x Heavy Stubber

Knight Atropos

Renegades and Heretics

7x Maelific Lords

Mission was Big Guns Never Tire, Front-line Assault Deployment

The Smite spam in this list was pretty whack.

I set up quite defensively but didn't get first turn. The fire from the Knight however didn't do any damage after moving the Atropos forward with the Gatling Knight.

My retaliation saw the jets streak forward to point blank range of the characters and started picking them off one by one. The Hurricanes killed 3 maelific Lords whilst the Rift Cannons and Predators killed the Gatling Knight and took 3 wounds off the Atropos.

The Atropos surged forward again not doing any damage in shooting. It charged 5 scouts and only killed 4. The Lords Smite killed one of the Dark talons and got another to 2 wounds.

THe wounded Talon in return killed the HQ as I hovered him and didn't move so the shooting wasn;t too impaired and got really lucky with the rift cannon doing 7 wounds/mortal wounds killing him dead. The rest of my return fire killed another Maelific Lords and got the Atropos to 3 wounds.

The Atropos again did no damage in shooting but then charged a Predator but only did 3 wounds. The remaining Smite killed the last two Dark Talons.

I returned fire and killed him. From there I started moving my army forward shooting at the other Knight and Maleific Lords. I ended up winning the game by out scoring as I was unable to table him after he killed my flyers and hid a couple of Lords behind LOS.

Dark Angels win 18 - 0



Not a bad effort considering I was still adjusting to the synergy of my list and playing my Flyers effectively. Ended up 17th Overall and won TO's Choice Player which the prize was a free ticket into Cancon which is an 8 game, 3 day Tournament in January. I was pretty stoked to get TO's choice.

I was disappointed with my two losses because my failed deployment in both occassions cost me the game. I guess I need more practice with my list. On that note though I will say that Magnus is almost unkillable now with the new Chaos Marine Codex. Where at Wintercon I killed 3 Magnus' over the weekend conmfortably (they weren't easy to kill but not unkillable).

The Tzeentch Power (Weaver of Fates) now gives +1 Invul to a friendly Tzeentch unit. So Magnus has a 3++ re-rolling failed one's if you can't get a turn 1 alpha strike on him. It's hard to believe they allowed this to happen when GW admitted that bonuses to invul saves and re-rolling of saves is what killed 7th ed. All it takes is for your opponent to have a good streak with 3+ saves and the game is over as Magnus can fly over to you by moving 32" with Warp Time and rip you apart.

Unit Overview

The single dark shroud is definetly enough as opposed to my previous list. The game where it died to shooting I was really unlucky with my 4++ from Azrael and my opponent had really good rolls with the amount of shots from the Rapid Fire Battle Cannons.

Azrael is always worth his weight in gold, just need to not lose sight of where he is positioned as the game moves on.

The Lieutenant and Techmarine did what they were supposed to although the Techmarine was a non factor in a lot of the games.

The Sniper Scouts were amazing this weekend doing a fair bit of damage at whatever they shot at over the weekend (except for Game 4 where they didn't get to shoot lol). The Missile Launcher actually made its cost back numerous times maanging to roll quite a few 6s for its damage. The Bolter Scouts were good but really there for bubble wrap.

The Predators were king at shutting down exposed characters/monsters and vehicles although my rolling wasn't great in a few of the games even with the re-rolls.

The Dark Talons were MVP. Had to be careful of where I commited them but most of the time caused quite a lot of damage before they bit the dirt. The bomb has so much utility and combined with the Hurricanes makes them amazing at mowing down lines of troops. Rolling good with the Rift Cannon is always icing on the cake.

Going Forward

I have another Tournament this weekend and I'll be playing the same list. Only a 20 person Tournament this time but in my home town, so no traveling! My next tournament after that will in November for the NSW Masters event. I may decide to drop 5 scouts and the Techmarine to add in Ezekiel for a chance to deny some Psychic Powers.

Why not take a Culexus? I am trying to go as far as I can with a pure Dark Angels army with no Forgeworld to see how far I can go before I start experimenting with other things. I hope to not have to tweak my list anymore until our codex drops (pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease bring back the Lion by then!)

Hope you guys enjoyed the write up and photos!

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Magnus is ridiculously OP imho. Seems like he was MVP pretty much every time. Both his offense and defense are way too strong. The new 1k codex may remove warp time, which impact Magnus badly, since he won't be able to move 36" on turn 1.


Not bad against the other armies though, which feels hopeful. What I do feel DA lack, is mortal wounds. They're the answer to invulnerable saves, which are abundant so far. Hopefully our codex will add some options.

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Nice write up solrac. Three of any flyer is super strong in this edition and dark talon is a great flyer. I have also found one shroud is plenty and that techmarines are a waste. You should use a culexus but I understand you want to keep it pure dark angels. Your opponents lists didn't seem too ultra optimized and those tables didn't seem to have too much in the way of line of sight blocking terrain (maybe I can't tell from the pictures). It really makes such a huge difference to have at least 2 good tall pieces in middle and 2-4 other ones in corners. Changes the game a lot.


I'm glad your not running into some of the disgusting lists that we get over here in North America. Just check Nova and you will see what I mean lol

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